
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-08-14

"culture and language are things that we are not born with but are taught." # "A successful learner of a language can’t…merely speak the language but must become it." # "Elitism is your enemy. Elitism is everybody’s enemy." # "In the world of Japanese learning, there are those who talk about it…

Book Review: Brain Rules / 12 Principles for Pwning with Your Brain

The books is called Brain Rules, the reader is called Khatzumoto and the innocent bystander in all this is you! Let the opinionating begin… 🙂 Title ブレイン・ルール / Brain Rules Author ジョン=メディナ / John MEDINA Language Japanese (translation of an English-language book) Fiction/Non-fiction Non-fiction Other Info The book has a really cool companion website Pros…

Buttocks and Binary Fission

Tired? Busy? Overwhelmed? Can’t do 100%? Then do 50%. There’s nothing wrong with a half-a**ed job. Do half an a** now, half-an a** later, and pretty soon you have a nice, round a**. J-Lo would be proud. What’s that? You can’t do 50%? Then do 50% of that. Still too much? Cut in half again.…