AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-17

"Chinese is just a language…Developed by human brains, for consumption by other human brains" bit.ly/cA50dQ # "learn to read. Show those 3-year old native Chinese speakers how things are done." bit.ly/cA50dQ # YouTube – ECFA雙英辯論 100425 part 12 bit.ly/a4oTf2 # @woochinese can you 推薦 any Mando podcasts? # "『希望は、人を成功に導く信仰である。 希望がなければ何事も成就するものではない』 ヘレン・ケラー 幸せのヒント 「まず希望をもつことから」 " bit.ly/cWamRt #…

Birthlines, Part 3: If You Want To Win, Stop Trying To Finish

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Birthlines
This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series Mediocre Excellence

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series BirthlinesThis entry is part 3 of 11 in the series Mediocre Excellence“The only time you mustn’t fail is the last time you try.” ~ Charles Kettering Stop trying to finish things. The reason you have trouble getting stuff done is because you’re always trying to…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-10

"It’s what you leave out that makes all the difference" bit.ly/afhEzy #SRS # It's often better to start than to start well. Start first. "Well" can come later. #timeboxing # アーロン・ソーキン Wikipedia bit.ly/bBxSOI # "事を遂げる者は愚直でなければならぬ ― 勝海舟 ―" bit.ly/b0HT2Z #meigen # ELECTIONS-ETATS-UNIS: Le rôle clé des émissions satiriques dans l'élection présidentielle bit.ly/a0Y7XU # @Cush1979 中谷彰宏 – Wikipedia…