- Japanese anime, Spanish subs: Another Ep1 Sub. Español (1/2) – YouTube t.co/MNXWNMLOXr via #ajattplus 16:26:37
- "Perfection does not exist — you can always do better and you can always grow." ~ Les Brown #SRS 16:29:48
- "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes improvement. Perfect doesn't exist." | Les Brown 16:31:35
- Human contact is not essential to get used to a language. Human contact is *useful*. But far from essential. #immersion 16:35:22
- Live human beings will flake on you like Kellogg's. Your TV won't. Your iPod won't. Recordings of humans will be there for you. #immersion 16:37:36
- People are wonderful. But people get busy and impatient. Recorded people are powerful and tireless human surrogates. #immersion 16:38:52
- "When a person has an accent, it means he can speak one more language than you" ~ Fernando Lamas #snap #yougoboy 19:01:02
- I don't always laugh at "Duel of the Fates", but when I do, it's because it sounds like someone yelling at their dog in Japanese. #コラまた 22:46:07
- RT @irishpolyglot: @echonotation Debating is boring. @ajatt & I are better encouraging people & letting them find their own path … 22:46:40
- RT @sctld: @echonotation @irishpolyglot @ajatt Their methods are the same. Both look at the moon. You are looking at the finger. #zen … 05:53:00
- Lentil is Learning, unleashed. t.co/xMZU95fCxQ 07:55:24
- Learn Korean | Lentil, Learning Unleashed t.co/yQreYkWEqV 07:55:37
- "I’ve changed my Japanese method three times since starting"
t.co/vGsFpx3mN8 09:36:15 - "…this discarding of methods is really what makes me advance faster" t.co/vGsFpx3mN8 09:36:39
- "…in my case, I SRSed throughout the day while maintaining the immersive environment." t.co/Qw6P8rWNOy 09:39:33
- Ultimately, what matters is that you have some delicious rice to eat, not how you cooked it.
t.co/Qw6P8rWNOy #SRS 09:58:02 - "the goal is to suck less, not perfection."
t.co/g1BIkKASCH #SRS 12:48:36 - "As long as I keep improving, even 1 kanji a day, then I will reach the goal someday." t.co/g1BIkKASCH 12:51:59
- Don't worry about position, focus on direction. Don't worry about the point, focus on the curve. #suckless 12:52:48
- 【眠気・睡気】ねむけ 眠いという感じ。「━がさす」 #daijirin 23:18:31
- 【差す】さす (動サ五) 〔「刺す」「指す」「挿す」などと同源〕 ①(「射す」とも書く)光が入り込む。日光が当たる。「窓から日が—・す」「雲の切れ間から薄日が—・す」「後光が—・す」 ②相撲で,自分の腕を相手の腕と胴の間に入れてまわしをつかむ。「立ち合い一気… #daijirin 23:19:29
- 【嫌気】いやけ もう嫌だと感ずる気持ち。いやき。「━を起こす」 #daijirin 23:20:36
- RT @shizukada: Fixes: The Power of Talking to Your Baby t.co/7aKdUFt38N @ajatt 08:46:08
- The Power of Talking to Your Baby – t.co/S1zd1QRBlq t.co/0KccUZKCWh 08:46:16
- "the greater the number of words children heard…before they were 3, the higher their IQ" t.co/0KccUZKCWh 09:05:05
- "we can change adult language behavior" t.co/0KccUZKCWh 09:26:58
- Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children – YouTube t.co/EjbUMmJm7o! 09:27:49
- This video is making me not feel bad for being a chatterbox 🙂 t.co/EjbUMmJm7o! 09:32:42
- Golem effect – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia t.co/1kiVWw5G6J 12:26:22
- Self-fulfilling prophecy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia t.co/xmI7ncxnoC 12:26:27
- Pygmalion effect – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia t.co/kLqoWvaPc3 12:26:38
- Don’t Play The Comparison Game | Japanese Level Up t.co/J8DM7N4sp3 13:29:00
- "This is your journey. Not someone else’s. No two paths will ever be the same." t.co/J8DM7N4sp3 13:29:10
- Clearing The Gaps: Japanese Study Progress Is Tetris | Japanese Level Up t.co/EpN0Mgbk1s 13:30:01
- "You are not building linear blocks one on top of the other. You are playing Tetris." t.co/EpN0Mgbk1s 13:30:18
- RT @JapaneseLevelUp: Get Your Japanese Corrected by Awesome Japanese People on Lang-8 t.co/rTLNZj6fhN 13:31:55
- RT @JapaneseLevelUp: 自宅で働くことで得られるもの、会社で働くことで犠牲にするもの t.co/AUiCDgLz6o via @lifehackerjapan #lifehackerjapan 13:32:10
- 爽健美茶(そうけんびちゃ) t.co/Zrmn7fzrQ7 13:43:09
- PSY – GENTLEMAN M/V – YouTube t.co/jWm2UzG3Fq 13:44:22
- Finding Your Inner Actor, and Then Exploiting Him. | Japanese Level Up t.co/Ae1UC0k49a 13:46:48
- Twitter本社の訪問者を寫真付きでツイートするプロジェクト「Twisitor」 – GIGAZINE t.co/fD5FQVSCCt 17:10:11
- RT @LilFluff: I've got other things to do, but the hangeul part of t.co/k6HnhlezFm that @ajatt pointed to is addicting. (Level 30 … 11:16:11
- 【徒手】としゅ ①手に何も持っていないこと。素手(すで)。てぶら。空手(くうしゆ)。 ②資金や地位などの頼りになるものが全くなくて,自分の力だけが頼りであること。 #daijirin 16:41:06
- 【徒手空拳】としゅくうけん 手に何も持たないこと。事業などを始めるのに資本などが全く無いこと。「一旗あげるべく━で東京へ出る」 #daijirin 16:41:43
- 【毅然】きぜん (トタル)[文]形動タリ 意志が強く,物事に動じないさま。意志・信念を断固貫くさま。「━たる態度」「━として守る所を失ふなき/真善美日本人雪嶺」 #daijirin 16:42:12
- 【膝】ひざ ①脚の,ももとすねをつなぐ関節の前面。ひざがしら。 ②ひざがしらの上の,ももの前面部。「子供を━の上にのせる」「━枕」 #daijirin 16:42:54
- Buttercup? Well, she's the toughest fighter. #random 21:04:10
- If I were to rename "AJATT", I would call it the "Media Exposure Method" or something to that effect. t.co/62WI6VRoRT 10:09:02
- Japanese example sentences for Chinese speakers: 日語副詞3_江畔尋月_新浪博客 t.co/DexAoNCiJV #japanese #mandarin #mcdbait 12:46:06
- 日語副詞3_江畔尋月_新浪博客 t.co/DexAoNCiJV #japanese #mandarin #laddering 17:10:14
- RT @daniel_wahl: @ajatt Here's a little help from Matrix Morpheus for your latest post: t.co/4aC6zIWdre 21:04:15
- SoundHoundからのSolerの走火入魔 t.co/qH3ACxFt0x 22:16:46
- RT @zhongruige: @ajatt @ChineseHacks Great search engine for Chinese subtitles! t.co/wKUNRwDdVe like these t.co/E92BwGLY1l … 10:09:05
- "Watching a movie before you go to bed is the adult equivalent of getting read a bedtime story." t.co/nZdDGubJn4 #immersion 12:46:02
- Transformers Animated – Nanosec-1 (cantonese)-YouTube t.co/yuWAEntq67 17:10:09
- Ylimääräiset Tv-uutiset – YLE – 7.11.2007 – YouTube t.co/NTvZQTXO4D #suomi #finnish #news 21:04:02
- The Complicated Chinese Family Tree – Cantonese Version! – YouTube t.co/c8c2Q5d1pQ 10:09:03
- Chinese science fiction: A podcast and reading list – t.co/Am9uGpoxZU 12:46:04
- How Japan preserved Pre-Tang Dynasty culture – YouTube t.co/iuzdeRq4jn #Mandarin #Meiji #Restoration #Japanese #History 17:10:08
- How Japan preserved (Pre-)Tang Dynasty culture – YouTube t.co/oFAN4iM6Uq #Mandarin #Meiji #Restoration #Japanese #History 21:04:05
- 05 – 一國兩制:"美國朋友早他媽跑了";中美臉皮早就撕破了 t.co/3rgMldti9p @minitubeappさんから 10:09:07
- Googleを含む企業のプライベートターミナルをサンノゼ國際空港に建設する案を市議會が承認 – GIGAZINE t.co/s2NlhtpZae 11:06:14
- 「A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.」─ Jo Goodwin 12:46:04
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