- Pick the Culture, Not the Language – The Language Dojo – t.co/wQhkERmpd9 via @Shareaholic 16:06:42
- "When you’re completely addicted to something in your L2, you’re winning." t.co/PUvyTawMKU 16:11:33
- The secret is not to have "good" days; the secret is to make the "bad" days…useful. #immersion 00:22:43
- 天地風雲錄之九龍變14 – 伊莉影片區 – t.co/Bsfb6MtYXZ via @Shareaholic 00:43:13
- "It’s all immersion, even first languages."
t.co/A5q7yHUxPK 10:39:31 - New @ AJATT Plus: Forum Upgrade Complete t.co/Lgz27i00Sa 09:55:13
- Anime Japanese is more realistic than journalese, yet no curmudgeon would ever suggest you not watch or read the news… 10:02:02
- "If you had a manager who talked to you the way you talk to you, you would quit!" ~ Seth Godin #mindset 10:15:42
- "reveals the astonishing potential of the human brain" World's fastest number game wows spectators and scientists t.co/KLQUtss3vA 10:18:57
- 鳥居みゆき フラッシュ暗算 – YouTube t.co/505XVaT8wy 10:19:32
- Tomoe Soroban トモエそろばん │ フラッシュ暗算 t.co/uZu7ZdbASB 10:19:38
- フラッシュ暗算 – YouTube t.co/SflVahPrQN 10:21:38
- "The art of compromise in knowing when not to."~ Jason Fox #moderation #in #moderation #immersion #SRS 12:14:08
- Machine Robo Rescue
MRR 12 (Mandarin Dub): t.co/3KoZxIFArj @youtubeさんから 21:20:25 - 【奇っ怪】きっかい (名・形動)[文]ナリ 「きかい(奇怪)」を強めた語。「━千万」「此室へ這内(はいつ)たさへ━なるに,其乱暴は気が違つたのか/鉄仮面涙香」 [派生]━ さ(名) #daijirin 00:49:14
- 【乞丐】きっかい (名)スル 〔「丐」は乞(こ)う意〕 物乞いをすること。また,その人。「━することを許されん/西国立志編正直」 #daijirin 00:49:28
- New @ AJATT Plus: Forum: Private Messaging Re-Enabled t.co/l0ig1R7HsX 09:36:35
- Don't read slowly. Don't read carefully. Read fast and sloppily. Re-read again later. #L2 #multipass #reading 12:30:03
- ラスト・ハレルヤチャンス!! 13:51:02
- Miao Soul™ – 無名小站 t.co/Hz7h6LFusZ #chinese #blog #webcomic 20:45:04
- 【試玩】《Pixel People》扮演創世神 製造各種不同基因的新人類吧! – 巴哈姆特 t.co/wjjnqb3ocJ 20:46:06
- 歡慶 20 週年!《毀滅公爵 2》iOS 版宣傳影片曝光 預定 4 月上架 – 巴哈姆特 t.co/m2GDbSaTBg 20:46:22
- 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 118 集 20130315 – YouTube t.co/ptxzohkHyW 20:47:20
- 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 118 集 20130315 t.co/IVtBTUiP38 @minitubeappさんから 20:55:04
- Video game news and reviews in Chinese: 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 113 集 20130208 t.co/pIeCshSUUj @minitubeappさんから #betterthantv 🙂 21:16:35
- V・S・ラマチャンドラン の 脳のなかの幽霊、ふたたび 見えてきた心のしくみ を Amazon でチェック! t.co/iLeyFeHHDx @さんから 21:35:15
- Always have an endtime. If there's no endtime, it's not reading. Reading while waiting/travelling → implicit endtime. #timeboxing 23:43:09
- Watching people play video games and talk about it in Japanese: 実況プレイ – YouTube t.co/nuSrqSDHjD #unscripted #betterthantv 🙂 11:09:15
- RT @Fearlezzdreamer: As of today,I have officially finished RTK1. The system of Kanji is simply beautiful. Time to have some fun and mov … 11:31:41
- RT @Fearlezzdreamer: It took me 3 months,with schoolwork and exams day in and out,while my grades were still good, so stop making excuse … 11:31:44
- 周星馳系列 – 漫畫威龍 (粵語) | 周星馳 鍾鎮濤 張敏 蕭芳芳 陳百祥 | – YouTube t.co/eTR2TehsUD 11:42:34
- When you try to do a gazillion reps in one sitting, what matters most — doing reps at all — suffers. t.co/J1nMKmvOlG #SRS 11:58:04
- In a way, MCDs are basically a crossword puzzle where the context is the clue and things only go…horizontally. #SRS 13:26:40
- *Like* a crossword puzzle, but way, way better. #MCDs #SRS 13:27:59
- 周星馳系列 逃學威龍III之龍過雞年 粤语 周星馳 梅豔芳 張敏 t.co/QqMSIreP0X @minitubeappさんから 15:03:53
- 周星馳系列 武狀元蘇乞兒 粵語 周星馳 張敏 吳孟達 t.co/9LY55JfLiA @minitubeappさんから 15:51:10
- 香港動作電影 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 – t.co/qkdwXw10Wj 16:07:11
- Literally one of the most underrated books ever written. Sometimes Amazon reviewers have 0 clue: t.co/qJoklk8rEU 16:11:12
- 石井 貴士 の [カラー版] 本当に頭がよくなる 1分間勉強法 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/3ANhuXRRpn @さんから 16:11:37
- If you're ever stuck between two languages, pick the less "useful" one: it's the one you really want to learn. 17:58:40
- "Usefulness" of a language is almost entirely determined by how used to ("good at") it you are, not by how many people speak it. 18:01:11
- シンプルで使いやすいアウトラインプロセッサー『Workflowy' | 100SHIKI – t.co/vrDiyWr1hX 19:00:40
- RT @TadokuBot: .@ymws221 has 33.0 pages recorded and a rank of 46. 19:00:55
- "楽しいから、続く。続くから、身に付く。"
掲示板総合案內: t.co/FC3kqmLXbU – t.co/1JCKApYUXJ 19:02:24 - Yahoo!ブックストア – 電子書籍がいつでも楽しめる! – t.co/MFLZoOJewd 19:06:08
- 「学習した方が、勝つ。遅いと諦めずに、其處からでも学習しよう。」〜中谷彰宏 19:51:25
- 【滅法】めっぽう [一](名) 〘仏〙一切の相を寂滅し,因縁によって生じたのではない不変の真如。無為法。 [二](名・形動)[文]ナリ 〔[一]の意から〕 ①道理に合わないこと。むちゃなこと。また,そのさま。「━ナ奴/和英語林集成」 ②程度がはなはだしい・… #daijirin 19:58:37
- Don’t ask whether you’re getting good at Japanese. Ask what’s getting in your face.
t.co/xDicxJtBvp 09:09:03 - "I made my access to everything Japanese effortless, and my access to English materials harder." t.co/xDicxJtBvp 09:09:57
- Why Can People Live In a Country For Double-Digit Years And Never Learn The Language?
t.co/NEXdTn45yS 09:14:20 - Just because you're in the bathroom, doesn't mean you're taking a bath. #immersion
t.co/NEXdTn45yS 09:18:14 - "even though I’m living in Japan, I find I can go a whole day without actually…hearing any Japanese"
t.co/NEXdTn45yS 09:20:06 - "You don’t just magically get good at Japanese by living in Japan or having a Japanese wife."
t.co/NEXdTn45yS 09:24:57 - "I just practice 40 times harder than you do. I do what you do in a year in a week and a half." #immersion
t.co/NEXdTn45yS 09:27:08 - "The ‘secret’ to maintaining the fun is known by every kid in the world: maintain moment-to-moment presence." t.co/Hepz28XGWI 09:47:31
- You’re never rejecting a choice, merely re-sequencing it.
t.co/Hepz28XGWI 10:51:26 - "The Inner Game of Tennis": I can't believe I'm only just now reading this book #wherehaveyoubeenallmylife 🙂
t.co/GTAjmKI3oV 10:54:31 - "Fundamentally, experience precedes technical knowledge." ~ Timothy Gallwey 11:50:26
- New @ AJATT Plus: [ESP] The Emotional Sentence Pack, Vol. 9: Why Don't Japanese People Speak To Me In Japanese? t.co/dgoTSIo7kc 11:59:14
- W.ティモシー ガルウェイ の 新インナーゲーム―心で勝つ!集中の科学 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/dxgP1lNA7R @さんから 12:21:50
- ティモシー ガルウェイ の 新 インナーゴルフ を Amazon でチェック! t.co/l6qumoyjK3 @さんから 12:21:59
- 方大同 – 春風吹 MV: t.co/HbG7db6IRN @youtubeさんから 15:24:55
- 方大同 – 蘇麗珍 MV: t.co/0A9qbPsQoO @youtubeさんから 15:31:50
- 賭神1(粵語) hk movie cantonese – YouTube – t.co/QcpzpFuFZp 15:34:55
- Romantic relationship advice vlog in Cantonese: [戀愛治聊斯] (女生編) 拍拖相處之道 (第一部份) – YouTube t.co/yBRT82xywo #coz #yeah 16:35:05
- "How is always more important than what." ~ Eckhart Tolle #fun #immersion #SRS 16:42:02
- ピクサーの作品に秘められた物語を書くための22の法則 – GIGAZINE – t.co/pJsK4BNDbj 21:11:50
- レゴブロックで映畫「ダークナイト ライジング」を再現するとこうなる – GIGAZINE t.co/GSFvwETU7H 21:21:39
- シムシティ|EA Japan – t.co/o6xlBs6axb 21:23:59
- 寫真の公開や共有が劇的にカンタンになる「Eye-Fiカード 01」を使ってスマホにデジカメで撮影した畫像をすぐワイヤレスで自動転送する方法 – GIGAZINE t.co/46PnVB0TTK 21:25:31
- スマホからラジコンっぽく簡単操作で水中をフォト&ムービー撮影できる「ZIPHIUS」 – GIGAZINE t.co/VjpM6AT1Tj 21:26:03
- 岡田斗司夫・現代アートについて – YouTube t.co/aX4oRNJkfa 21:46:34
- 岡田斗司夫の 『 正しい人の見下し方 』 – YouTube t.co/I8k9QXKpLw 21:56:54
- Japanese Commercials in HD – YouTube – t.co/bSAbGovAge 22:02:43
- I could literally listen to this man speak all day: 岡田斗司夫・村上隆と東浩紀について – YouTube t.co/ZUwvgF7Qgz #WhenUrInterestingUrInteresting 22:09:42
- I've actually been watching OKADA Toshio since before I could understand what he was saying: t.co/ZUwvgF7Qgz 22:10:18
- 404 Blog Not Found:紹介 – 岡田斗司夫×小飼弾『未来改造のススメ』、7月26日発売! t.co/aMjDFk7iFC 22:12:40
- 2010 ミス・ユニバース・ジャパン・ファイナリスト 三戸部加奈子 – YouTube t.co/3ppuY8Vrqe 22:15:17
- 岡田斗司夫の語るキリスト教 – YouTube t.co/Qz9XQiQLiQ 22:18:25
- ニコ生岡田斗司夫ゼミ – YouTube t.co/5Wh8ksKmlm 22:23:23
- 岡田斗司夫ゼミ3月號「ニコ生的メディア論」1 – YouTube t.co/J6WJazQGta 22:25:53
- ニコ生 岡田斗司夫ゼミ 坊主峯岸騒動から都市伝説まで 1 t.co/rg451RbNzN @minitubeappさんから 22:31:32
- 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 116 集 20130301 t.co/U6GpMqyPJm @minitubeappさんから 10:00:13
- Having momentum beats being right. It's easier to correct course than to get moving. #immersion #SRS 11:29:59
- "It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains."
~ Thomas H. Huxley 12:24:08 - 「鶏口牛後」とは t.co/ckJHtMJQTK #goojisho 12:26:29
- ジェイソン・フリード の 小さなチーム、大きな仕事〔完全版〕: 37シグナルズ成功の法則 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/DAcZOqKaYA @さんから 12:59:14
- ドナルド・A. ノーマン の 誰のためのデザイン?―認知科学者のデザイン原論 (新曜社認知科学選書) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/PONUxo5ZLh @さんから 12:59:41
- 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 114 集 20130215 t.co/ROmTMOdCAQ @minitubeappさんから 17:23:48
- 牛久大仏 – Wikipedia t.co/73Chs7Fvm3 19:35:08
- Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say – t.co/S1zd1QRBlq t.co/9RJUgO6u91 #SRS #MCDs 21:35:29
- The Testing Effect | Blog | Naiku t.co/s8ZvhnwVYx 21:35:37
- 成語詞典/半信半疑 – 實用查詢 t.co/ouYJiCpzS1 21:45:42
- RT @daniel_wahl: @ajatt I would love to see #MCDs studied in terms of declarative and (especially) procedural memory. 23:07:17
- QQ丸之無聊的每一天 – 樂多日誌 – t.co/xAsn9xUnf7 23:08:05
- "The struggle helps you learn, but it makes you feel like you're not learning" #SRS #MCDs #DunningKruger t.co/W3kV7uggc1 09:55:13
- "even though in the short term it may seem like a waste of time…" #SRS #MCDs t.co/uzyQCNoQTU 09:57:03
- If you can forget Japanese, you can un-forget it, too. t.co/wntBAe0n66 10:03:56
- The best way to not forget Japanese is to…not not come into contact with it. t.co/lBWOCVBd0w 10:04:34
- EFL For Digital Natives Part VIII: Tune In To The Right Frequency
t.co/GS1o2jCy35 #critical #frequency 10:09:57 - Do the opposite of whatever it is that makes you forget Japanese. t.co/wntBAe0n66 10:19:38
- 映畫「マトリックス」の上から文字が落ちてくるアレをわずか1KB以下のコードで再現 – GIGAZINE t.co/1RvFmeKiSS 12:08:11
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