"But native speakers learn grammar, too!". Yeah. *After* they can already speak, read and write fluently. # Learning grammar in order to use a language is like learning organic chemistry in order to make a sandwich. # Declarative knowledge of grammar can only refine your language ability; it cannot create it. We write with pencils,…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-22
"But native speakers learn grammar, too!". Yeah. *After* they can already speak, read and write fluently. # Learning grammar in order to use a language is like learning organic chemistry in order to make a sandwich. # Declarative knowledge of grammar can only refine your language ability; it cannot create it. We write with pencils,…
The Search for the System: How I Found One, Why You Need One
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series SystemsAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~ Arthur C. Clarke As much as I love “Star Trek”, I’m actually rather weak on the movies, especially the TOS ones (the The Original Series ones — I know, redundant redundant, right?). I’ve seen all the…
Why The System Won’t Set You Free
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Systems“The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.” Alfred North Whitehead Why won’t a given system set you free? Because you can’t change it. A system you can’t change is a prison. A man-made system you can’t…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-15
Get a better peer group. Your peers are Japanese toddlers, not gaijin forum trolls and not Japanese people your age. # 曹雪 – 確定一定以及肯定 MV – YouTube – t.co/Ls4QPLi3 # キャメロン・クロウ – バニラ・スカイ (日本語吹替版) – t.co/toKXmzaz #iTunes # Korean female rappers compilation – YouTube – t.co/7eHxNYmA # (Tasha) Yoon mi rae 's rap – YouTube…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-15
Get a better peer group. Your peers are Japanese toddlers, not gaijin forum trolls and not Japanese people your age. # 曹雪 – 確定一定以及肯定 MV – YouTube – t.co/Ls4QPLi3 # キャメロン・クロウ – バニラ・スカイ (日本語吹替版) – t.co/toKXmzaz #iTunes # Korean female rappers compilation – YouTube – t.co/7eHxNYmA # (Tasha) Yoon mi rae 's rap – YouTube…