Ask Dr. Khatz: Sidetracked in Salt Lake, Part 2

Maddie and Khatz go way back to university days when they studied together in the computer science department. Now, as a video game programmer in a major company, it would seem Maddie has it all. There’s one dream, however, that has remained elusively beyond the reach of this avid anime fan, gamer, and cosplay seamstress…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-05-15

@Wicketification No….what did you have in mind? (You can do a cull of weak cards/leeches if&when your overall retention drops below 90%) in reply to Wicketification # "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity" # "You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to…

Ask Dr. Khatz: Sidetracked in Salt Lake, Part 1

Maddie and Khatz go way back to carefree university days when they would put in long chocolate-milk-fueled hours in the underground computer laboratory hacking away at never-ending oceans of code. Now, having landed the most awesome and lucrative job of video game programmer, it would seem Maddie has it all… There’s one dream, however, that…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-05-08

ふぁんた時間 | via #ajattplus children's stories, text + audio narration…as opposed to video narration you get the point! # ニュートンと日経サイエンス # YouTube – BONNIE PINK / Thinking of You # YouTube – Yuzu – Natsuiro (PV) | ゆず 夏色 # ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI | YouTube – WATERIZE 傷の上には赤いBLOOD # YouTube – Vo Vo…