“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little. Do what you can.” ~ Sydney Smith When I first came to Japan, I hated how people wouldn’t take a stand. In the West, you’re taught that you have to have an opinion and it has to be a…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-08-14
by khatzumoto
"culture and language are things that we are not born with but are taught." bit.ly/bd4Gbk # "A successful learner of a language can’t…merely speak the language but must become it." bit.ly/bd4Gbk # "Elitism is your enemy. Elitism is everybody’s enemy." bit.ly/bd4Gbk # "In the world of Japanese learning, there are those who talk about it…
Book Review: Brain Rules / 12 Principles for Pwning with Your Brain
by khatzumoto
The books is called Brain Rules, the reader is called Khatzumoto and the innocent bystander in all this is you! Let the opinionating begin… 🙂 Title ブレイン・ルール / Brain Rules Author ジョン=メディナ / John MEDINA Language Japanese (translation of an English-language book) Fiction/Non-fiction Non-fiction Other Info The book has a really cool companion website Pros…
Cantonese Mini-Transcript: Star Wars / Clone Wars / Well Done!
by khatzumoto
“Cantonese is a difficult language to learn — not because of its sounds or syntax, but because it’s hard to find good learning resources” — Eldon Well, let’s remedy that one mini-transcript at a time, as has been the custom established by Edwin and CanteHK! The situation this time around is a high-ranking clone soldier…
Buttocks and Binary Fission
by khatzumoto
Tired? Busy? Overwhelmed? Can’t do 100%? Then do 50%. There’s nothing wrong with a half-a**ed job. Do half an a** now, half-an a** later, and pretty soon you have a nice, round a**. J-Lo would be proud. What’s that? You can’t do 50%? Then do 50% of that. Still too much? Cut in half again.…
How To Write a Resumé (CV) and Cover Letter in Japanese: The work.JP Starter Pack
by khatzumoto
So, one time, back in the day, in college, I was taking a class (as one does) in computer networking. And our assignment was to write a web server — an HTTP server, in Linux, in C++. Our professor, Dr. L., was and is a totally cool guy, the perfect combination of fun and on…