- The least we can do for ourselves is present work in appealing portions
bit.ly/bKTtER # - BTT Software | Egg Timer #timeboxing #software bit.ly/bO9aQ0 @JapanNewbie #
- "Once you know how to learn languages from content, you can continue doing so throughout your life" bit.ly/9AySqQ #
- 「秘かにユーザー情報を収集するアプリ」が多数 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/cmxLkg #
- "多くの『iPhone』アプリケーションも、ユーザーのプライバシーに侵入していると指摘する。" bit.ly/cmxLkg #
- "Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals"
bit.ly/9TtML9 # - USATODAY.com – Excerpt from 'The Kaizen Way: One Small Step Can Change Your Life' bit.ly/cLJRQa #
- 「でも、そんなの関係ねぇ!
bit.ly/b8Nm1X # - YouTube – kojima yoshio bit.ly/dktOND #
- YouTube – 紳士服のフタタ 小島よしお編 bit.ly/99ScDW #
- YouTube – 小島よしお ~ネタ~ bit.ly/9oli8K #
- YouTube – YomiuriShimbun 的頻道 bit.ly/bQrkvI #
- コルタン – Wikipedia "コルタン埋蔵量の80%はコンゴ民主共和国にあり" bit.ly/9lHiVz #
- YouTube – Yoshio Kojima bit.ly/cxxKoR #
- 中國經濟還能高速增長多少年? bit.ly/dlvjvu #
- "taking small actions that guarantee success" bit.ly/cLJRQa #
- Xファイル – Wikipedia bit.ly/bo0wf5 #
- 現實政治 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/cbuAk9 #
- ファミリー・ガイ – Wikipedia bit.ly/b2NRbr #
- ファミリー・ガイ – Wikipedia "日本向けのDVD-BOXが発売されている(ただし、吹き替えは無い)。" bit.ly/b2NRbr #
- On How to Learn Languages: Japanese vocabulary size bit.ly/9NfJz8 #
- IT総合情報ポータル「ITmedia」Home bit.ly/9A6B87 #
- ライフスタイル / ロスト・イン・トランスレーション―言語は世界観さえ左右する / The Wall Street Journal, Japan Online Edition – WSJ.com bit.ly/9MoCX4 #
- マルコヴィッチの穴 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bkZSMY #
- 乱択アルゴリズム (アルゴリズム・サイエンス・シリーズ―数理技法編) [ハードカバー]
玉木 久夫 (著)
amzn.to/9kMlDc # - YouTube – Alice「イチバンボシ」PV bit.ly/ahtr0P #
- YouTube – アリス マクドナルド CM bit.ly/aK8Stc #
- YouTube – 【PV】サマーウルフ / 逗子三兄弟 bit.ly/dgussq #
- YouTube – 【PV】The Light feat. Kj from Dragon Ash, 森山直太朗, PES from RIP SLYME -90's HIPHOP remix- bit.ly/cXiIWM #
- インセプション (映画) – Wikipedia bit.ly/dBgcGH #
- Your Mom called. Said to turn up the cartoons. #immersion #
- Your Mom called. 'Said to read more comic books. #immersion #
- Your Mom called. 'Said to carry your iPod with you. #immersion #
- YouTube – 周杰倫 – 愛在西元前 – Jay Chou – Love Before The Century MV bit.ly/9leFki #
- Make simple rules so you can win. If you can win, you'll actually play. Let yourself win. Someone has to. #immersion #
- YouTube – 鄧麗欣-中華冷面(原裝MV)高畫質立體 聲版 bit.ly/b5ZWa8 #
- YouTube – 鄧麗欣-中華冷面(原裝MV)高畫質立體 聲版 bit.ly/b5ZWa8 | Where did you get your noodles? 😛 #
- YouTube – 鄧麗欣 – 中華冷面 (高清HD版) bit.ly/bzZg13 #
- YouTube – HotCha – Party Girl (高清HD版) bit.ly/bWfAUL #
- YouTube – HotCha – 小野蠻 (高清HD版) bit.ly/biHWUd #
- YouTube – 入型入格 – 謝安琪 bit.ly/bkldNt | Jazzy 😀 #
- YouTube – 蕭煌奇【我是你的消防局】MV bit.ly/aFDU3v #
- YouTube – 飛輪海 – 最佳聽眾 MV bit.ly/bXKpvP #
- "easy and fun…If a sentence is too hard for me, I don't use it. " bit.ly/alJE7o #
- ゲシュタルト心理学 – Wikipedia bit.ly/ctQFVW #
- 格式塔學派 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/9jTAdB #
- Logistics is a huge dealmaker/breaker. It's not enough to know the right thing to do: you have to make it convenient #immersion #
- Logistics are? a huge dealmaker/breaker. It's not enough to know the right thing to do: you have to make it convenient #immersion #
- PHP: foreach – Manual "PHP 4には、Perlや他の言語とよく似た foreach構文があります。これにより 配列要素に関する反復処理が容易になります。"
bit.ly/b0Q1el # - 顯示器 : 理想很豐滿,現實很骨感 – 一五一十部落 | My1510 bit.ly/9eGbNo #
- YouTube – 法國靚女控球
bit.ly/9HHMlM # - 競技啦啦隊 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/cZcPKG #
- YouTube – 按一下以加入標題… bit.ly/a0gtdC #
- YouTube – NG片 bit.ly/dc5ChH #Cantonese #bloopers #
- YouTube – 爆笑!周星馳早年NG鏡頭集錦!-0001 bit.ly/baA9kt #
- YouTube – 星爺RAP星爺VS尼力的RAP~超好聽~超好看啦~ bit.ly/b55dYG #
- Immersion = do meaninglessly small things in Japanese. #
- Every kanji you write is a victory. Every kana you right is a victory. Each second you listen to a song, is a victory. #immersion #
- は[係助] – 国語辞書 – goo辞書 "[補説]係助詞「は」は現在では「わ」と発音するが、「は」で表記するのが普通。" bit.ly/caiqav #
- iPad向けブラウザアプリ「iLunascape」公開–両手で持った際の操作を考慮したUIを採用 – CNET Japan bit.ly/d2Q3aU | My friend wrote this! 😀 MY friend… #
- "iLunascapeはiPad用のタブブラウザです。両手でしっかりと保持したままの利用を想定したインターフェースにより、安定した状態でiPadでのウェブ閲覧ができます。" bit.ly/clkINR #
- "I had no idea how much fun it would be; I actually really enjoy doing the reviews every day." bit.ly/dxdUKt #
- "Perfect" is the enemy of "good enough", and…"Good enough" is the enemy of "At all"!" bit.ly/bGDOhw #
- "Before you stand on the shoulders of giants, you’ll need to stand on the shoulders of fleas" #clozedeletion bit.ly/a0uMjX #
- The Katamari Damacy Model of Growth bit.ly/bYhjfF #
- YouTube – 十分十二寸 字幕版 特區K男 hong kong k boy 吳啟龍 lalalung 唱歌 表演 bit.ly/dqQjoY #
- YouTube – 林子祥 + 陳奕迅 – 十分十二吋 ktv bit.ly/aQ0QlO | Nice "Material Girl" sample 😛 #
- YouTube – 林子祥 – 男兒當自強 (粵語/華語) bit.ly/dyrZXO #
- YouTube – 林子祥 – 男兒當自強 (粵語/華語) 1 of 2 bit.ly/95c7a8 #
- YouTube – 林子祥 – 男兒當自強 (粵語/華語) 2 of 2 bit.ly/bIYhkM #
- YouTube – 劉德華 – 上海灘 【電影 (新上海灘) 片中曲】(现场演绎) (粤語) bit.ly/c3isAK #
- YouTube – [KTV] 麻吉 – [台灣之子] bit.ly/cVEOj9 #
- YouTube – 超人 – 麻吉 黄立成 bit.ly/bO4cUV #
- "it is, in fact, possible to get through the AJATT method" bit.ly/9TdACy #
- ACE KREVA 歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/byTEYs #
- YouTube – 帶子英雄第25集搶先看 bit.ly/9ktvom #
- KICK THE CAN CREW/sayonara sayonara(Album Edit)feat.CUE ZERO の歌詞 : 音楽ダウンロード・音楽配信サイト ListenJapan bit.ly/cN1NfH #
- レインボーテーブル – Wikipedia bit.ly/co32iN #
- 総当たり攻撃 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cmrwn5 #
- If you can't do the right/perfect thing. Do the next best thing. Or the next…or the next…or the next. #immersion #
- "翌年、任天堂は、このままではソニーに納屋を貸して母屋を乗っ取られかねないと判断、" bit.ly/d4K2yV #
- 田中弦 プロフィール – あのひと検索 SPYSEE [スパイシー] bit.ly/c81Zv2 #
- “礼儀正しいと言われる日本人”は本当?ただのマニュアル化によるものでは?真心がないよ "要はイナカモンなんだな " bit.ly/cQRGuy #
- マシ・オカ – Wikipedia "日本・東京都渋谷区出身の俳優、デジタル視覚効果アーティスト。主にアメリカで活動している。" bit.ly/9onRdm #
- 「脳は大きな目標を一度に達成するよりも、目標を細切れにして、段階を一段ずつ上がって行く事で成長して行きます・」
amzn.to/aNxwzN # - Sucking at something is a gift. It's free information from nature. The message reads: "Practice more". #
- YouTube – RHYMESTER – ONCE AGAIN bit.ly/b1vZgr #
- YouTube – Rhymester feat Fire Ball – Heat Island (HQ) (English Subs) bit.ly/cPXa6a #
- Do trivial things. Do trivial things for trivial lengths of time. #timeboxing #immersion #SRS #
- Do trivial things. The Trivial may not be the only portal to the Great, but it's the only one you have access to, human. #
- Do trivial things. Do trivial things in a non-trivial direction. #
- Fiction: in order to be doing something productive, you have to be frowning and/or feeling pain. #
- The only pain should be from outside the project — people making fun of you for having so much fun. Not inside. No duplex pain. #
- Only your direction need be grand. Let your actions be trivial. Translation: Read trashy celebrity magazines in Japanese #
- Only your direction need be grand. Let your actions be trivial. Translation: Use very small cloze deletions #
- YouTube – Russian rap Timati bit.ly/98HjpT #
- YouTube – RUSSIAN RAP HIP HOP (www.myspace.com/turxkish) bit.ly/9OCj0j #
- YouTube – She-Ra Chinese bit.ly/9QLzEm | HA! 😀 #
- YouTube – She-Ra Chinese bit.ly/9QLzEm | She-Ra, She-Ra! Den-de-de-den de-de-den de-de-den 😛 #
- YouTube – She-Ra: Princess of Power (Chinese Version) 非凡的公主希瑞 "非凡的公主希瑞" bit.ly/9szLzA #
- 教育部-國家語文綜合連結檢索系統-華語辭典系列 bit.ly/9Ws8kt #Chinese #monodic #
- Karen's Countdown Timer II bit.ly/cFBb9m #
- Karen's Countdown Timer II bit.ly/cFBb9m | I use this app to open up beloved L2 websites once a day. Automatic immersion. #
- 朝日小学生新聞 bit.ly/bWAQAu | You could have this children's newspaper open up every day using Karen's countdown timer #
- 朝日小学生新聞 bit.ly/bWAQAu #
- どらま・のーと bit.ly/9HuIad #
- @LadyMissie for style; for fun; because they can and you can't stop them! 😀 in reply to LadyMissie #
- YouTube – 給予必要的聲援 蔡英文不切割扁了? bit.ly/cl0qs6 #
- YouTube – 余文回北市府?郝允諾從優給予工作 bit.ly/crBpw9 #
- Don't use your memory as a tool to abuse yourself with. Remember what you did right and try to repeat and expand on it. #
- YouTube – 航空小英雄中文OP [TALESPIN CHINESE INTRO] bit.ly/d8jQDi #
- "我現在大一 這些都是我幼稚園還有國小的甜美回憶" bit.ly/d8jQDi #
- "這也是我小時候愛看的卡通之一耶~謝謝版主讓我們回味那段美麗的 過去~" bit.ly/d8jQDi #
- "Apparently the Japanese are not really training children to learn the language but to follow pointless (cont) tl.gd/2tlbjc #
- "the current language teaching system they use in schools over there stems from (subtle) attempts by the US in (cont) tl.gd/2tlc3r #
- "Language learning is something that comes naturally to all humans." bit.ly/970VjU #
- "You're not gonna be able to get more out of a language than the amount of [time] you put into it." bit.ly/970VjU #
- What It Takes To Be Great
bit.ly/d2Jh7C # - "究極の鍛錬"
amzn.to/9ooc4d # - 不怕交通擁堵 “立體快巴”亮相科博會 – 視頻 – 在線觀看 -立體快巴 科博會 交通 地鐵 城市規劃 – 樂視網 cctv2ty1的演播廳 bit.ly/cvwVMm #
- @danielpwright No. Looks kewl 😛 #
- Do. Not. Do. Boring. Things. In. Your. L2. You're not being disciplined, all you're doing is teaching yourself that L2 = boring. #
- "[Jerry] Rice played well…but not so well that any big-name college would offer him a scholarship" amzn.to/d0YELO #
- "Rice was fast by the standards of Crawford [,MS/pop: 636]…[but] in the NFL his speed was nothing special" amzn.to/d0YELO #
- "Spaced learning usually leads to better recognition memory as compared with massed learning" bit.ly/9IfEw2 #
- "Spaced Learning Enhances Subsequent Recognition Memory by Reducing Neural Repetition Suppression" bit.ly/9IfEw2 #
- "isn't it scandalous how inefficient education is? Cramming all those mind-numbing details in your brain the (cont) tl.gd/2tmvjl #
- How We Learn | Ask the Cognitive Scientist | ""Massed" versus "Distributed" Practice" bit.ly/a7U4iE #
- You don’t play because you’re good. You’re good because you play. #immersion #
- You only have to start to win. #timeboxing #
- #Timeboxing = turning your life into for-loops that actually complete instead of while-loops that run out of memory and crash. #
- You only have to start to win. You may have to start more than once. Just start. Something small. That's all. #
- どらま・のーと: タイガー&ドラゴン bit.ly/bpVAjU #
- "don’t let “being in Japan” fool you" bit.ly/cLxdd7 #
- "don’t use not being in Japan as an excuse for your Japanese being bad" bit.ly/cLxdd7 #
- 10,000個鐘頭同句子學日文 « HKLinguists
bit.ly/afdlF7 # - YouTube – ぬいぐるみにゴハンを食べさせる猫 bit.ly/bhtir1 #
- You have to do your part so that nature can do its part bit.ly/bnEcWj #
- "本当に大切なことは、
無教養な人間の山を生んだ教育制度。世にはびこる賢しらな教育論。そこに決定的に欠けた視座とは? 身ひとつで学び生きるという人間本来のあり方から説く学問論。" bit.ly/cnUvKG # - "身ひとつで学び生きるという人間本来のあり方" | 筑摩書房 独学の精神 / 前田 英樹 著 bit.ly/cnUvKG #
- 独学の精神
amzn.to/9s9aWA # - "学生たちが血で血を洗い互いの骨を砕きあう戦乱の地、関東・・・"
bit.ly/cqrQui # - You don’t try because you’re good. You get good because you try. #
- Comprehension-Based Language Acquisition Methods "「理解できる」が中心の言語習得方法" bit.ly/bdWxRs #
- "最適なインプットとは ① 理解可能であること
② 興味深く,しかも自然であること
③ 文法項目中心に配列されたものでないこと
④ 満足のいくほど多量でなければならないこと" bit.ly/arBpNA # - サイトで共同購入 格安クーポン : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/aSzJgP #
- "no specific genes identifying particular talents have been found" bit.ly/9O3UyU #
- "習得の手段としての読書のポイントは
④たくさん読む" bit.ly/bdWxRs # - A lot of stress comes from forcing yourself to do things you know are stupid/unnecessary. e.g. reading boring books #
- There are so many good books in the world. Why go out of your way to read one of the ones you don't like? #immersion #
- SSS英語学習法/多読+シャドウイング "めざせ100万語!多読で学ぶSSS英語学習法 " bit.ly/aIXKL5 #
- The more Japanese you hear, the more you become able to perceive. #immersion #
- 英語教育エッセイ:インプットとアウトプットをいかにつなぐか
bit.ly/cJjBRY # - ブラック・スネーク・モーン – Google 検索 bit.ly/ca3t0Y #
- YouTube – Famous PV / 大神:OHGA + DJ E SMOOVE (Uncut Version) bit.ly/8ZeAWD #
- [jp]iPhoneアプリ「EPICWIN」は日常生活をRPGにする bit.ly/9kk6gM #
- Don't do the right thing. Do *some*thing. #immersion #
- N・キャンベルさん、国際戦犯法廷で証言 ダイヤ原石を「汚れた小石かと」 写真7枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News bit.ly/9KlRWL #
- James啼影 – 危險性追緝Black Snake Moan讓RICCI變淫娃 bit.ly/9DPDcu #
- 夢醒在驀然回首間 – 危險性追緝 Black Snake Moan bit.ly/cP8rV6 #
- RSS is your friend. Whenever you find an even remotely interesting L2 blog post, subscribe to the blog. #
- 點樣理解外語? « HKLinguists
bit.ly/arB9Sg # - "if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly." lol bit.ly/d4dnPq #
- ブラックベリーに機能制限の波 : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/b9Fpft #
- インセプション (映画) – Wikipedia bit.ly/dBgcGH #
- インセプション (映画) – Wikipedia "イームスが登場するアフリカの街は、劇中ではケニアのモンバサになっているが、撮影されたのはモロッコのタンジェである" bit.ly/bGSBML #
- The secret to learning a language is to do a large QUANTITY of EASY (=fun) things. Note the absence of pain and struggle. #
- I love putting apparently conflicting information into my #SRS and seeing where the chips fall. #URP #
- Get back in touch with your inner 3-year-old. Just say "no" to boring things. #SRS #deletion #immersion #
- Many of us are so conditioned to be obedient sheep that we think boredom = lack of discipline. #
- There are 3 basic responses to boredom: masochism, escapism and replace-with-something-fun-and-but-productive…ism. #
- Swift Kick Central: Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech bit.ly/chG1mM #
- I'm finding it works best for with lang exchange partners when we actually focus on input, i.e. we output our L1s for each other #
- So I speak Japanese to my Chinese #langex partners and they speak Chinese to me. We're like sullen immigrant children 😀 #
- RT @next1step 一歩考:がんばることは長続きしない。続けるためには楽しむ要素を入れること。 楽しみがあれば続ける事が苦痛ではなくなります。 #next1step #kotoba #
- "When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path." http://bit.ly/chG1mM #
- イヴァン・イリイチ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9AwZUS #
- "[SRS] reviews have become like an addictive…video game that I play compulsively for 3~8 minutes at a time" bit.ly/9cGLWe #
- 在家教育(三)‧放縱制度‧孩子學習更自在http://bit.ly/atPGoV #
- @ericnickel Just google an English keyword/topic you're interested in but force the results to be Chinese-language pages in reply to ericnickel #
- 在家自學 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/djTzkZ #
- "'=your_pass' 部分を指定しなければ、mysqldump によってパスワードのプロンプトが表示される。" bit.ly/9c8RmL #
- "Jim Rohn on #immersion "1) Do What You Can, 2) Do The Best You Can"" bit.ly/aZx5IM #
- "ウォーレン・G(Warren G、本名:Warren Griffin III、1970年11月10日-)はカリフォルニア州ロングビーチ出身で、ウエスト・コーストヒップホップにおけるMC、プロデューサーである。" bit.ly/dyhZnD #
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