- "It’s what you leave out that makes all the difference" bit.ly/afhEzy #SRS #
- It's often better to start than to start well. Start first. "Well" can come later. #timeboxing #
- アーロン・ソーキン
Wikipedia bit.ly/bBxSOI # - "事を遂げる者は愚直でなければならぬ
― 勝海舟 ―" bit.ly/b0HT2Z #meigen # - ELECTIONS-ETATS-UNIS: Le rôle clé des émissions satiriques dans l'élection présidentielle
bit.ly/a0Y7XU # - @Cush1979 中谷彰宏 – Wikipedia bit.ly/buIIxV
中谷彰宏公式サイト(an-web) bit.ly/b4bA7A in reply to Cush1979 # - Akihiro NAKATANI: continuing to read a boring book out of duty = reading the yellow pages after you've found the number. #
- Doing boring things → refusing to do interesting things. #immersion #
- #Reading boring books = refusal to read fun books. #immersion #
- We force ourselves to read lame parts of lame books. Then, instead of changing books, we give up on reading altogether. #
- "when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning" bit.ly/aer8mo #
- We are all lottery winners. Every day, we win oodles of time. The key is to realize that oodles ≠ ∞ #timeboxing #
- "Do the best with the tools you have" bit.ly/95zqhk #
- Baihua – Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas "Bahasa Cina Vernakular" bit.ly/aUDqZh #
- Generally, what we call truth isn't the truth: it's just what we hear most often. Repetition → "truth" #selfefficacy #
- Frequency more or less determines perceived veracity. Higher frequency → greater perceived veracity. #mindset #
- @sarahrepin Oh so I'm not allowed to use BM wikipedia now? 😛 in reply to sarahrepin #
- YouTube – KRU – Fanatik (Krumania) bit.ly/cNsv7Y #
- @sarahrepin Sarah Repin is…the BM wikipedia police… 😀 btw do you know/remember this song? bit.ly/cNsv7Y in reply to sarahrepin #
- The value of a #schedule is in the making rather than the following, in what you drop, rather than what you add. #
- #Schedules aren't for getting things done: they're for avoiding work, for helping you skip doing boring, useless things #
- Open #books without prejudice. Skip pages callously. Close and move on with prejudice. #immersion #reading #
- The more you respect the task, the less likely you are to do it. Respect less, nibble more. #timeboxing #reading #
- 識字率 続・妄想的日常 "妄想的ダンサーズ" bit.ly/aLD02O #
- 妄想的ダンサーズ
dancing2.gif (211×112) bit.ly/93b6aj # - 「Webが死んだ」を待ち望むのは伝統マスメディアか – メディア・パブ – BLOGOS(ブロゴス) – livedoor ニュース bit.ly/bx1fDc #
- 誠 Biz.ID:結果を出して定時に帰る時短仕事術:時間ではなく、価値観を管理せよ bit.ly/aiV20Q #
- Podcast Station "議事堂邊鶴(2009/2010)" bit.ly/bOIxbv #
- "『習慣はすべて後天的なものであり、幸いにも悪しき習慣は取り除くことができる。" bit.ly/co22J1 #
- 『習慣はすべて後天的なものであり、幸いにも悪しき習慣は取り除くことができる。
誰でもどんな習慣でも身に付けることができるのである。』" bit.ly/co22J1 # - 野口悠紀雄の名言 – みんなの名言集 "模倣なくして創造なし。" bit.ly/bQ1okJ #
- 成龍(ジャッキー・チェン)2007 "「フランス語は素晴らしい。まるでシルクでケツを拭くようだ」" bit.ly/cz7PeV #
- "If you can illustrate your items with examples that are vivid or even shocking, you are likely to enhance retrieval" bit.ly/bTPy2V #
- けぴん牧場:京都 bit.ly/dl97BT #
- "興味を引きそうな本を家に置いておく、電子機器を使う時間を制限する" bit.ly/aS7D0n #
- "The "secret" (?) of Heisig is, when you finish it, you can learn new kanji compounds in seconds" bit.ly/bQJJai #
- 2010臺北國際花卉博覽會 TAIPEI INT'L FLORA EXPO bit.ly/bgrQs5 #
- How to Raise a Prodigy (and How Not To) « The Talent Code "humble, stepwise, self-motivated process " bit.ly/9ymDPJ #
- "This is a journey of a thousand steps. If we celebrate now, like this, that leaves us nowhere to go" bit.ly/9ymDPJ #
- "find innovative ways to increase the internal level of competition in the practice routine" bit.ly/9ymDPJ #
- "focus inward, on the controllable internal process of stretching and reaching toward a goal" bit.ly/9ymDPJ #
- asahi.com(朝日新聞社):ドイツ統一20年、世論は評価 消えゆく「心の壁」 – 国際 bit.ly/dnYscT #
- If you want to have fun there, start having fun here. There is just another here. #immersion #process #
- If you don't enjoy acquiring your L2, you won't enjoy knowing it. "Knowing" is just acquisition continued at a higher level. #
- マシュー サイド (単行本 – May 2010) の '非才!―あなたの子どもを勝者にする成功の科学' を Amazon でチェック! amzn.to/ddBCIU #
- 推薦!!HIPP 『有機綜合黃金穀精』小寶寶的斷奶食物補充品~ @ bluewhale06 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: bit.ly/dBBQLm #
- ファンレターの書き方 bit.ly/d1R1Pr #
- ファンレターの書き方 – Google 検索 bit.ly/agI5G0 #
- The hardest language in the world is the one you learn out of duty instead of curiosity. #
- No language is worth learning for good reasons. You need something better than that. You need a fun, stupid reason. #
- If you want to pad your CV, just use longer words. Don't learn a frikkin' language. Japanese is for watching Evangelion. #
- #SRS better to do 60~120 seconds/hour than 30 minutes/day. #littleandoften bit.ly/ddojt5 #
- "今週と来週は「The Daily Show」と「Colbert Report」はお休み。さびしいです。" bit.ly/csFcQL #
- 武器よさらば(先週のThe Daily Show with Jon Stewart) | 日記のようなもの。 bit.ly/dmlmbn #
- TBS RADIO 小島慶子 キラ☆キラ: ポッドキャストバックナンバー "2010年10月01日(金) 映画評論家・町山智浩さん" bit.ly/a5ptoi #
- 浮華雜誌 好萊塢專題~好漂亮的10張沙龍照 @ 強生吸樂馬 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: bit.ly/abM76u #
- 秋田犬之家 bit.ly/9168l0 #
- 第97回 『インセプション』とリープ・オブ・フェイス | EnterJam – エンタジャム – 映画・アニメ・ゲームの総合エンタメサイト bit.ly/cKkOQN #
- A language is like a laptop. It's fine to *say* that you're getting it for "work" but it had better actually be for play. #
- コラム/町山智浩のアメリカ映画特電 | EnterJam – エンタジャム – 映画・アニメ・ゲームの総合エンタメサイト bit.ly/bwcJM0 #
- Just like computers, only people who treat the language like a toy are ever any good at using it for serious things. #
- "Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules" bit.ly/bgvV1s #
- A language isn't for putting on résumés: it's for writing the résumé with. #
- Reviewing the Kanji bit.ly/cE0wky #
- Never, ever underestimate the value of "only" being able to understand. Comprehension is the foundation. #input #
- トゥモロー・ワールド – Wikipedia bit.ly/cQqT0u #
- 『IDIOCRACY』26世紀青年: キマグレなヒトリゴト bit.ly/94o42M #
- 『Idiocracy (2006)』 – Die-Early bit.ly/ap47sb #
- YouTube – Hong Kong Doraemon Parody Sketch ドラえもんをネタにして香港のお笑いコント bit.ly/c76Ryk #
- "listen to authentic, native-speaking material and media. Made for natives, by natives" bit.ly/9ljCAX #
- 教育情報 "讓南亞裔學童早日學習中文" bit.ly/9djaZz #
- A language is a habit, not a trophy. Trophy-style language learning is unlikely to work and even less likely to stick #
- YouTube – The First Well – German "by BookBox.com" bit.ly/bQ6oFV #
- "If grammar rules really existed translator programs would be perfect. ね"
bit.ly/9no76T # - Super! drama TV : TOP bit.ly/aQWrbY #
- Want to win? Then realize that a language is a toy. All serious work is done by people who don't take the tools seriously. #
- 要するにホームズ=銀時で、ワトソン=新八 #gintama #sherlockholmes #
- 〈電影觀感〉人類之子Children of Men @ 大頭佬的創意森林 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 bit.ly/crI6mt #
- Generally, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing badly. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Hunchpothesis: frequency of exposure matters more than volume. #
- "language isn’t taught, it is absorbed." bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- "People…seem to think that it takes a genius to become fluent in a second language. No…any idiot can do it." bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- "The most diligent students of a language suck the most." bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- "Fun means you come back" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- YouTube – HILARIOUS POKEMON SCENE! bit.ly/csvOrh #
- Be polite to yourself. You're going to have to be with this person for a while. #mindset #
- "国会答弁のような文章
えー、「国会答弁のような文章が読みにくい」というご指摘についてでありますが、かかる調査の結果、原則的には小泉内閣の「ゆとり教育」が齎した当然の帰結であり、" bit.ly/ciVGCG # - YouTube – 周杰倫-我的地盤 HQ 高品质 bit.ly/9ujRqq #
- 我的地盤歌詞 :: 周杰倫 :: 中文歌詞 bit.ly/bGZNNq #
- If you want to do serious work in a language, you have to stop taking the language seriously. #irony #fun #
- "Books on handwriting and letter writing" bit.ly/cmHstz #
- Don't make your L2 something you sit down to do "properly". Make it something you do while waiting to do other stuff. #
- 「你的功夫真厲害!」"Your kung-fu is formidable!" | 葉問前傳 #
- Where you are is somewhere. What you're doing counts. #mindset #timeboxing #birthlines #
- YouTube – STAR TREK 40 週年紀念中文字幕註釋版 bit.ly/bGvzGh #
- 飛狼 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/9NUAqj #
- 交談機 (Talking Machine): 機器人學三大法則 "機器人三大法則" bit.ly/a5QE4X #
- YouTube – 【PV】The Light feat. Kj from Dragon Ash, 森山直太朗, PES from RIP SLYME -90's HIPHOP remix- bit.ly/cXiIWM #
- Business Media 誠:crocsの最新モデルを、紹介しよう bit.ly/czeINa #
- What can I do in/for two minutes, that will help? #questions #timeboxing #
- When can I next do something that helps, in/for two minutes? #questions #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Do something that helps, as soon as you can. #mindset #birthlines #timeboxing #
- Your house = a book transit/processing zone. Increase the # of books that come through (not necessarily the # that stay) #
- Take things one #timebox at a time. #
- The languages you've made contact with in the past hour…are the languages you are learning. #
- onairpower.com – 24小時網上電臺 bit.ly/cKSXG8 #Cantonese radio | Playing some good hip-hop/R&B right now… #
- 承讓,承讓 #
- クマが会社事務所に侵入 飛騨市、従業員は窓から脱出 - 岐阜新聞 Web bit.ly/bZ3c53 #
- "白人はアジアで、アフリカで、近隣の国や民族をいがみ合わせて、
おいしいところを持っていく。漁夫の利そのものだ。" bit.ly/ddDnlj # - 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本-主站 bit.ly/alPbRU #
- 教育部國語辭典簡編本 bit.ly/db4CNP #
- "中国、朝鮮半島、いずれにしても組みしにくい相手であることは確か。
でもいつかはがっちり手を組む日が来なければならない" bit.ly/ddDnlj # - "漁夫の利は、中国の戦国時代の史書『戦国策(燕策)』の故事に由来する。
趙の国が燕の国を攻撃しようとしている時、燕の蘇代が趙の恵文王に会い、次のような話をした。" bit.ly/c5eRiR # - @UnclePolyglot ええっとね・・・(笑)さっきまでカンフー映画(葉問2)観てたので、つい鸚鵡返し(?)かのように囀っちゃいました(^^)。 in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- @UnclePolyglot 台詞の発言者(葉問本人)も超が付くぐらいの聖人君子。もー文縐縐そのもの。 in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- 「空気」の病 – 池田信夫blog – BLOGOS(ブロゴス) – livedoor ニュース bit.ly/9Aq4B9 #
- It helps to be too dumb to quit. 😀 #
- @higashi 木六本センセー in reply to higashi #
- @higashi 2台で観んなよ!倖田來未さんも気持ち悪いと思ってるよ、そんな信仰心(^^) in reply to higashi #
- 出動!あきば★ふみもみポリス bit.ly/a3AuvP #
- 蘭斯·雷迪克 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/bmxile #
- 【FOX】 Fringe 【JJエイブラムス】 2 – 2ちゃんぬる bit.ly/9E7u8L #
- 雪恋しいね(^^) #
- "恥の文化(笑)とやらもそうだけど結局は普遍性があるよな
もし外国で、スーツの重役がずらっと並んだ会議で短パン姿の奴が居ても浮いてるだろ・・・" bit.ly/ds3OW9 # - "劣等感は向上心の糧" bit.ly/ds3OW9 #
- Be smart enough to tweak your strategy and tactics, but too dumb to quit. 😀 #
- YouTube – [PV] Gaki Ranger- Rap Grappler Gaki bit.ly/9LJCDb 餓鬼レンジャー #
- YouTube – 2HOT DJ High Switch 餓鬼レンジャー bit.ly/dzFoRI #
- YouTube – 餓鬼レンジャー ★ MONKEY4 bit.ly/bbrFnv #
- YouTube – SHAKKAZOMBIE feat. Michico – SO TIGHT, SO DEEP bit.ly/cfpBLk | Presumably referring to quality and profundity #
- YouTube/DELI – PASS DA POPCORN feat. NIPPS, K-B(THE HIMALAYA), Mr Nice G-13 bit.ly/bTBiLg | one of the coolest songs ever #
PASS DA POPCORN #lyrics bit.ly/apOJpA # - YouTube – Shakkazombie – Right Here bit.ly/9zJPza #beat #
- YouTube – michico feat. VERBAL – tha superstar bit.ly/dxAek4 #oldskool #
- YouTube – DJ Hasebe feat Verbal and Bonnie Pink "Get out" bit.ly/aedIO2 #
- YouTube – DOUBLE/Rollin' on bit.ly/dlcAZQ #
- YouTube – DOUBLE/Who's That Girl bit.ly/d18Jmb | Dang…no one told me Double was this good 😀 #
- YouTube – DOUBLE/Call Me bit.ly/bV4qZm #
- いいね、『インデペンデンス・デイ』って。 #
- 「恣意開火!」| "Fire at will" #id4 | 地球捍衛戰(DVD9)-影視-卓越亞馬遜 bit.ly/aEvmGG #
- YouTube – Interrogatorio a pinocho en Shrek 3 + canto de Gingy bit.ly/caNkGG #
- …and then on the third day, Ip Man walked on water… #
- The key is to learn Japanese, not to follow instructions. That is the only "rule". Everything else is a suggestion. #
- In reality, a language class is more a club than an actual method of learning a language ~ @phrx #
- NYブルックリン美術館で村上隆展:「職場での閲覧には不向き」なフィギュアも | WIRED VISION bit.ly/boHbeT #
- 村上隆『版画が好きで造って来ました』の個展に行って来た。 | SUPERFLAT MONOGRAM (( ´∀`)<はなざきのBLOG。) bit.ly/d2CGeH #
- 村上隆 × カニエ・ウェスト – Fresh News Delivery bit.ly/coN17T #
- 村上隆、アートの原点“マイ・ファースト・アート”シリーズ | verita daily news bit.ly/c0NMHV #
- YouTube – 「神の折り紙」 神谷哲史 bit.ly/bA7pxx
bit.ly/csjPsK # - @bri_tyan って・・・言うじゃな~い? in reply to bri_tyan #
- Don't confuse payload with vehicle. Japanese is the payload. The vehicle is whatever you like. I like Star Trek 😀 #
- @JapanNewbie AJATT Amazon Store (Japan) – Books: PD bit.ly/cbHB1V in reply to JapanNewbie #
- @JapanNewbie AJATT Amazon Store – PD Books bit.ly/aYQoss in reply to JapanNewbie #
- ミラーニューロン – Wikipedia bit.ly/cuUWZ0 #
- Skip to the fun parts first. You can come back to the boring bits later. The book is bound together, after all. #reading #
- YouTube – #30 恥ずかしいけど見せます -Shows though it is shameful- bit.ly/6kB2YL #
- Japanese man captured in Ukraine forgot Japanese
| Times Online bit.ly/905yAf # - YouTube – 女人我最大
bit.ly/9GAQpH | I love this show and I cannot understand why # - increase the number of times you start (=tries) → increase the probability a desirable result. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- シーシュポス – Wikipedia bit.ly/ccRvyS #
- Secret to winning at Japanese: reduce the gap between the last time you touched Japanese and the next time you touch it. #
- @JapanNewbie Oh, it doesn' t automatically…have them…? Hmmm… in reply to JapanNewbie #
- Your destinyyyyy will lead you…to where the peeeeople need you!
星銃士ビスマルク: DVD amzn.to/9fDbpP # - YouTube – HD星銃士ビスマルクOP bit.ly/9SlcM5 #
- 上野石之助 – Wikipedia bit.ly/boSE73 #
- 上野石之助 – Wikipedia "上野は長いウクライナでの生活の中で日本語をほとんど忘れてしまった。" bit.ly/boSE73 #
- Short-term numerical goals → better to shoot for something too easy and reach/exceed it, than to try to stretch. IMHO. #
- YouTube – ueshima bit.ly/ao9O0s ダチョウ どうぞどうぞ #
- @chmijo (^ー^) #
- We forget easily. We need common sense repeated to us so many times that we actually start to live it. #mindset #
- Pitch at 80% strength, rather than 100% or 110%. Grow into power rather than straining out to it. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- "putting in more time on the court with a ball in his hands than 99.99999% of us are willing to" bit.ly/9P7KwC #
- "learning in Chinese, rather than just learning Chinese" bit.ly/9agYVY #
- Your belief in yourself often needs to be inversely proportional to your visible ability. #irony #mindset #
- The time to believe in yourself is when you suck. Post-sucking phase, all you need are eyes and ears. #mindset 😀 #
- First you reinforce the mindset. Then, the results of that mindset reinforce themselves. #momentum #mindset #
- @asiababymama Woman! It's a perfectly respectable time of day here in the Japans! #hello #timedifference #learnhowtocount #woman in reply to asiababymama #
- Do something that helps. #commonsensealwayswarrantsrepeating #
- 美黑
bit.ly/b9E0CN # - "ハリス:小船じゃねーか!!
ハリス:しかも全然黒船ですらねぇじゃねぇか!!" bit.ly/aBCdKt # - GAINAX NET|Works|Animation & Films|新世紀エヴァンゲリオン "新世紀エヴァンゲリオン" bit.ly/9hNYz0 #
- 出動!あきば★ふみもみポリス bit.ly/a3AuvP #
- Energy spent handling true precursors is always energy well spent. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning bit.ly/ddO9fx #
- Download of the Day: Any Video Converter (Windows) bit.ly/awJVFU #
- アイマットの日本語の旅 – iMat’s japanese journey (1) « Le Blogicarpe | "Don’t plan, or plan smaller." bit.ly/buev #
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