Space…the final frontier [Star Trek in Chinese]

I’ve been enjoying the new Star Trek movie (#11?) in Mandarin today…Right now it looks like I may just have to go to Hong Kong in person to snag a Cantonese version. Anyway, here’s the famous intro/outro with audio: 『宇宙,人類的終極邊疆。這就是星艦「企業」號的旅程。 它的任務是探索全新的世界,挖掘新的物種和文明,勇敢地前往沒有人去過的地方。』 [Audio file] Shortest AJATT post ever…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-03-13

A language is nothing but information. If you are capable of assimilating information, then you can learn a language. # If you can say even *one* word right in a language, then all you have to do is repeat that process until it scales up to fluency. # Playing with a new (and very lazy)…

My First Japanese Storybook: A Modern Classic

It’s here. And it can be yours to fall in love with right now. Today. It’s a member of the illustrious line of AJATT products, and it’s called My First Japanese Storybook. Or, as we Japanese like to call it: マイファースト初めてのジャパニーズ絵本。 Manipulatively-Worded Promise “My First Japanese Storybook” might make you thin, pretty, happy, safe and…

Great Quote About Learning Cantonese

“Romanization is almost worthless, and slowed-down tapes aren’t much better. The best thing to do is to actually hear the word or phrase you want spoken naturally. Try to think less in terms of numbers or lines or whatever your preferred system uses and more in terms of what it actually SOUNDS like.”

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-03-06

Anything you can do is good enough. Anything is better than nothing. Everything has to start somewhere. # お魚料理番組を見て「やっぱりDHAだね」と突っ込みたくなる衝動を抑える、自己裁量屋の勝元 # ドラゴン桜 (テレビドラマ) – Wikipedia # 「人生でもっとも大切なことは利益を活用することではない。それならバカにだってできる。真に重要なことは、損失から利益を生み出すことだ。」 レモンを手に入れたらレモネードをつくれ 「道は開ける(D・カーネギー)」17章 # Many of us don't value small actions, small choices, small games. Yet we wonder how big results come about. # Karen Lee @ UCLA very…