岡田斗司夫ゼミ最終回(4月号)~オタクな嘘と都市伝説SP t.co/uadCea1TZX @minitubeappさんから 16:00:10 【近年最好港漫封神紀2】52天有多高 – Acfun-天下漫友是一家 t.co/L9xSlD6YCa #hk #comics 18:00:20 港漫,在臺灣永遠都受到岐視 – ace0824的創作-巴哈姆特 t.co/vLIECDZFeW 20:00:11 岡田斗司夫×川上量生 初対談 「ニコニコ・評価経済・オタク」 t.co/Ck17lmpebF @minitubeappさんから 22:00:34 "川上 量生(かわかみ のぶお、1968年9月6日 – )は、日本の実業家。株式會社ドワンゴ代表取締役會長、株式會社スタジオジブリ所屬。愛媛県生まれ、大阪府出身[1]。" t.co/ZAP03LMCIl 00:00:15 "海軍の父親の元で橫須賀で育ったため、日本語英語両方に堪能である。" t.co/hqf0i51vx3 02:00:23 岡田斗司夫×川上量生 初対談 「ニコニコ・評価経済・オタク」 t.co/gbIFoPb9L8 @minitubeappさんから 04:00:24 RT @Birgens: 特集:日本人が知らない村上春樹 2013年5月21日号 | 本誌紹介 | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト t.co/yC7moVQfMa via @Newsweek_JAPAN 06:00:30 "2ちゃんねらーは敵に回すと恐ろしいが、味方につけると頼りない " t.co/BxO6vOFtL7 08:01:17…
12 Common Reading Mistakes You’re Making That You Need to Stop Making if You Want to Be Thin and Pretty Like Me
by khatzumoto
Stop trying to read in massive chunks of time
Most of life is waiting. Most of life is disjoint snippets of time: two, three, five minutes here or there. That’s when you read. Stop trying or waiting for some golden multi-hour block: Assume that you’re not gonna get it, because even if you did get it, your powers concentration wouldn’t hold up.
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week of 2013-05-11
by khatzumoto
蘇施黃 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/6YG0JFJzcy 16:00:09 So Far 蘇 Good S1 EP22 – YouTube t.co/GugBPJmtJ8 #croissants #cantonese #牛角包 18:00:19 Band of brothers (兄弟連.諾曼地大登陸)不完全觀後感 – 將將國-無名小站 t.co/SyLbV1INDF 20:00:42 Get moving first, change direction later. #immersion #language 22:00:38 AJATT Hall of Fame | Essays in Idleness t.co/g1AVTe6sFp 00:00:27 AJATT Hall of Fame | Essays in Idleness t.co/UwdRhsPLZB 02:01:14…
Mandarin Mini-Transcript: Memorable Quotes From Batman: The Dark Knight Rises
by khatzumoto
So, apparently, a Batman movie came out last year and it was a big deal? Haha. No, I watched it and loved it. I wish Christopher Nolan were in charge of the recent Marvel Comics movies as well, because he did such a great jerb. Growing up, iconoclastic as they were, I always preferred Marvel…
Moe Dictionary Bookmarklet
by khatzumoto
The Moe Dictionary is a monolingual Chinese dictionary. I think it’s relatively new(?) and it seems pretty cool. I like it so far. Here’s a bookmarklet for it: MoeDict/萌 Source code:javascript:(function(){var%20w=window,d=w.document,s=””;;if(d.selection){s=d.selection.createRange().text}else%20if(d.getSelection){s=d.getSelection()}else%20if(w.getSelection){s=window.getSelection()}window.open(“https://www.moedict.tw/#”+encodeURIComponent(s),”_blank”);})()
It Counts If You Let It
by khatzumoto
“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” ~ Walter Elliot You rarely get instant, full victories. Everybody knows that — even optimists. But what almost no one knows is that you can and do and will get instant partial victories. All. The. Time. And guess what? THEY…