- "Do what you can and start where you [are]" @lkr #
- Being constructive, happy and successful is the greatest revenge. It is the only true revenge. The other kinds don't even count. #
- YouTube – クレイジーケンバンド / VIVA女性 bit.ly/dCNiVp #
- "The point of the spacing algorithms is to show you the card as rarely as possible and still keep it in your brain." bit.ly/aHFk2a #
- " you can see one's language learning as a scientific experiment. You try X thing, hoping for Y results…" bit.ly/99SHuW #
- "The stronger the self-efficacy or mastery expectations, the more active the efforts. " bit.ly/cSxlHM #
- "People with high self-efficacy in a task are more likely to make more of an effort, and persist longer" bit.ly/cSxlHM #
- 「日系人だけは別だ」ってゆってもお前、そもそも東北アジア諸民族の区別が出来るアメリカ人は殆ど居ないからさ、お世辞でそう言われただけなんじゃないの?いい年して鵜呑みなんて・・・(^^)
bit.ly/bceveG # - 鬼ごっこ – Wikipedia "鬼・子ともに移動は自由だが、逃げる範囲(開始前に「この公園の中」など明確に定められるか、あるいは漠然と不文律的に定められている)を逸脱することは禁じられている。" bit.ly/c1PKDT #
- 「YouTube – アルコール依存症 回復への道1/3」 bit.ly/cpkg8X #
- 限界効用 – Wikipedia "限界効用(げんかいこうよう、Marginal utility)" bit.ly/9wvZZr #
- "勇敢的前往沒有人去過的地方。" bit.ly/bb0tUt #
- "你有冇搞錯呀?"
YouTube – 你有冇搞錯呀 宜家算點呀 | わしょく 言葉 bit.ly/cQiiXB # - Apple stock analysis #Cantonese YouTube – 林燕玲〔棗紅〕: Mac機,蘋果股價http://bit.ly/bVscn4 #
- YouTube – 香港學生rap衰學校 School Suckaz by MCHin & MC 海 bit.ly/dwd9yi #Cantonese #
- "你有冇搞錯呀?!" this is like my favorite phrase in #Cantonese 😀
YouTube – 你有冇搞錯呀 宜家算點呀 | わしょく 言葉 "你有冇搞錯呀" bit.ly/cQiiXB # - "The Rock" #Cantonese #dub
YouTube – 我已經好耐冇試過同人講多謝架啦 多謝你 | わしょく 言葉 bit.ly/acusYD # - Princess Mononoke Script | もののけ姫テキスト "タタラ場を守るんだ。エボシさまと約束したんだから" bit.ly/9tFSyx #
- Funny Chinese pop/rock song about a bunch of geeks who decide to learn taekwondo
YouTube – 糯米糰 – 跆拳道 bit.ly/aFXCoZ # - 香港 跆拳道 YouTube – paul bit.ly/a07eOe #Cantonese #
- YouTube – Keroro軍曹香港黑人牙膏廣告 bit.ly/c15SyB Darlie… 😀 #
- YouTube – [香港廣告](2008)黑人抗敏感牙膏 bit.ly/dryTfI More darlie commercials, baby #
- YouTube – 香港中古廣告: darkie 黑人牙膏 ( 李嘉欣 )1987 bit.ly/9W92No Back when darlie was called…well….darkie 😛 #
- 周期表 – Wikipedia "周期表(しゅうきひょう、英: periodic table" bit.ly/9yWXON #
- 細野秀雄 – Wikipedia "細野 秀雄(ほその ひでお、1953年9月7日 – )は東京工業大学セラミックス研究所教授でセメントを高い電気伝導の金属状態に変えた発見などで知られる。" bit.ly/aMfYoG #
- 自分そっくりのコピーロボット開発に世界仰天!石黒浩/Tech総研 bit.ly/9dVMiz #
- デラシネの独り言 : 中田 力(脳神経学)――「こころは水で作られる!?」 bit.ly/cBoLHA #
- @rhino_spike have basically invented "ADWARLE": asynchronous, distributed, wide-area, reusable language exchange 😀 . #
- YouTube – Jay Chou – Fragrance Of Rice (Dao Xiang) Sub'd bit.ly/cAE07Z #
- YouTube – 周杰倫.-.[聽媽媽的話].KTV bit.ly/bityIt
I love how this song is a Confucian carol 😀 親孝行 baby! # - YouTube – 周杰倫 – 稻香 bit.ly/c6fWPn
Full karaoke version 😀 # - YouTube – 夜半歌聲 – 製作特輯 (上) " 1995年電影《夜半歌聲》製作特輯" bit.ly/bWiYhy | Making of special "The Phantom Lover" | Part 1 #
- 主系列星 – Wikipedia "主系列星(しゅけいれつせい" bit.ly/dxRvL1 #
- One doesn't really learn to speak a language. One learns to sing it. Even when "speaking" it. #
- We often think of declarative, conscious knowledge as being "real", but the way we function in our native (cont) tl.gd/qllt8 #
- Declarative knowledge of a language is really good for giving polish and refinement, but it seems to be less useful as a foundation… #
- There are a lot of parallels between language-learning and diet. Most schools seems to say: "all you need are (cont) tl.gd/qlrjc #
- "砂浜でカモシカのターン
YouTube – BONNIE PINK – A Perfect Sky bit.ly/4MYQ1m # - YouTube – BONNIE PINK / Thinking of You bit.ly/bCY3BM #
- YouTube – Eyes on the Skies 第1章 前編 bit.ly/dpz9vG #space / #astronomy #documentary #Japanese #
- If you want a chuckle or two, take this Japanese documentary and turn on the machine-generated English closed captions.
bit.ly/dpz9vG # - @Jaybot7 (笑) in reply to Jaybot7 #
- CNN女主播稱馬英九「這個人」頻道歉 bit.ly/cEusHB
The CNN anchor is Zain Verjee :D; she's Kenyan. And she's my middle school 先輩. Go team! # - 絶対等級 – Wikipedia "絶対等級(ぜったいとうきゅう)とは、天体が仮に我々から見てある基準となる距離にあったとしたときの、その天体の視等級" bit.ly/b7vWCm #
- YouTube – 不可一 不可再.突然死亡 (MV version) bit.ly/aa8ZbF #
- YouTube – Iko Nini by D.N.A bit.ly/bqesdy Some Kenyan rap music in the hizzouse 😀 #Swahili #
- YouTube – Take Away by K9 ft. D.N.A (Taki Riddim) bit.ly/dwCE4Q #Swahili rap again. The flow reminds me of Rhymester/Mummy D a bit 😀 #
- YouTube – 王力宏 花田錯 bit.ly/bMZ54P Easily one of the best R&B songs recorded in #Mandarin to date, IMHO #
- "世はダイエットが花盛りだ。いや、日本語になってないな。世はダイエットが大盛況・・・いや、一緒か。" bit.ly/b1P7TN #
- 王力宏( Leehom Wang ) 花田錯 歌詞 bit.ly/bXWQI5 #
- @yuzuruyuzuru It's off the table for now 😀 . Maybe later though. And before that, maybe informally through AJATT Plus </plug> in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- I think it is possible to reduce language-learning to numbers. The only question is: which numbers? 😀 #
- @blahah404 lol in reply to blahah404 #
- Possible immersion metric: # of YouTube videos/month. Aim to "touch" 1000 (?) L2 YouTube vids per month. Full viewing not required #
- If you just try to touch 1000 (?) L2 YouTube vids per month, something is bound to stick | Massive Turnover: bit.ly/cEoQHe #
- YouTube – 10.04.07 青山繁晴がズバリ! たちあがれ日本の陰謀 1/6 bit.ly/9FRHIo #
- The clock is ticking…?
bit.ly/ccvmN3 # - It's almost like you have to bypass conscious control of your sound organs, and just imitate what comes as is. #Cantonese #pronunciation #
- @AnayaKay Sweet! What does the sign say? 😀 And what's a "gin giru(?)"? #
- Here's a pronunciation exercise that is as effective as it is potentially offensive: スピーク カタカナ イングリッシュ #
- ゲシュタルト崩壊 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9m4Rv0 #
- ゲシュタルト崩壊 – Wikipedia "同じ漢字を長時間注視しているとその漢字がバラバラに見えたり、連続で羅列された文字列を読み続けると途中からなんとも形容しがたい、いわゆる「こんがらがった」状態になる現象である。" bit.ly/9m4Rv0 #
- AJATT Plus launched! #
- 爆笑問題 – Wikipedia "日本大学藝術学部在学中に出会い、中退後の1988年3月に結成。" bit.ly/9Qc53E #
- YouTube – 徹子の部屋 高橋克典 1 bit.ly/9MSXNv #
- 博士の悪童日記<2008年7月上旬~前編> "他を睥睨する傲慢不遜な、存在感。" bit.ly/9o1C6c #
- 楽しく読んで,力がつく英字新聞 – Catch a Wave bit.ly/9cCi5w #
- "協定世界時とはセシウム原子時計が刻む国際原子時(TAI)をもとに、天文学的に決められる世界時(UT1)との差が1秒未満となるよう国際協定により人工的に維持されている世界共通の標準時である。" bit.ly/cpNpwZ #
- YouTube – 解きにくい靴紐の結び方 bit.ly/bHCSLo #
- Previous link courtesy of スティーブ from AJATT Plus Forums 😀 #
- アルク:2日間集中!TOEIC(R)テスト860点突破セミナー bit.ly/b1wmhy #
- Subscribing to the #Japanese Yahoo answers RSS feed is a good way to get the language into your life.
bit.ly/cYBCn9 # - …If the RSS feed comes up, that is… #
- This was the first webpage I ever learned 敬語 from, way back in the day
お役立ちツール:敬語実例集 – ビジネスマナータウンページ| iタウンページ bit.ly/ag02zz # - @Kanjiwarrior There is now! 😀 Thanks for the feedback 🙂 in reply to Kanjiwarrior #
- "黒柳徹子はいつもノーブラ
bit.ly/96Rs9j # - トリビア雑学: 966の検索結果 "ひとめ惚れをした女性裁判官に会うきっかけ作りに100回以上訴訟を起こした男がいる" bit.ly/bHIHVC #
- YouTube – マンガノゲンバ 岡本倫インタビュー 「ノノノノ」1/2 bit.ly/axZ3kr #
- "No.355 音楽用カセットテープに映像を録画できるカメラがあった(番組評価 77/100へえ)
これは、1987年にアメリカのフィッシャー・プライス社が開発した「PXL2000」という子供用のおもちゃです。" bit.ly/92kyax # - Japanese Classical Literature at Bedtime [w/Audio + Transcripts]
Thx to the kids at AJATT Plus for the link # - 4年に一度の誕生祝い?
"そんな人たちが本当に4年に一度しか歳を取らないか? そんなバカなことはないのであって、そんなことは子供だって知っている"
bit.ly/cieF8e # - Ich bin ein Berliner | I am a jam donut | Japanese version – Wikisource bit.ly/czURV5 #
- Touch Mandarin » Blog Archive "Super Junior: Super Girl" bit.ly/czeySN #
- YouTube – KM-MARKIT – BAKAYAROW feat VERBAL (m-flo) bit.ly/bxJxKl #
- Good dancing 😀
YouTube – May J Verbal (m-flo) – Here We Go.wmv bit.ly/d3s9bw # - "Physics Lesson in Japanese [Mechanics]" 日本漫画新聞 » マンガでわかる物理 力学編 bit.ly/cffCfS bit.ly/97f8h2 #
- YouTube – hide with Spread Beaver – ever free,【PV】 bit.ly/cvrkG8 hey…it's the name of the band… #
- "チーター走り始めておよそ3秒で時速100キロを超えるトップスピードで走ります。そのため方向を変える時にバランスを崩しやすいのですが、右に曲がる時は尻尾を左回りに、左に曲がる時は尻尾を右回りに回す" bit.ly/b6cyBo #
- AJATT Plus has been launched 23 hours…time to buy that purple suit, feathered cap and gold chain, I guess… #
- "Pimp My Ride" in Japanese! bit.ly/bZUDYR #
- So I'm back to watching multiple videos simultaneously again, but with only one audio source. It's really fun, actually 😀 #
- "Everything we do to be successful comes from little victories." bit.ly/aOgVaB bit.ly/983kgn #
- Success Is Made of Little Victories "Praise Each Little Victory." bit.ly/aOgVaB #
- "Homo sum. Humani nil a me alienum puto."
"I am a human being. Nothing human is foreign to me"
bit.ly/bbwqIb ラテン語格言集 # - YouTube – Arnold Schwarzenegger in a Japanese commercial bit.ly/9CV2OW #
- YouTube – Schwarzenegger Japanese ad | NIsshin cup noodles bit.ly/92EItI #
- "Off the Wall" era Michael Jackson in a Japanese commercial bit.ly/9YfKfP #
- Enjoy 😀
YouTube – Funny Japanese Commercial bit.ly/aZyqjP # - I've been watching this show since before I could understand it. The panelists were like virtual aunts and uncles マンガ夜話 bit.ly/9GMtf4 #
- YouTube – ジャイアント・ロボTHE ANIMATION OP bit.ly/bmWbZG #
- こんな話題で申し訳ないけど・・・
"もともとトイレは液体や固体を出すための場所であり、かつ、液体を排出している姿まで見られている状態での気体放出については、なんらとがめられることではないと思うのです。" bit.ly/b7bVok |小便中のオナラは恥ずかしいか # - "そもそもネットワークの時代にはやはり通勤という馬鹿らしい時間と労力の無駄を省いた組織にする必要がある。" bit.ly/a0EYL5 #
- "やろうと思えば在宅勤務など技術的には簡単にできるはずだ" bit.ly/a0EYL5 #
- "人が集まることで、株主のために働く報酬労働者だという原則がいいようにねじまげられ、従業員組織という村のために働いていると誤解してしまうのだ。" bit.ly/a0EYL5 #
- YouTube – Tori Amos – Silent all These Years (Cantonese Version) Music Video bit.ly/9S2JQl #
- YouTube – The Cranberries – Dreams (Chinese Version) bit.ly/aEKdy2 #Cantonese | Faye Wong (王菲) #
- nocturne robotica: Why Studying Kanji is (almost) the Same as Playing Pokemon bit.ly/bMRvfb #
- 「 黙らっしゃい! 頭(ズ)が高~い!! 我々のビッグファイアの御前(オンマエ)であるぞ!」
bit.ly/bLd2CD # - Circle K bit.ly/aV0jYz Hong Kong #
- Sentence items in SuperMemo | Antimoon.com bit.ly/apg89Q #
- 帝王切開 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aE9syu #
- @yuzuruyuzuru Hehe kind of like how Angelica of "Rugrats" says "as Bob is my witless" bit.ly/93wbjJ bit.ly/bTRr9s in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @Birgens lol! I knew someone would 引っ掛かる on this one :D…pure randomness…I just realized I forgot how to say 帝王切開 in 日本語 in reply to Birgens #
- @Birgens つまりは知的好奇心って奴ですかね(^^)。無知な僕も、何とかして知識と語彙を増やさんと(笑)。 in reply to Birgens #
- 日本語の語彙を増やすにはどうしたらいいでしょうか?(1/2) | OKWave "説明力を高めたいのであれば、ジャンルに特にこだわらずに言葉に触れる機会をつくるのがよいと思います。" bit.ly/9QQMAH #
- "Nagase Tomoya and Okada Junichi were both fantastic in this drama series" bit.ly/8Zq3I8 | Link courtesy of AJATT Plus 😀 #
- PV of the IWGP opening theme | YouTube – SADS 忘却の空 bit.ly/cBZ5dV | | Link courtesy of AJATT Plus 😀 #
- You'll laugh: YouTube「絶対に笑ってはいけない」 bit.ly/bnxv5K | Thanks to Drewskie at #ajattplus #
- ”和製タンタンとでも呼ぶべきヘアスタイルが印象的。”
山田五郎 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aZcQUE bit.ly/bXVMIq # - 特撮 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9dZ3mm #
- 西野カナ – Best Friend – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/al7TyH | Link thx to #ajattplus #
- 凄い(すごい) is one of the first words you learn if you expose yourself to authentic Japanese. But I am yet to see it in a textbook… #
- 野生児 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aLsmEh #
- “Invest your energy where it will make a difference, don’t invest your energy where it won’t”
bit.ly/cp4hkf # - Experimenting with "dual-timer timeboxing" lately. One timer is the "big box" (10~90 mins.) the other a small (2~5 mins.) one. Going v. well #
- 日本の書道史 – Wikipedia "漢字の伝来" bit.ly/bnsVK7 #
- YouTube
– shootuup 的頻道
bit.ly/do8f4K # - "our culture tends to reward personal sacrifice instead of personal productivity." | Timothy Ferriss | bit.ly/a6vufV #
- Good JPop links here, if you're into that
bit.ly/bTswYM # - @e_dub_kendo Say I have 20 mins. before needing to go catch a train. Big box = 20 minutes. Small boxes = 2-minute microtasks. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo I found that 20 mins. can be too long. So it gets wasted until there's only 3~5 mins. left. Breaking it down leads to best use. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo Example 2: Say you want to do 90 mins. of work. Big timeblocks lead to big wastage, but we need to keep the big picture in mind in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo Example 2.2: So this lets you make those "short passes" where things actually happen, while keeping the big pic in sight. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- If there's something you can't quite understand in your L2, try Google Image Search or YouTube. They'll help you literally "picture" it. #
- Is it bad to laugh at this?
YouTube – 全国 大激怒&ブチギレ動画集 bit.ly/aolpsg # - Solidot: 奇客的資訊,重要的東西 bit.ly/dqSQjL #
- YouTube – プラネタリウム pv BUMP OF CHICKEN bit.ly/bVPM9Z #
- @e_dub_kendo Exactly. Especially (but not exclusively) when the larger chunk represents a harder/more absolute deadline. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo I find it lets me be spontaneous and very directed at the same time b/c 2-min. boxes can feel good but also meaningless in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo I feel like it's like having your Parkinson's Law cake and eating it, too… in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- 【BSマンガ夜話】YouTube – ギャグマンガ 笑いの行方 – 7 bit.ly/da7NWn | one of my favorite shows… #
- @e_dub_kendo I just follow my energy: Break if I need to. Immediately restart if I want to. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- デオキシリボ核酸 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aUUKUq #
- 「1989年」を「はちじゅうクねん」と・・・
bit.ly/bpRCNh # - NHK ウィークエンドスペシャル
bit.ly/cKjAvS # - "Foreign Language Audio on Demand at RhinoSpike.com" bit.ly/9tByJX #
- The people who should really be complaining don't have that privilege 🙂 #
- As HONDA Naoyuki says, often, when it seems you don't have enough time, it's because you actually have too much time. #Timeboxing #
- 『聖なる夜とか言ってる癖して、
YouTube – ヒトラー総統閣下がクリスマスについてお怒りのようです bit.ly/a0DZ9n # - YouTube – 日清食品 CM ミルクシーフードヌードル チチ・ペペダンス篇 bit.ly/boBvjf #
- At the risk of stating the obvious…dang…YouTube…you da man. You da 漢. ありがと。http://bit.ly/aoxPha #
- The trick to making immersion work is to (1) make the switch when you dislike something, (2) follow the breadcrumbs when you do #
- @snubbr That is a massive compliment. Thank you very much 😀 in reply to snubbr #
- "Procrastination: A hardening of the oughteries."
bit.ly/bqKwjk # - Very useful program if, for example, you handle immersion using batch files | CLAMP – Command Line Winamp bit.ly/9e18KJ #
- Oh My Juliet! PV bit.ly/aghWC5 | Another #ajattplus link. We have a rule there that every single forum post has to have an L2 link 😀 #
- 블링블링 – 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전 "블링블링" bit.ly/bwBhLZ #
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