OK, first a bit of housekeeping. What was the “the last one?”. Well, it was basically RanTim(randomized micro-timeboxing) applied to reading a book. Secondly (in sequence but not importance), I have to thank Takashi ISHII, author of The One Minute Study Method That Will Really Make You Smarter (Amazon | 本当に頭がよくなる 1分間勉強法 (中経の文庫) | 石井 貴士…
How Zombie Gunship Taught Me All I Need to Know To Make My Real Life Awesome (And So Can You!): Gamifying Real Life For Fun and Profit and (Almost) For Free Using the Awesome New Technique of Randomized Timeboxing
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 1 of 26 in the series Timeboxing Trilogy“In her study of slot machine gambling in Las Vegas, anthropologist Natasha Schüll argues that Americans face too many choices…enough to give a sense of overload…To escape, gamblers flee to a machine zone where the goal is not to win but to be. Gambling…
Don’t Learn Grammar, Learn Phrases
by khatzumoto
So, I was learning some new words in Mandarin the other day. And, as I’ve mentioned in the past, I like to do things like use the materials that Taiwanese people would use to learn English or Japanese. It’s “working backwards” in a way, that is, not quite using books in the way their authors…
Are You The Bad Guy in a Movie? How to Plan and Execute So That You Can Learn By Winning Rather Than Learning To Win
by khatzumoto
In days of old, America was ruled by a wise man, a scholar, himself the son of a scholar. The world was at peace. It rained Skittles in the morning and marshmallows at night. All was well. To the west, rose a philosopher-warrior-prince, Eliezer of the House of Yudkowsky, and he taught us thusly: “let…
The Art of War (Sort Of) Applied to Learning A Language: Logistics, Supply Lines and Force Concentration
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 17 in the series The Art of War of LearningFor starters, let me put this out there, just so we’re clear: I am a pacifist. I think armed conflict is almost always some combination of immoral, unnecessary and/or stupid. True, literal self-defense would be the only exception, which is…
How to get MP3 versions of all them Japanese songs you like so much on YouTube
by khatzumoto
Simple Youtube Converter is your one-stop shop. It has plugins for some browsers, but you don’t actually need a plugin to use it; you can just go straight the website and enter a YouTube URL: “Simply enter the youtube video url you want to download press search and checkout the download options :)” [Simple Youtube…