My First Sentence Pack Is Here! Huzzah!

Verily! It is here! “My [or, I guess, your] First Sentence Pack”. A set of over 500 short, fun, easy, useful example sentences to get you started with the so-called “AJATT Method” of learning Japanese. Joy! But, you know what? Behind all this humor, the off-color jokes, the eye-catching banners, the inflammatory comments about already-victimized…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-09-26

「最近、「雰囲気」を「ふいんき」と読む人がとても増えており、テレビのアナウンサーも「ふいんき」を使用する人がいます。」 # Surusu: service down temporarily. Will be back up within 24 hours. # Surusu: service restored. # Surusu: backup in progress 😀 # “a child can imitate the rhythm and musical contours of the language long before he can say the words” # MDさん斯く語りき「God exists, and he wants me to be able…

About SRS/Sentence Writing Practice

A funny thing happened on the way to my email: Hey Khatz, I’m currently using my SRS to practice sentences, but I’m having trouble keeping up with the workload. In your recommendations you say you should be able to write (copy out) each sentence. Do you recommend copying out the sentence every time it shows…

Surusu: Update and Announcement, Or “When Backups Back Up”

Thank you for using Surusu. As you may be aware, Surusu has up until now had periodic 15~20-minute service interruptions while backups are taken. Wanting to eliminate the need to interrupt service in order to take a backup, today I started working with a “live backup” solution. Unfortunately and quite ironically, this “live backup” solution…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-09-19

Japanese kids never run away, never give up, never skip a day of Japanese. Even if they wanted to, their environment won’t let them. # “Another reason for Jamaican [track athlete]s’ success: their attitude” # Poor experiment-design strikes again. It turns out that age may not be a deciding issue at all with memory.…