"Some people skydive, you dive in Japanese" t.co/wpNvuECV # ダニカ・パトリック – Wikipedia – t.co/fcl28wfw # 【文香】ふみこう 和紙などでお香を包んだもの。手紙などに忍ばせておくと,封を開けたときに香りを楽しめる。 #daijirin # 納西姆.尼可拉斯.塔雷伯 – Google 搜尋 – t.co/dMWyBbvx #NNT #Taleb #blackswan # 塔雷伯 – Google 搜尋 – t.co/nDuK3v47 #NNT #taleb #blackswan #chinese # 塔雷伯 黑天鵝 – Google 搜尋 – t.co/0p91hNkF #NNT #taleb #blackswan #chinese # 1/3_TNG e225 超時空惑星カターン…
Preparation Over Pride
by khatzumoto
If you threw away your pride, you might actually learn something. And if you learned something, you’d actually have something to be proud of. If you were really thirsty, you’d be drinking right now. Pride is inversely proportional to success. If you’re so proud, start preparing now. Pride is inversely proportional to output success. If…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-08-26
トムとジェリー – Wikipedia – t.co/O3Jgni8c # "進歩しなければ逆戻りもできません。 すなわち、逆戻りとは、自分が進歩している證であり、 成功に著実に近づいているからこそ 経験できる試練なのではないでしょうか。 ─ 大村あつし ─" t.co/ShlgyRAt # "進歩しなければ逆戻りもできません。 すなわち、逆戻りとは、自分が進歩している證であり、 成功に著実に近づいているからこそ 経験できる試練なのではないでしょうか。" 大村あつし t.co/ShlgyRAt # "Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed, That he is grown so great?" t.co/XBhH4Rq8 # "Nothing is denied to well-directed labor: nothing is ever to be attained without it." ~ Sir Joshua Reynolds #immersion…
What Is Neutrino?
by khatzumoto
What indeed…
[Xd] Excite Dictionary Bookmarklet
by khatzumoto
Goo is good. Goo is great. But Goo isn’t everything. Arguably, you can never have too much variety in your J-J dictionaries (国語辞典). They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, both in terms of content and formatting. So here’s some exciting Excite Dictionary love: Xd Source code, just in case: javascript:(function(){var w=window,d=w.document,s=””;;if(d.selection){s=d.selection.createRange().text}else if(d.getSelection){s=d.getSelection()}else if(w.getSelection){s=window.getSelection()}window.open(“http://www.excite.co.jp/dictionary/japanese/?match=beginswith&search=”+encodeURIComponent(s)+”&_submit=検索”,”_blank”);window.open(“https://www.google.co.jp/search?tbm=isch&hl=ja&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=643&q=”+encodeURIComponent(s),”_blank”);})() EOF
Indecision Just Means Any Will Do: The Problem is Choice
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series The First World Problem is ChoiceOsakaWilson “If you’ve got all the information and it is that difficult to decide between them, it doesn’t really matter which one you pick. The reason you can’t decide is because one is not sticking out as better for you,…