Google Japan Search Bookmarklet

I’ve put up one of these before, but this time I edited it so that by default it only searches Japanese pages. This should be the extra little environmental nudge you need to get more Japanese into your web life. グ | Google Japan Search Bookmarklet Source Code: javascript:(function(){var w=window,d=w.document,s=””;;if(d.selection){s=d.selection.createRange().text}else if (d.getSelection){s=d.getSelection()}else if(w.getSelection){s=window.getSelection()} (“”+encodeURIComponent(s) +”&hl=ja&prmd=ivns&source=lnt&tbs=lr:lang_1ja&lr=lang_ja”,”_blank”)})()

Stop Trying Hard. Try Easy.

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Hard and Easy

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Hard and EasyThere’s a difference between: (A) Things that are good for you, and (B) Things that are good for you and that you’ll actually do. Most so-called New Year’s resolutions are type (A). They sound heroic. They sound “disciplined”. They work. It’s just that…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-01-09

Don't get it done well. Don't even get it done. First, just show up. #showup # Poke Dots Into Reality. There Is No Line # It's a (Japanese) Sign # "子どもたちは強制よりも自由を与えることで最もよく学ぶ" # "ノーム・チョムスキーの政治的発言を日本語で紹介するウェブサイト。" # "You can't base your life on other people's expectations." ~ Stevie Wonder #socialresistance # Everyone's going…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-01-09

Don't get it done well. Don't even get it done. First, just show up. #showup # Poke Dots Into Reality. There Is No Line # It's a (Japanese) Sign # "子どもたちは強制よりも自由を与えることで最もよく学ぶ" # "ノーム・チョムスキーの政治的発言を日本語で紹介するウェブサイト。" # "You can't base your life on other people's expectations." ~ Stevie Wonder #socialresistance # Everyone's going…

Ditch your resolution, it’s time for a language mission!

Benny Lewis, the ambitious Irish polyglot who blogs over at Fluent in 3 months, has written today’s guest post to knock some sense, and yes, some encouragement, into those of you taking on a New Year’s resolution involving your L2. As his blog’s title suggests, he has ridiculously high objectives in short times and has quite…