- "Chinese is just a language…Developed by human brains, for consumption by other human brains" bit.ly/cA50dQ #
- "learn to read. Show those 3-year old native Chinese speakers how things are done." bit.ly/cA50dQ #
- YouTube – ECFA雙英辯論 100425 part 12 bit.ly/a4oTf2 #
- @woochinese can you 推薦 any Mando podcasts? #
- "『希望は、人を成功に導く信仰である。
幸せのヒント 「まず希望をもつことから」
" bit.ly/cWamRt # - スキャン本舗 【本のスキャン代行サービス】 1冊100円から bit.ly/a5tIaQ | Thanks A-star! #
- "人類が成しとげた偉業のほとんどは、当初は不可能だと言われていたことだ。" bit.ly/aJzO9W #
- DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation Videos – G4tv.com bit.ly/coBkQW #games #operantconditioning #skinner #
- 陳旭《哥只是個傳說》原創音樂故事-蘇瑋明撞墻推薦 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/apB5YL #
- The more important it is, the less time you should give it. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Important thing → give it less time, but more tries. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- YouTube – ACO – 哀愁とバラード Aishuu to ballad [eng subs] bit.ly/cobq0p #
- YouTube – [M/V] G-DRAGON – BUTTERFLY bit.ly/9vsK3P via @phxrx #
- YouTube – 王祖藍 – 天使低低B bit.ly/9r6ghK http://bit.ly/95fgbw #
- "use errors and mistakes to accomplish success" amzn.to/d1MOwl #
- A gram of gold is worth more than a gram of sand
bit.ly/arrkxE #birthlines #timeboxing # - If it’s big and important, then don’t finish it. Don’t finish. Start. Then go play. Then start again.
bit.ly/arrkxE # - @chunksmybaby ajatt.com/store 下の方 in reply to chunksmybaby #
- You don’t "hunker down" to do Farmville. You just do it.
bit.ly/cimg37 #birthlines #timeboxing # - YouTube – 農夫 – 農夫係你老死 bit.ly/bQZ5ye #cantonese #rap #
- If a man plays hard, the land will not be lazy… 😀
bit.ly/atS0Z7 #SRS # - KIPP:Knowledge IS Power Program(ビル・ゲイツが取り上げた学校)|神戸・須磨・名谷の子どもと大人の英会話教室E-BIC(イービック) bit.ly/aIVgBd #
- 若き経済学者のアメリカ – 全米最大のチャータースクール KIPP
bit.ly/b8dBq1 # - "KIPPとは、中学校のあるシステムで、授業は午前7:25から、午後5:00か7:00に終了し、従来の公立よりも50%以上も学習時間が長いそうです。" bit.ly/cNwdFV #
- Use timeboxes to countdown to birthlines. #
- One minute spent moving forward takes as long as one minute standing still. #timeboxing #
- Assuming you're not trying to hurt yourself, it takes just as much effort to be productive as to be unproductive. #timeboxing #
- There are no "lazy" people. Only scared, misinformed people spending lots of time and energy doing unhelpful things. #
- There are no "lazy" people. Everyone's busy moving in some direction. The only question is…which direction? #birthlines #
- YouTube – 秘密結社 鷹の爪 第1話(前編) bit.ly/byvQeQ #
- Stop kidding yourself. You know you're not gonna do it. Do something easy instead. Do a tiny, useful thing instead. #
- YouTube – 花束 E08 [勝妍 & 智英]Kara + 4Minute cut 2 bit.ly/bKSPqD #
- YouTube – カラ (KARA) – ミスター (Mr.) (Dance Shot Ver.) bit.ly/db04Ke #
- YouTube – KARA – Mr. (Mister) Japanese Ver. Official PV bit.ly/9RLEGh #
- YouTube – [Full HD MV] KARA – Lupin bit.ly/9xdofq #
- YouTube – 12月のゲスト寺田和正さん(3)/HILLSCAST bit.ly/bEL16G #
- Do important things badly. If they're really important, then any amount of doing will…do. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- Experiment: pick your direction, but let the tasks pick you. #
- Log dispassionately. The purpose of #logging is not to make you feel bad or good. It's to get the facts. #
- "I was really worried that the students will not like a Singaporean teaching them Korean…" bit.ly/a24xPU #
- Little and rarely → blame genes. A lot, rarely → binge-purge. A lot, often → burnout. Little and often → fun win. #
- FRINGE/フリンジ bit.ly/90YtU0 #
- "In English, you drive on a parkway, and you park on a driveway" bit.ly/9iJwyn #
- "Only in English would you have a device called a hot water heater — nobody else is trying to heat their hot water. " bit.ly/9iJwyn #
- "When people say “heads up!” they really mean heads down" bit.ly/9iJwyn #
- Watch Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese Drama for free! Stream JDrama, KDrama, and TDrama movies as well. bit.ly/bJr2fR #
- If it's boring and annoying, then don't do it. Do something else. #commonsense #
- @jonathanjustin Change it. in reply to jonathanjustin #
- @jonathanjustin If it's boring and annoying, then don't do it. Do something else. in reply to jonathanjustin #
- It helps to be too dumb to complicate your own life. #kiss 😀 #
- Choose an identity — self-perception — that helps you. #mindset #
- "お笑い文化が体に染み込んでいることをアピールする" bit.ly/axv9ZL #
- Don't be right. Don't compete. Win. #
- "書くことの苦手意識をどうやったら克服できるか" bit.ly/9xn0zb #
- There is only one opponent: you, yesterday. #
- HONDA Naoyuki: the reason you can't get stuff done is because you have too much time. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- "Never let what you cannot do stop you from doing what you CAN do!" — Stephen Pierce via @kenford #timeboxing #
- “The only time you mustn’t fail is the last time you try.” ~ Charles Kettering bit.ly/cimg37 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希-即影即有(粵語) bit.ly/bdelsp #
- Gimme A Beat BONNIE PINK 歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/dlW4og #
- iPad 繁體字 | 蘋果中文知識網 bit.ly/boiaJV #
- iPad 繁體字 | 蘋果中文知識網 " 看看 App Store吧,剛推出了蒙恬筆HD for Ipad,不用越獄也解決了繁體輸入問題了…" bit.ly/boiaJV #
- YouTube – 周杰倫-爺爺泡的茶KTV bit.ly/cGeAEq
bit.ly/djA64n # - 蒙恬筆HD : 繁簡合一中文手寫 for iPad on the iTunes App Store bit.ly/dlmykS #
- YouTube – マクロスゼロ 翼はPleasure Line
bit.ly/bCMKMT # - YouTube – 「五秒の再会」斉藤和義 bit.ly/cGmWSq #singersongwriter #
- "日中はだらだら仕事をしいつも遅くまで残業する社員" bit.ly/bIU9G0 #
- The Spaced Repetition Party | Sinosplice bit.ly/9v55CO bit.ly/aFTVVQ #
- What is spaced repetition, and why should I care? | WooChinese bit.ly/aFTVVQ #
- "Harness the power of music to make foreign languages stick. " bit.ly/9QiiRx #
- "I used music and media in the target language to make the language part of my life. " bit.ly/8XYDAm #
- "Watch TV Daily! " bit.ly/8XYDAm | So true #
- 'Language is Music' by Susanna Zaraysky
amzn.to/9Qeci1 # - A more apt name for AJATT might be "the Media Method"…that's the core artifact, really. #
- Just focus on being headed there. Getting there and being there will take care of themselves. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- "Human beings are actually designed to pulse. " bit.ly/cebibK #timeboxing #birthlines #
- 「起きる」と「起こる」 – VANDER TECH 中国駐在! – Yahoo!ブログ "にも" bit.ly/a80E7m #
- "perceptual training regimens might be made markedly more efficient and less effortful" bit.ly/cTcn7T #
- アメリカ高学歴エリートたたきの危うさ | アメリカ | 最新記事 | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト bit.ly/9yNSiA #
- "一生懸命に勉強し、成果を出し、自らを向上させていく――それはアメリカンドリームではないのか? " bit.ly/9yNSiA #
- You suck too much to give up just yet. Wait until you're better. 😀 #SRS #media #
- ■イーオン・フラックス Aeon Flux|ツボヤキ日記★TSUBOYAKI DIARY bit.ly/9DnI7l #
- YouTube – Jolin 蔡依林 – 招牌動作 bit.ly/cV1Gzu #
- YouTube – 弦子-醉清風 bit.ly/9RjVfy #
- YouTube – 蔡依林 – 招牌动作 video.playinmel.com bit.ly/aqpE0K #
- YouTube – 梁靜茹 下一秒鐘 bit.ly/bEdklr #
- YouTube – 李泉&范曉萱_流浪狗MTV bit.ly/bppWav #rapnb sounds like Bone Thugs-N-Harmony 😀 #mandarin #
- YouTube – 海外で日本のテレビ視聴 bit.ly/9f8C08 #
- 海外で日本のテレビを視聴 – WatchJTV.com bit.ly/a1MNSA #
- "日本国内の自宅などにテレビチューナー付きのパソコンや専用機器を設置し、インターネット上から操作する仕組みである。" bit.ly/bKS5xA #
- 日本デジタル家電(NYX) bit.ly/c1HEy7 #
- 日本のテレビ番組を海外で見る – 海外赴任・留学・出張ならJCMの「海外いろは」 bit.ly/bKS5xA #
- チリ落盤、作業員33人全員生還 – 速報:@niftyニュース
bit.ly/akiJvc | 良かった~! # - When you only have 2 minutes, you have to start finding 2-minute solutions. #timeboxing #parkinsonslaw #
- "Artists who make more art make better art than artists who try to make perfect art from the start." bit.ly/dyvUQq #
- YouTube – 1. Shinya Hashimoto vs Riki Choshu (NJPW) bit.ly/bOrD07 via #ajattplus #
- 桃とニューヨークとミュージカルと。:ザ・デイリー・ショウ bit.ly/aJZw7J #
- YouTube – Red Cliff clip: the legendary general – Guan Yu bit.ly/a7pkqx #
- [ metamuse ]: 瀏覽器的板塊移動: Google Chrome 在威能使用群當中取得領先 bit.ly/ditbkp #
- Just like computers, only people who treat the language like a toy are ever any good at it. #playisfundamental #
- Reading Tutor Homepage "日本語読解学習支援システム
リーディング チュウ太" bit.ly/ato131 # - "if a cell is not appropriately stimulated by other cells, it self-destructs" bit.ly/91lTox #
- More Brain Research Suggests 'Use It Or Lose It' bit.ly/91lTox #
- "words aren’t difficult; they are just uncommon and therefore perceived as difficult to the uninitiated." bit.ly/93S2si #
- A language is a lifestyle, not a trophy. Trophy-style language learning is unlikely to work and even less likely to stick #
- Is Your Willpower Running Low? Only If You Believe It Is.
bit.ly/d0ULcl # - Fixed Versus Growth Intelligence Mindsets: It's All In Your Head, Psychologist Says bit.ly/abdU3Z #
- Students Who Believe Intelligence Can Be Developed Perform Better bit.ly/cO9fHJ #
- Worrying won't make you better. But a bit of TV definitely will. #exposure #media #
- 「事件が起きる度にゲームやアニメの所為にしている評論家は、昇龍拳か波動拳でも食らえばいいと思う」JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2006年04月04日@6m30s #
- "若者の凶悪犯罪が起きると、ゲームやアニメで影響さらという評論家がいるが、酒のトラブルで起きた事件をなぜ酒の影響で起きたといわないのか?" bit.ly/bblucO #
- Learning Korean without Speaking | Foreign Language Mastery bit.ly/doTxZv #
- Japanese Lessons with Maggie bit.ly/ckGPOV #
- What are you doing right now? The answer to that question is obscenely important. #timeboxing #
- Pick the most important direction, but within that direction, pick the smallest, easiest step. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Met two Chinese guys going to school here in Japan. Guess what their main problem is? Can't follow their lectures. #input #listening #
- Self-sabotage: Why Some People Can't Handle Success bit.ly/8ZHSo7 #
- Kop Blog – Dance Music & Fitness :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: bit.ly/agLAyL #
- Get Smart About What You Eat And You Might Actually Improve Your Intelligence bit.ly/cKQ9Hn #
- Pick the most important direction, but within that direction, be lazy. Do whatever. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Is Your Willpower Running Low? Only If You Believe It Is. | Psychology Today bit.ly/dr9ZPg #
- The direction of your steps matters more than their size. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- YouTube – Japanese Fanta Commericals Fanta subbed bit.ly/drJk7a #
- When you can't do the best thing, don't do nothing, just do the next best thing. #commonsense #exposure #immersion #
- There are always cracks in the concrete of time where Japanese weeds can grow
bit.ly/98qDuy # - YouTube – IQ博士 當年禁播 小茜露胸 廣東話版 bit.ly/c4avAn #
- "在發展中國家,識字率呈現上升趨勢,已開發國家的識字率基本上保持穩定,但是近年來,許多已開發國家反倒開始出現識字率倒退的現象" bit.ly/aXzO4D #
- How To Control VLC And Winamp Media Player With ‘Media Keyboard’ bit.ly/aWkdOb #
- "constructive reactions to setbacks" bit.ly/cO9fHJ #
- "beliefs can be changed to maximize students' motivation and achievement" bit.ly/cO9fHJ #
- "You can…get….low…motivation folks to perform better…when you present a task as enjoyable and fun" bit.ly/dADKwE #
- Develop a sense of entitlement towards Japanese. You have a right to know it. #
- Trying to beat others distracts you from winning. The only opponent is you yesterday. Don't compete. Don't beat. Win. #
- "People who blame video games and anime for violence should get a hadoken or a shoryuken right to the face". bit.ly/cQKiXS #
- 「事件が起きる度にゲームやアニメの所為にしている評論家は、昇龍拳か波動拳でも食らえばいいと思う」JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2006年04月04日@6m30s bit.ly/cQKiXS #
- VLC 1.1.4で、「ISOファイルが再生できない」を解決する方法! | それでも地球はまわっている bit.ly/alLptG = v1.0.5に戻る #
- "writer’s block is mostly indecision" bit.ly/98qDuy #
- 'わたしもパニック障害だった'amzn.to/cT7yGi って・・・言うじゃない? #
- BookFire – 書籍 スキャン PDF サービス比較まとめ bit.ly/aBWAwv | Thanks A-star! #
- スキャン本舗 【本のスキャン代行サービス】 1冊100円から bit.ly/a0VGRf | Thanks A-star! #
- 芥川賞に中国人作家の楊逸さん 直木賞は井上荒野さん – 47NEWS(よんななニュース) bit.ly/b9Ra2K #
- "達成するまで、それはいつも不可能に見える" bit.ly/9RgFV0 #
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