- “Nobody is talented enough to not have to work hard”
bit.ly/Drg9v # - Never conflate being disliked for being yourself with being disliked for actually hurting people. #
- “most of the variation in individual achievement…has nothing to do with being smart.”
bit.ly/Drg9v # - “happily achieving today[,] not achieving to be happy tomorrow.”
bit.ly/8f4IO # - “high levels of achievement require a certain single-mindedness”
bit.ly/Drg9v # - “talent takes time to develop, and requires continuous effort.”
bit.ly/Drg9v # - “A big part of success…stems from our beliefs about what leads to success.”
bit.ly/DD6dF # - 「休まず目立たない努力を続ける」
いいな~。ワクワクする(^^) # - Memorization is your friend 😀
bit.ly/13PqmY # - 『「聞く・話す」英語力育成』
bit.ly/RCxHq #
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