- Beware premature optimization. Often the best way and time to do something is "at all". #SRS #immersion 17:10:03
- 12 ways I used to get my Mandarin to Native Level Fluency | Foreign Language Hacking t.co/lZAPgp3Gk3 21:04:03
- 交易通.搵車快線 – 1108 – 頭文字Evolution 韓製!巨蛋大包圍 Segway t.co/zUVntFcbc6 21:29:23
- 【物臭・懶】ものぐさ (名・形動)[文]ナリ 〔古くは「ものくさ」〕 ①何かすることを面倒がること。また,そのような性質や人。また,そのさま。ぶしょう。「━な人」「━をする」 ②→ものぐさぞうりに同じ。 #daijirin 02:19:04
- pmthreads – Japanese Children's Books t.co/nHCowYsPIp 10:08:52
- MCDs | Changing My Language Learning Method|Learning to be Free t.co/c1OdNLruln #french 12:46:06
- Some Frightening, Frightening Math – i'm (not) a motivational speaker : i'm (not) a motivational speaker t.co/ADa6LMQpFC 17:10:09
- TVB 幽游白書01(粵語) – 死了嚇一跳.mkv t.co/VuYKdF6cVF @minitubeappさんから 21:04:11
- [TẬP 1] Thâm Cung Thần Bí – [Phim TVB] t.co/WKCJ0PJG3Z @minitubeappさんから #vietnamese #dub 10:09:04
- Vietnamese dub of a HK period drama: [TẬP 1] Thâm Cung Thần Bí – [Phim TVB] t.co/LPsPLJpbgx @minitubeapp #chinese #subs 12:46:02
- [電影版]1997 – 上海魚人傳說(TVB粵語) t.co/l10pKVijS7 @minitubeappさんから 21:04:03
- [電影版]1997 – 上海魚人傳說(TVB粵語) t.co/a4FTLHlLEs @minitubeappさんから 10:09:05
- New AJATT Blog Post: Surusu: What is the Skew Option and What Does it Do? t.co/Q4eCPSyJaM 10:37:50
- TVB 幽游白書21(粵語) – 幽助.拚命的反擊.mkv t.co/8igZZ5C5td @minitubeappさんから 12:46:03
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- It's not the years of your Japanese, it's the Japanese in your years. #immersion #time 21:04:07
- For some reason, some of the best advice is the kind that wasn't quite intended for you. #antimoon 10:09:04
- You always have 2 choices. The trick: (1) Group: Do not increase the number. (2) Do not make "do nothing" one of them. #immersion 12:46:04
- 【MySQL】Error 1093 You can't specify target table 'xxx' » サイト構築の紆餘曲折 » 「のぬけす」の紆餘曲折 t.co/BPJP3CdNPo #database #programming #japanese 17:10:05
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- RT @ta132: @ajatt going to be using MCD-style cards for food and JLPT. Interesting/fun. Prefect way to go. 12:46:06
- How I use J-Drama to study Japanese? | Foreign Language Hacking t.co/wmxrwXIpe7 17:10:02
- Loved.hk Live:直播結束 2013-02-14《戀愛全天后》情人節特備 – YouTube t.co/K3vs2CFJf1 #cantonese 21:04:03
- "I learned French using a Spanish/French dictionary" t.co/sSxygQlt70 #laddering 10:09:02
- RT @daniel_wahl: It's not how long your ears have been in Japan, it's how long Japanese has been in your ears. #immersion @ajatt 12:46:02
- RT @funnyav: "I could answer every single question on this list and it wouldn't make you…better at drawing."
t.co/ffRuQ1gaNC 17:10:02 - 【住み処・栖】すみか 住む所。住まい。住居。現代では好ましくないものの住んでいる所をいうことが多い。「犯人の━を捜す」「鬼の━」 #daijirin 17:56:42
- 【鳥栖】とす 佐賀県東部にある市。鹿児島本線と長崎本線との分岐点。近世,長崎街道の宿場町で,古来,交通の要衝。食品・化学など諸工業が発達。 #daijirin 17:57:02
- 【棲棲・栖栖】せいせい (名)スル 忙しいこと。あくせくすること。「終身詩作に━しても/作詩志彀」 #daijirin 17:57:16
- 【国栖・国樔・国巣】くず ①記紀で,大和国吉野川上流の山地に住んだとされている部族。また,その村落があった地名。奈良・平安時代,朝廷の節会などに参賀して歌笛を奏したりした。くずびと。くにす。→国栖の奏(そう) ②能の一。五番目物。大友皇子に追われて吉野の国栖… #daijirin 17:57:35
- Scott Adams Blog: The Illusion of Winning 08/30/2010 t.co/aIBd9J4Jnr 21:04:26
- "Life is mostly waiting; what you do while you're waiting is your real life." ~ NAKATANI Akihiro #immersion #SRS 10:09:04
- The American and French revolutions, compared and contrasted: 09.法國大革命 – YouTube t.co/Br36PLJMfm #mandarin #history 12:46:07
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