- Japanese kids never run away, never give up, never skip a day of Japanese. Even if they wanted to, their environment won’t let them. #
- “Another reason for Jamaican [track athlete]s’ success: their attitude”
bit.ly/ej6mJ # - Poor experiment-design strikes again. It turns out that age may not be a deciding issue at all with memory.
bit.ly/jKn54 # - “A simple practice done regularly is superior to a complex practice done irregularly ”
bit.ly/QqQTS # - Tip: don’t pause video. Turn down the volume. The continual motion reminds you to turn it on/up again. #
- Pure 100% immersion may not always be possible. So what? Focus on what you *can* change, not on what you can’t. #
- The Ferris on Why Language Classes Don’t Work
bit.ly/10kh5 # - I have a dream. That young white boys can grow up to be world-class sprinters without people casting ethnic aspersions on their ability. #
- 「条件を変えれば、行動は必ず変わる!」
bit.ly/vJvuz # - Saying “I study animals in the wild” is sort of like saying “I study computers with the power plugged in” — it should go without saying. #
- All problems are solved by a sequence of small actions. The difference is in the length of the sequence. But the actions are always small. #
- Japanese sites for Japanese kids — that includes you.
bit.ly/sJ1y7 # - Maybe instead of “learn” a language, we should tell people to “experience” it instead. That alone could end the bias toward boring things. #
- “Crimson Tide”… that them thar dialogue is just as cool in 日本語
bit.ly/1MlEfH #
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