AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-15

Get a better peer group. Your peers are Japanese toddlers, not gaijin forum trolls and not Japanese people your age. # 曹雪 – 確定一定以及肯定 MV – YouTube – t.co/Ls4QPLi3 # キャメロン・クロウ – バニラ・スカイ (日本語吹替版) – t.co/toKXmzaz #iTunes # Korean female rappers compilation – YouTube – t.co/7eHxNYmA # (Tasha) Yoon mi rae 's rap – YouTube…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-15

Get a better peer group. Your peers are Japanese toddlers, not gaijin forum trolls and not Japanese people your age. # 曹雪 – 確定一定以及肯定 MV – YouTube – t.co/Ls4QPLi3 # キャメロン・クロウ – バニラ・スカイ (日本語吹替版) – t.co/toKXmzaz #iTunes # Korean female rappers compilation – YouTube – t.co/7eHxNYmA # (Tasha) Yoon mi rae 's rap – YouTube…

The Inverse Relationship Between AJATT Pwnage and Classroom Winnage

“Human intelligence is among the most fragile things in nature. It doesn’t take much to distract it, suppress it, or even annihilate it.” ~ Neil Postman Jack shares his perspective, reached through bitter experience, on what he quite elegantly calls “The Inverse Relationship Between AJATT Pwnage and Classroom Winnage”: Hey Khatz, I’ve just finished semester…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-08

KTV 周杰倫 髮如雪 – YouTube – t.co/g7F6R3EL # スターゲイト|6-18(#18)「墜落した宇宙母艦」 – t.co/S6goLiV9 # Stargate SG-1 Episode Guides/Synopses in Japanese: t.co/kcliaPJC # ウォルター・J. オング の 声の文化と文字の文化 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/Dk6oLJnc @さんから # "Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free." — Ralph Waldo Emerson t.co/VNswNbUi # "Self-belief does not necessarily ensure success, but…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-08

KTV 周杰倫 髮如雪 – YouTube – t.co/g7F6R3EL # スターゲイト|6-18(#18)「墜落した宇宙母艦」 – t.co/S6goLiV9 # Stargate SG-1 Episode Guides/Synopses in Japanese: t.co/kcliaPJC # ウォルター・J. オング の 声の文化と文字の文化 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/Dk6oLJnc @さんから # "Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free." — Ralph Waldo Emerson t.co/VNswNbUi # "Self-belief does not necessarily ensure success, but…