AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-08-05

フィニアスとファーブ #1 A 「夏休みはジェットコースター!」 – YouTube – t.co/1sFHRfxk #phineasNferb #japanese #dub #disney #channel # フィニアスとファーブ #1 A 「夏休みはジェットコースター!」 – YouTube – t.co/1sFHRfxk # "I learned Japanese entirely through reading manga, without little-to-no exposure to native speakers, [TV]…or movies" t.co/ZlcGXSoa # 韓國語! 基本表現編 1 – – YouTube – t.co/egP7BzeQ # [歌詞] 吳浩康 – 38廿四 | 忘記歌詞…

Awesome Parallels Between AJATT and the Suzuki Music Method

Thus spake Erick P., and incredibly handsome young man from Brazil [edited for typos]: Khatzumoto! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MAN! Before anything else, I wanna thank you for the incredibly useful, entertaining and inspiring fountain of knowledge that is AJATT. I’m dead serious, it’s just life-saving. I’m from Brazil and have been living the past few days…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-29

"Prepare la materia roja" Star.Trek.2009.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264.dxva-EuReKA.SPA.srt – t.co/Pqjycfsb #spanish # Star Trek | Descarga español subtítulos – t.co/tz6X3tNf # Scott Adams Blog: The Illusion of Winning 08/30/2010 – t.co/eEODpUhW # 레인보우(Rainbow)Full HD "A" – YouTube – t.co/0eQ4RcE5 #kpop … some #rap at the end…eye candy reminiscent of #少女時代's # # Less over-complicating, more doing. « Tokyojam…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-29

"Prepare la materia roja" Star.Trek.2009.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264.dxva-EuReKA.SPA.srt – t.co/Pqjycfsb #spanish # Star Trek | Descarga español subtítulos – t.co/tz6X3tNf # Scott Adams Blog: The Illusion of Winning 08/30/2010 – t.co/eEODpUhW # 레인보우(Rainbow)Full HD "A" – YouTube – t.co/0eQ4RcE5 #kpop … some #rap at the end…eye candy reminiscent of #少女時代's # # Less over-complicating, more doing. « Tokyojam…

Do Your Hobby in Japanese

Thus spake AJATTeer Shawn D.: I used to tell my fellow JETs about how “studying Japanese” isn’t really just about “studying” at all, it’s about learning to live with the language, learning and developing in the language. For example, my favorite thing to tell people is to do your hobby in Japanese. I am really…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-07-22

"But native speakers learn grammar, too!". Yeah. *After* they can already speak, read and write fluently. # Learning grammar in order to use a language is like learning organic chemistry in order to make a sandwich. # Declarative knowledge of grammar can only refine your language ability; it cannot create it. We write with pencils,…