- RT @tomoakiyama: How Real Is Anime Japanese? t.co/YxkKzHE1qi via @ajatt < I learned English watching Beavis & Butt-Head. 17:40:52
- RT @ciel2freesia20: ピーピングライフおもしろすぎるよかほw 20:52:29
- HK discussion show, topic is the pros and cons of cram schools: 放馬過來2012 03 016補習成瘋 t.co/GdN7Clpv4L
#cantonese 02:07:08 - RTHK放馬過來01:同性婚姻 – YouTube t.co/BdqaY41jZN 02:30:19
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 1 t.co/DLjXhNNqzI 09:59:40
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 2 t.co/KJLL8XqlcY 10:01:50
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 3 t.co/85wQXucwoS 10:03:27
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 4 t.co/85wQXucwoS 10:06:07
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 5 t.co/85wQXucwoS 10:07:52
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 6 t.co/DLjXhNNqzI 10:10:01
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session 7 t.co/DLjXhNNqzI 10:13:53
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Session Alpha t.co/KJLL8XqlcY 10:17:49
- We give up way too easily on ourselves. You don't suck, your method does. Fix or replace the method. You're fine. 10:54:08
- As long as you keep move, nobody get hurt. #SRS #delete 11:50:44
- New @ AJATT Plus: MonoTran Refmat: Monolingual Transition Reference Materials t.co/quKagk6OUJ 23:29:18
- Steve Kaufmann talks to Stephen Krashen: t.co/nRgjw9vdLi 23:51:25
- Stephen Krashen, an interview. – YouTube t.co/pIbnptYKDa! 23:51:53
- Stephen Krashen on Second Language Acquisition at Pagoda Academy in Busan Part 1 – YouTube t.co/4caFBmTtvR 00:31:05
- "…the ability to subconsciously pick up language is with us our entire life" t.co/4caFBmTtvR #immersion #age #excuse 00:33:39
- "…the ability to subconsciously acquire language is with us our entire life; it never goes away" t.co/4caFBmTtvR #krashen 00:34:15
- "…we all acquire language in the same way." t.co/4caFBmTtvR 05:40:31
- Stephen Krashen says: put conscious grammar study in its (very small, very peripheral) place.
t.co/4caFBmTtvR 05:41:10 - "Speaking a language is the RESULT of getting…input, not the cause" – YouTube t.co/Q7OqiV1qQA #own2pwn 05:46:13
- "We don't need to focus on grammar because if you give people enough…input, the grammar is there" t.co/d5DriOQUwU 05:53:34
- "Talking is not practicing" t.co/VQwrMSIW5o #input #before #output 10:41:06
- RT @skrashen: @SECottrell @SraSpanglish @cadamsf1 If you are in a hurry: Comprehensible input is more efficient in terms of items acquir … 10:41:52
- RT @skrashen: @mbohensky @placido YES. The best environment supplies comprehensible input and a relaxed environment (books, friends, etc). 10:42:09
- "Rosetta Stone: Does not provide compelling input" t.co/gaY2GI1kZo 10:44:56
- Books and Articles by Stephen D Krashen t.co/eLctBkmpIm 10:46:12
- The Power of Reading – Stephen Krashen – YouTube t.co/cRqwy1ix1x 10:48:17
- "…human beings do everything at different rates" The Power of Reading – Stephen Krashen – YouTube t.co/m7X9aLSgq9 #learning #speed 10:54:38
- "You don't like the book? You put it down; you pick up another one"
YouTube t.co/iUjGDgMr5i #krashen #Free #Voluntary #Reading 10:57:47 - "The students who did reading did better on grammar tests than those who had grammar classes!" t.co/lXrogcGUo3 #FVR #krashen 11:10:43
- Samsung GALAXY NoteII(Note2) 16G 觸控智慧機-粉紅版 – Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 t.co/fdCkBLeiqm #smartphone #chinese 11:49:55
- KTV 周杰倫 髮如雪 – YouTube t.co/2RfzDdY9QT 13:44:43
- RT @4hour_Workweek: その結果、私が使う時間は週60時間から週2時間に減った。このように変えてから2週間で利益は20%増えた。自分の活動のどの20%が、80%の結果を生んでいるのかを見極めそして残りを大胆にかつ極力切り落とす。且つ重要な20%の活動の中か … 13:50:58
- 松浦亜彌 グリコ プリッツCM どすこい篇 – YouTube t.co/TxQqCF1llC 14:35:11
- "つっプリつっプリつっプリ‼どすこい!" 松浦亜彌 グリコ プリッツCM どすこい篇 – YouTube t.co/TxQqCF1llC #japanese #tv #commercial #TVCM 14:39:43
- シシド・カフカ CM初出演 「ハラペコにプリッツ」編 30秒ver – YouTube t.co/lUsdgZ3Ggu 14:40:28
- 周星馳: 007 Beijing With Love" "國產凌凌漆" (1994) Cantonese Full Movie – YouTube t.co/gUHKE9LUQX 17:30:10
- 周星馳電影,周星星 – YouTube t.co/Kc0TuxKxXH 17:33:17
- 周星馳: 007 Beijing With Love" "國產凌凌漆" (1994) Cantonese Full Movie – YouTube t.co/Qm3W8uhajn 17:35:40
- The God Of Cookery食神(1996)-Eng Sub – YouTube t.co/SzjJMW3y9N 21:03:51
- Jet Li The Evil Cult, eng subs – YouTube t.co/A205bBwW9J 21:08:45
- Kung Fu Cult Master – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia t.co/ZpVq7weqKf 21:15:56
- 倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/f19NxHaQ83 21:16:01
- Jet Li The Evil Cult/Kung Fu Cult Master, eng subs – YouTube t.co/A205bBwW9J #cantonese #倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 21:26:32
- There's a scene in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" that's a lot like this: Jet Li's The Evil Cult – YouTube t.co/Rv3Xq0L3gs #random 21:48:07
- 【辺・畔】ほとり ①川や池などの水際。きわ。ふち。「川の━」 ②あるもののかたわら。そば。「目の前に見え,耳の━に聞ゆるが儘なりき/即興詩人鷗外」「天満天神の注連の━を心細くも立離れ/平家物語8」 ③端。果て。境界。「東の夷多(さわ)に叛きて━騒き動(とよ)… #daijirin 23:46:18
- 【てくてく 】(副) かなりの距離を一定の速度で歩き続けるさま。「東海道を━(と)歩き続ける」 #daijirin 23:50:58
- 【隔年】かくねん 一年おき。「━交代」 #daijirin 23:52:55
- 【置(き)】おき [一] (名) ①「置き浄瑠璃」の略。 ②「置き唄」の略。 [二](接尾) 時間・距離・数量などを表す語に付いて,それだけの間隔をおいて繰り返すことを表す。「三時間━」「二メートル━」「一人━」 #daijirin 23:53:18
- 【四隅】よすみ 四角いものの四つのすみ。四方のかど。 #daijirin 00:01:21
- "We’re all starting off as Japanese babies: we need to have our childhood before we can grow up." t.co/Oq1BKZONy8 09:33:40
- RT @funnyav: @ajatt Best way to learn guitar chords is in context ( i.e. play songs ). Best way to learn words is in context ( i.e. imit … 09:34:00
- 台灣大亨 by遊戲BOY Part1 t.co/6AKuU49VtW @minitubeappさんから #playthru #mandarin 09:35:45
- BigText Makes Text Big – t.co/MaOEkXx1hC via @Shareaholic 10:29:09
- BigText Wizard – t.co/o8GHbsOEDc via @Shareaholic 10:29:40
- Good for typing in kanji to see bigger: BigText Wizard t.co/64HRHuOR3S 10:30:00
- How "real" is the Japanese in rap music? Well, how "real" are stories, poetry, riddles and tongue twisters? 10:36:11
- 將棋 「 羽生 ×森內 」/2013.01 – YouTube – t.co/FYcBhdn4cg via @Shareaholic 11:01:22
- Online novels in Japanese: ハコビカリ – t.co/H3e8svRwvJ via @Shareaholic 11:20:26
- 毎日デイリーニューズWaiWai問題 – Wikipedia – t.co/C0cEHRRPoG via @Shareaholic 11:23:02
- 【金輪際】こんりんざい [一](名) 〘仏〙大地の下百六十万由旬の深さにある金輪①の底。世界の果て。「下化衆生を表して━に及べり/謡曲・山姥」 [二](副) ①(下に打ち消しの語を伴って)絶対に二度とは繰り返さないという強い決意や確信を表す。決して。「━助け… #daijirin 21:37:27
- シリコンパワー の シリコンパワー USB2.0フラッシュメモリ Unique 530 8GB ホワイト 防水、防塵、耐衝撃仕様 SP008GBUF… を Amazon でチェック! t.co/tPByQN9YRU @さんから 23:08:45
- シリコンパワー の シリコンパワー USB2.0フラッシュメモリ Unique 530 16GB ホワイト 防水、防塵、耐衝撃仕様 SP016GBU… を Amazon でチェック! t.co/dTfcJ4NgcE @さんから 23:10:42
- モーゼス・キプタヌイ – Wikipedia t.co/e142iqhWSU 08:34:36
- Moses Kiptanui – Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru t.co/p3lbF6aAql 08:35:11
- 科學人雜誌 – 生命的存在 黑洞的恩惠 t.co/iU3ka5RvLJ 08:58:39
- The Books の Tokyo を Amazon でチェック! t.co/C6qJQ6OboF @さんから 10:16:06
- Every country does some things better than yours and some things worse. The trick is to mix it up and get the best of both worlds. 13:17:24
- Furigana FTW: ふりがな 付けます – t.co/iBSm1sYnSc via @Shareaholic 16:28:13
- 【樹木】じゅもく 木。立ち木。 #daijirin 18:41:10
- 【管渠】かんきょ 路面に埋設した排水管。または排水用の側溝。 #daijirin 20:26:55
- 【更生】こうせい (名)スル ①立ち直ること。好ましくない精神状態や生活態度から,かつての健康で豊かな状態に戻ること。「━して社会復帰する」 ②生きかえること。よみがえること。蘇生(そせい)。 ③役に立たなくなった物,使えなくなった物を再び役立つようにするこ… #daijirin 20:27:35
- m-flo、ニューアルバム『NEVEN'3月13日発売決定!バラードシングル「LOVER」を2月6日に先行リリース | NETOKARU – t.co/JLvlRNUeWF via @Shareaholic 21:48:37
- t.co/0X4iSOGypS: NEVEN: 音楽 – t.co/ObWdTxRPI6 via @Shareaholic 21:49:52
- RT @TheRealCZ: @ajatt Have you listened to m-flo's Neven yet? Great album. 21:53:46
- “Stare at Who You Want to Become” | Samurai Mind Online – t.co/U7Byz7s6ZK via @Shareaholic 21:55:22
- "Actually staring at the physical faces of native speakers as they speak the language can be enormously helpful"
t.co/U7Byz7s6ZK 21:56:08 - Morning Coffee :: Add-ons for Firefox – t.co/hU8c3sX6V8 "Keeps track of daily routine websites and opens them in tabs…" #immersion 22:45:13
- "memories experienced under the influence of strong emotion are more easily recalled" t.co/eS9YNBITZF
#immersion #fun 12:37:07 - 男は黙って全粒粉。#サンド 15:41:52
- 日本語ばっかし: Language and self, and thoughts on 敬語 – t.co/oXLAZR10QN via @Shareaholic 15:44:23
- 精裝追女仔2004(粵語)hk movie cantonese – YouTube – t.co/yuKgiUSKs7 via @Shareaholic 18:22:24
- 聴く力が読解力を高める―音韻表象力の鍛え方: Blogことば・言葉・コトバ – t.co/et6vHbQL6o via @Shareaholic 18:57:58
- With great power to create cards comes great responsibility to delete them. #SRS #MCDs #culling 19:40:36
- If you actually liked those cards, you'd be repping them. But you don't, so you haven't. Let them go. #delete #SRS 19:43:25
- Don't hoard cards. Delete the crap ones. They're cards. You can make a jillion more again: better ones, that you'll actually rep. #SRS 19:55:27
- 迪士尼聖誕動畫鉅獻《無敵破壞王》電影預告(廣東話配音版) t.co/MHCE09vaPQ @minitubeappさんから #cantonese #dubbing 04:27:56
- RT @Jef_Lau: Need to keep watching Chinese shows without English subs. Can feel my mandarin learning slowing watching subs. @ajatt http: … 04:30:06
- 暗黑破壞神III 第一章:末日預兆 (國語配音) t.co/sCJhzKe0zq @minitubeappさんから 04:32:47
- Anthony Wong's interview: t.co/ArI3LWwcVq @youtubeさんから #mandarin #黃秋生 04:36:26
- Anthony Wong Chau Sang winning Best Supporting Actor for "Infernal Affairs": t.co/CUsVKNcnDP
#黃秋生 #cantonese #speech 04:37:53 - 声でなぞることの意味―日本語シャドウイングのすすめ: Blogことば・言葉・コトバ – t.co/MexKkaUmDg via @Shareaholic 04:47:32
- transformers 1984 in Chinese Mandarin dub version – YouTube – t.co/dFPGVz4dHF via @Shareaholic 11:00:58
- Leehom Wang, 王力宏 – Xin Zhong De Ri Yue – YouTube – t.co/meqC126I8s via @Shareaholic 14:45:11
- Jay Chou Acoustic Cover: 髮如雪 (周杰倫) - 林詩婷 – YouTube – t.co/S67Xgi7hLh via @Shareaholic #mandarin #rnb 14:55:26
- 方大同 Khalil Fong-我們能不能 + Lyrics – YouTube – t.co/EAvOmuISlJ via @Shareaholic 15:18:18
- 「失敗とは、もうあきらめなさいという意味ではなく、もっと努力しなさいという意味だ。」
t.co/O9f3fVmFhg via @Shareaholic 15:29:38 - RT @daniel_wahl: It's worth learning Japanese just to read stories like this: t.co/IJtEUAHBgn cc: @ajatt 08:46:14
- RT @uberwight: You dont get strong and then lift weights; you get strong BECAUSE you lift weights. The same is true for language. #immer … 08:46:29
- "AJATT…is total immersion AND short bursts of focused learning." ~ Grophrane #immersion #SRS 08:49:10
- 金沢イボンヌ – Wikipedia – t.co/lMRp683ej4 via @Shareaholic 11:27:28
- キボンヌとは – はてなキーワード – t.co/SANGW7fEEJ via @Shareaholic 11:29:07
- DJ OZMA – アゲ♂アゲ♂EVERY☆騎士 – YouTube – t.co/3ywQ7c8NjQ via @Shareaholic 11:31:14
- DJ OZMA – 疾風迅雷~命BOM-BA-YE~ – YouTube – t.co/1KbADYCpxR via @Shareaholic 11:31:36
- New @ AJATT Plus: MCD Tip: Only 3 Clozetexts At A Time t.co/0p7IsnPME2 12:00:56
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