How To Read More Books (In A World Full of Fun But Inane Distractions): A New Technique To Make Reading Books As Easy and Addictive as Watching YouTube Or Surfing Social Media

You know, maybe I’m the only person in the world who’s having this problem. But then there’s that old saying — “the personal is universal” (some radical activist back in the 1970s said it, if I recall correctly). The things that we think are most uniquely dysfunctional about ourselves are actually super widespread. That’s the…

Cargo Cult Learning vs. Guerrilla Learning

“David’s victory over Goliath, in the Biblical account, is held to be an anomaly. It was not. Davids win all the time. The political scientist Ivan Arreguín-Toft recently looked at every war fought in the past two hundred years between strong and weak combatants. The Goliaths, he found, won in 71.5 per cent of the…

Why America Doesn’t Win Wars Any More and What (Ironically) That Can Teach You About Learning Languages

This entry is part 14 of 17 in the series The Art of War of Learning
This entry is part 25 of 26 in the series Timeboxing Trilogy

This entry is part 14 of 17 in the series The Art of War of LearningThis entry is part 25 of 26 in the series Timeboxing TrilogyYou like that lame, Buzzfeedy title? Yeah. You know you do. Based on that title, you may be thinking that you’re about to read an answer to the question…

[JSS] [Japanese Sports Sentence Pack] [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] [Pre-Fight Chatter and Analysis] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26: Part 2

[【格闘・ボクシング】「メイウェザー対マクレガー」夢対決が正式決定 8月26日にラスベガスで激突 [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26 June 15, Japan Time. Two months before the fight: MMAオタクって何でそんなにボクシング嫌いなん?? Why do all you MMA nerds/basementfags hate boxing so much? 嫌い=きらい なん→なの→なのか 何で=なんで 試合よりも、會見の時のトラッシュトークが楽しみだわ I’m actually looking forward to all the press conference trash-talking more than…

[JSS] [Japanese Sports Sentence Pack] [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] [Pre-Fight Chatter and Analysis] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26

[【格闘・ボクシング】「メイウェザー対マクレガー」夢対決が正式決定 8月26日にラスベガスで激突 [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26 June 15, Japan Time. Two months before the fight: ボクシングやるのか 勝ち目ないだろw They’re boxing? McGregor doesn’t stand a chance, mate! 勝ち目=かちめ 無い=ない 遣る=やる だろ→だろう 総合の選手って打撃オンリーでもいけるって勘違いしてる人多すぎ Too many of you jokers/Too many chuckleheads around here think that an MMA…

Japanese Reactions to Mayweather vs. McGregor #Sports #Boxing

After the fact: [メイウェザー、王者マクレガーに10回TKOで圧勝 デビューから50戦全勝 – ライブドアニュース] [<速報>世紀の異色対決メイウェザーがマクレガーを10回TKO勝利 (THE PAGE) – Yahoo!ニュース] [ボクシング:メイウェザーがマクレガーにTKOで完勝 – 毎日新聞] [メイウェザー圧勝!マクレガーを10回TKO デビューから50戦全勝 (スポニチアネックス) – Yahoo!ニュース] [【ボクシング】世紀の一戦はメイウェザーが10RでTKO勝ち – eFight 【イーファイト】 格闘技情報を毎日配信!] Before the fact [UFC史上最高のスター、コナー・マクレガーとは何者なのか。メイウェザー戦の噂や二階級制覇に至るプロセスを紹介。 – ゴトーのブログ] [【格闘・ボクシング】「メイウェザー対マクレガー」夢対決が正式決定 8月26日にラスベガスで激突 [無断転載禁止]©] [【ボクシング】UFC二階級制覇 マクレガーがフロイド・メイウェザーを2RでKO宣言、その理由とは [無断転載禁止]©] [【ボクシング】UFCで史上初の二階級制覇を成し遂げたコナー・マクレガーがフロイド・メイウェザーとのドリーム・マッチに合意!©] [【ボクシング】“最強のボクサー”フロイド・メイウェザー、屈強なボディーガードを引き連れて歩く姿がキッズみたいだと話題に [無断転載禁止]©]