Don’t Ask Me For Advice…

…as if I have all the right answers from the back of the Book of Life and Japanese. Most people don’t mess up by doing the wrong thing. They mess up by doing nothing. Sure, going to Japanese class seemed like the obvious answer. And you tried that. And it didn’t work. And now here…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-01-23

"どんなバカでも自分より大人の人が言うことに間違いはないと15ぐらいまで信じていた。 「それはちょっとおかしい」と思っても、「いや、自分が知らないだけ」と言い聞かせていた。 今22だが、逆にあの頃の謙虚さが少しでいいから欲しい。 " # 老表,你好嘢!【粵語】(下) # YouTube – 少林功夫好嘢 # YouTube – Mcdull need help(cantonese cartoon) # YouTube – A Whole New World (Chinese-Cantonese) # YouTube – 眉頭不再猛皺 (Sukiyaki).mp4 # YouTube – 杜麗莎//眉頭不再猛皺.(HQ) # YouTube – Sukiyaki (Kyu Sakamoto Cover) # YouTube – 坂本九 上を向いて歩こう #…

Khatzumoto Japanese Video English Dub

Adam over at JapaneseLevelUp has kindly prepared an on-the-fly English dub/interpretation of the first Japanese video I ever put out. You may remember Adam from the success story he shared a little whole ago (using SRS to ace law school painlessly and with that beautiful, systematic inevitability that you get with SRS). Anyway, enjoy the…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-01-16

"if anime isn’t “real” Japanese…Then why is it made for Japanese people?" # You don’t mess up by doing the wrong thing. You mess up by doing nothing. #language #learning #methods # Addiction is more a matter of form than content. The trick isn't to fight WoW, but to make everything else feel like…