【CM】豆しば‐ニコニコ動画(9) bit.ly/97QiyX | via #ajattplus # "Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle." bit.ly/9ZmbQ2 # ブーンドックス (漫画) – Wikipedia bit.ly/b9o123 # A language is, like a computer, a toy. A complex, intricate toy, but one that even a small child can…
お巫山戯、日本語で: Japanese Babies That Suck…Even Harder Than You
by momoko
This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series お巫山戯、日本語でNote from Dear Leader Khatzumoto: The following post is by Momoko, and not me. Momoko likes to use language that we don’t approve of here at AJATT. It’s like she’s doing that teenage rebellion thing, but like 15 years too late…way to be on time,…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-04-24
by khatzumoto
"AJATT. Just do what you like doing in English but in Japanese." bit.ly/dwHkRC # "The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure" [PDF] bit.ly/9ByQPh # WEB漫画ともぞうネット bit.ly/avse8b # Webコミックさ~ち:無料のオリジナルWeb漫画オンリーの作品別検索サイト bit.ly/bAnoMx # Web漫画100 bit.ly/bWE4Yn # [web manga] 永井豪まんが外伝 ダイナミックヒーローズ bit.ly/c5AgFl # BSマンガ夜話 – Wikipedia bit.ly/crQ8mg # "評論としてはメタな視点からの分析になることが多いため、それらの発言が原作の「信者」的なファンから「悪口」と捉えられることもしばしばである。" bit.ly/crQ8mg # Doing Japanese because…
Why The Way We Read Sucks and How To Fix It, Part 5: Examples Shown and Questions Answered
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Why The Way We Read Sucks, And How To Fix ItThis is part 5 of a multipart series that is boldly freaking going where no series has gone before. Go here to read the series from the start. And here to read the previous installment.…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-04-17
by khatzumoto
"Do what you can and start where you [are]" @lkr # Being constructive, happy and successful is the greatest revenge. It is the only true revenge. The other kinds don't even count. # YouTube – クレイジーケンバンド / VIVA女性 bit.ly/dCNiVp # "The point of the spacing algorithms is to show you the card as rarely as…
What Is AJATT Plus?
by khatzumoto
It’s a great play-sure to have all of you here today… I’ve always wanted to say “pleasure” like that, with a straight face. What Is AJATT Plus? It’s “AJATT” with “Plus” attached to it! What, I have to explain it to you? OK here we go… Executive Summary: AJATT Plus = Super Uber Cool Premium…