AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-08-07

The least we can do for ourselves is present work in appealing portions bit.ly/bKTtER # BTT Software | Egg Timer #timeboxing #software bit.ly/bO9aQ0 @JapanNewbie # "Once you know how to learn languages from content, you can continue doing so throughout your life" bit.ly/9AySqQ # 「秘かにユーザー情報を収集するアプリ」が多数 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/cmxLkg # "多くの『iPhone』アプリケーションも、ユーザーのプライバシーに侵入していると指摘する。" bit.ly/cmxLkg # "Success is…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-08-07

The least we can do for ourselves is present work in appealing portions bit.ly/bKTtER # BTT Software | Egg Timer #timeboxing #software bit.ly/bO9aQ0 @JapanNewbie # "Once you know how to learn languages from content, you can continue doing so throughout your life" bit.ly/9AySqQ # 「秘かにユーザー情報を収集するアプリ」が多数 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/cmxLkg # "多くの『iPhone』アプリケーションも、ユーザーのプライバシーに侵入していると指摘する。" bit.ly/cmxLkg # "Success is…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-08-07

The least we can do for ourselves is present work in appealing portions bit.ly/bKTtER # BTT Software | Egg Timer #timeboxing #software bit.ly/bO9aQ0 @JapanNewbie # "Once you know how to learn languages from content, you can continue doing so throughout your life" bit.ly/9AySqQ # 「秘かにユーザー情報を収集するアプリ」が多数 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/cmxLkg # "多くの『iPhone』アプリケーションも、ユーザーのプライバシーに侵入していると指摘する。" bit.ly/cmxLkg # "Success is…

Well, Do Kanji Your Way Then….

You know, it’s funny, but… It sometimes seems like a lot of people get upset when: I remind them that Heisig said it was OK to give yourself the keywords and story as a hint, and I tell them to continue doing their kanji SRS reps until the kanji cards fully mature, i.e. until the…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-07-31

スターゲイト SG-1 – Wikipedia bit.ly/a5z0ob # Don't try to do the thing, just focus on increasing the probability of it happening bit.ly/crFiPf # @Brokenvai Looking forward to reading it 😀 in reply to Brokenvai # A child was born in Japan today. Your choices from this point forward will determine whether he is your kanji…