王力宏 – 在梅邊mv – YouTube – t.co/I0kvWotw # Edison Blue Skies Ft. Stephy – YouTube – t.co/FbU8WLCx # 講者 feat. Q-luv – The Generation MV – YouTube – t.co/SpXOFI0M #cantonese #hiphop # 講者 – 我與你 – YouTube – t.co/jZZuzmIg #cantonese #hiphop # 肥寶 – 靈魂計劃(feat.Uprooted Sunshine) – YouTube – t.co/10m6WdnZ #cantonese #hiphop #oldskool # Uprooted…
The Age Excuse: If Age Mattered Like You Think It Does…
by khatzumoto
Your peer group is not your age group. Your peers are Japanese toddlers, not gaijin forum trolls and not Japanese people your age. If you hadn’t been schooled, you’d know that your peer group is not your age group. Your age group is determined by your parents’ sex life — just like your nationality and…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-09-16
ムガベ】ジンバブエとアフリカ植民地支配を考える t.co/c21Bfpf5 # New at AJATT Plus: [LinkLove] Free Japanese Music (MP3s) t.co/9SCxITMn # Literacy does not cause access to books. Access to books causes literacy. #owntopwn # Christina Aguilera – Genio Atrapado t.co/UKVl6Jw3 @minitubeappさんから # 教學語言微調方案.mp4 – YouTube – t.co/cHcb7skq #cantonese # 火線 (電視劇) – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 – t.co/1U9RFsUK #thewire # Eason Chan Aladdin –…
The Gaijin TV Exclusion Paradox
by khatzumoto
Nikolai sayeth: My friends/coworkers even get mad at me at work too when I change the TV to a Japanese channel, and not stupid AFN (Armed Forces Network or something, basically USA channels wherever there is a base). I get this a lot, too and I’ve never understood it. The active hostility one often sees among gaijin…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-09-09
スーパーマン: レッド・サン – Wikipedia – t.co/w1lm5ekJ # 【抗生物質】こうせいぶっしつ カビ・放線菌などの微生物によってつくられ,他の微生物や細胞の発育または機能を阻害する物質。ペニシリンなど。〔本来は微生物由来のものをさすが,近年では合成されたものも抗生物質とよんでいる〕→抗生剤 #daijirin # 町山智浩 の ゼロ年代アメリカ映画100 (アメリカ映画100シリーズ) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/hKtzJr9f @さんから # If people think you're a tool, you probably are. Take it as a compliment — people have nothing better to do than to think ill of you 🙂 . # Wanting to be liked…
The Nature Excuse: If Genes Really Mattered Like You Think They Do
by khatzumoto
You live in an artificial house, drive an artificial car, use an artificial cellphone… And yet, when it comes to learning languages, suddenly you’re a prisoner of Nature? Where were your genes when you were flying in an airplane, above the clouds, near the speed of sound? Where were your genes when you listened to…