- "culture and language are things that we are
not born with but are taught." bit.ly/bd4Gbk # - "A successful learner of a language can’t…merely speak the language
but must become it." bit.ly/bd4Gbk # - "Elitism is your enemy. Elitism is everybody’s enemy." bit.ly/bd4Gbk #
- "In the world of Japanese learning, there are those who talk about it and those who do it." bit.ly/bd4Gbk #
- 千円・無料高速、帰省ラッシュ…空路・鉄路も : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/cbXtEU #
- 「帰省ラッシュ、高速道路で渋滞続く」 News i – TBSの動画ニュースサイト bit.ly/dfKQQ7 #
- Europe1 : Radio d'Actualité et News Politique, Culture, Economie, Sport – Europe1.fr bit.ly/aRgQ6H #
- Nothing takes forever. Not unless you let it. #timeboxing #
- Fairies are for "believing in". Methods are for using/not using. There is no right/wrong. There's just fun/boring. Work/don't. #
- Just do better than you did yesterday. Just know more than you did yesterday. #immersion #
- Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but don't give them control of your actions. It's your body. #socialresistance #
- It's your body. If you want to fill your eyes and ears with Japanese, what business is that of your local forum troll? 😀 #
- I think it can help to actually not change yourself even in situations where you could get mocked: mockers eventually give up #
- Any idiot can make fun of you, but you're the only one who can make your L2 dreams come true 😀 #socialresistance #
- Remember, no one will thank you for forcing yourself to fit their mold: they'll just ignore you. #immersion #socialresistance #
- A language-learning method is not a religion. If "attacked", it doesn't need to be defended, and there's no need to get offended #
- 英語のまぐまぐ! – 英会話・英語 "
" bit.ly/bGF3bG # - Dont learn the language…get used to it #
- "Spaced repetition is killer. It seems to take the work out of remembering things, leaving nothing but determination" bit.ly/cBV4LD #
- ビジネスマナーとしての敬語をシーン別に徹底解説!【ビジネス敬語の達人】 bit.ly/a5qIJN #
- Live and let live. You don't have to convince people and you don't have to be convinced by them. #immersion #socialresistance #
- YouTube – 変態という名の "「仮に変態だとしても変態という名の紳士だよ!!」" bit.ly/d5KJhU (笑) #
- イグナーツ・ゼンメルワイス – Wikipedia bit.ly/d65pXn #
- 荒涼館 – Wikipedia bit.ly/atGar2 #
- 言葉の世界・伝言板 2002年12月 "たとえば「給」字には ji3 と, おそらく本来はあて字であった gei3 が
ありますが, 現在は本来 ji3 であるべき「供給」なども gonggei と発音するのが普通
です。" bit.ly/bRHJR1 # - @ikkiMikki 1000 reps!? WOW!…btw I love the phrase "playing on #Surusu quot; #
- Don't plan. Just do. Plan while you're doing. #immersion #SRS #
- Your Japanese doesn't get better because of "shoulds". It gets better because you enjoy manga and movies and music. #
- Don't prepare to do Japanese. Just do stuff. Slide out of your English womb/bubble and head out there. #immersion #
- Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese bit.ly/cA5CK0 #
- "Start listening to real Japanese…immediately. You will not understand a word. This doesn’t matter. " bit.ly/am0QFr #
- "just procrastinate, and do it in your L2." bit.ly/ckpngV #
- "Surf the web and do stupid stuff, as long as it’s in your L2." bit.ly/ckpngV #
- 【 sed 】 文字列の置換,行の削除を行う – Linuxコマンド集:ITpro
bit.ly/aPeHt2 # - Googleマップが5周年、新たな拡張機能を披露 – ニュース:ITpro bit.ly/aSx4Lk #
- 中時電子報:最優質最豐富的華人網路新聞專家 bit.ly/ceQn0F #
- 瑤瑤翻唱韓國KARA 舞步造型相似度70%|娛樂|中時影音|中時電子報 bit.ly/diNQ37 #
- 永康15楊記冰品 抽驗依舊不合格|生活|中時影音|中時電子報 bit.ly/cyXGdd #
- bashで始めるシェルスクリプト基礎の基礎(2/2) bit.ly/c9Jcmq #
- シェルスクリプト(Bash) bit.ly/dxozSc #
- Yahoo! Hong Kong – 雅虎香港 bit.ly/dbMRkz #
- PCCW bit.ly/9yCVZN #
- "200+ simpsons episodes j-dubbed" bit.ly/cK9WQY #
- YouTube – 日本語吹き替え版 bit.ly/bpbkNZ #
- YouTube – スーパーサイズ・ミー (日本語吹き替え版) 1/13 bit.ly/cw3Mfu #
- YouTube – Raion Kingu – 日本語 Japanese Lion King – HQ – Part 1 bit.ly/cd1j6I #
- シンプソンズ
bit.ly/ajuA02 # - 搞笑漫畫日和世界末日粵語配
bit.ly/bwHnT4 # - YouTube – 黑暗界拍賣王(6)-搞笑漫畫血多 bit.ly/c2HELI #
- "Late bloomers are underrated." bit.ly/c7ELMx #
- 髄鞘 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aMwkXm #
- Don't waste your time justifying your methods to other people. Invest it in actual doing and tweaking. #
- Your methods must serve you. Other people may talk a good game, but they don't have to live your life. #
- The Talent Code "Be Willing to Be Stupid Early On" bit.ly/c7ELMx #
- YouTube – 惠普CEO性騷擾小電影女星 bit.ly/aIFwMi #
- サウスパーク シーズン2 #01 「アイクはめちゃムケ?」.avi | Veoh bit.ly/dja14j #
- "Babies listen…to the language around them for up to 2 years before uttering a single meaningful word. " bit.ly/ak9SIf #
- "your emotions and psychological state significantly affect your performance in a foreign language" bit.ly/ak9SIf #
- "サウスパーク シーズン2 #01 「アイクはめちゃムケ?」.avi
日本語吹き替え版サウスパーク" bit.ly/dja14j # - デジタル台風:台風の強さと大きさ – 気圧と風速の単位 bit.ly/cXKt6r #
- "意すべきなのは、「台風」と「タイフーン(typhoon)」の違いです。日本の気象庁は最大風速が34kt以上の熱帯低気圧を「台風」と呼びますが、国際的には最大風速が64kt以上の熱帯低気圧を「タイフーン(typhoon)」と呼びます。" bit.ly/ajjzDs #
- ねっとのみかい【ネット飲み会】 : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/bwgtke #
- YouTube – DELI – PASS DA POPCORN feat. NIPPS, K-B(THE HIMALAYA), Mr Nice G-13 bit.ly/9ObBqC #
- DELI – Wikipedia "NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND(以下、ニトロ)のメンバーで、「特攻隊長」の異名をとり、ハイトーンヴォイスで男気あふれるラップをする。" bit.ly/aOJvqn #
- "ゾウ使いとゾウ
ゾウのラジャンを海水浴に連れ出したゾウ使いのナズロー。アンダマン諸島ハブロック島のラーダナガー・ビーチにて。" bit.ly/9OzwnO # - もちうさぎ bit.ly/arNce7 #
- "よく「子どもが本を読まない」と嘆く人がいますが、そういう人に限って家に本棚すらなかったりします。自分に読書習慣が無いのに、子どもが本を読むようになるわけがない。" bit.ly/9dhwIG #
- "本の選び方に正解なんてない。" bit.ly/9dhwIG #
- "小飼氏は本の装丁とか気にせず、中身のコンテンツが重要だっていうなら、それは新書かどうかっていうことも重要じゃない気がするのだが。 "
amzn.to/bAk4cv # - "とにかく量を読むというのは正解" amzn.to/bAk4cv #
- ミラーニューロン – Wikipedia bit.ly/cuUWZ0 #
- "先天的才能と後天的努力に対して探求したフロリダ州立大学のエリクソン教授はおもしろい研究をした。・・・" bit.ly/ab3x7h #
- You train people how to treat you. When you don't give up on doing what you want, other people give up trying to change you. #
- 中国の通信機器メーカー、Huaweiとは? bit.ly/aDErW4 #
- Give up. Give up on giving up on Japanese. Stop trying to run away from it. It's your destiny. bit.ly/asfAVd #
- YouTube – Japanese TV Commercial – May 2010 bit.ly/dxJtBQ #
- "He who tires not, tires adversity" ~ Source Unknown [to me, that is…] 😀 #immersion #
- "He who tires not, tires adversity". It's as if the language gives up trying to stop you once it sees that you'll never back down #
- A language will let anyone in who doesn't back down, who doesn't run away, who doesn't retreat. 😀 #immersion #
- That's why I love SRS…SRS says: "stick with me kid, and I'll make sure that you never fall back". #
- The secret to success in language-learning in 4 words: do more than nothing. #immersion #
- At every turn, when faced with any choice, just do more than nothing and you win. Just do more than "no Japanese". #immersion #
- Romaji doesn't count. Romaji isn't Japanese. #
- And katakana isn't English. #
- People disagreeing with you doesn't make you right or wrong. It just makes you disagreed with. #socialresistance #
- "boredom is a good thing. It’s a clear indicator that you’re doing something wrong" bit.ly/cm2ucN #
- "if you’re bored, you’re doing it wrong." bit.ly/cm2ucN #
- Read widely. Nobody is wrong about everything. Nobody is right about everything. #
- YouTube – 彬媽探視兄弟倆 小小彬被下"封口令" bit.ly/aUQz7T #
- Use temporal "blinders" to hide the enormity of the task from yourself. Focus on the narrow slice of now. #timeboxing #justdoone #
- 用Flashcard學外文 « HKLinguists bit.ly/9icakA #
- 《凱撒》 – 終生免費網頁遊戲 bit.ly/92bibt #
- AJATT Unwrap-Rewrap Tool bit.ly/azbVc5 #randomness #
- ブリンカー – Wikipedia bit.ly/ckqLhf #
- YouTube – 990812新台灣星光大道03 bit.ly/aybAJf #
- Love your L2 enough to learn and enjoy it, but not so much that you're awed and intimidated by it. It's just a human invention. #
- 波に乗るスマートフォン—iPad/iPhone編 – 夏休みスペシャル2010:ITpro bit.ly/aTHd0O #
- Delete. Bad(=boring≈too difficult) cards devalue the entire deck. They can even devalue the entire language for you. #SRS #
- Halve your work.
bit.ly/a1h68c # - This is the face your work units should make you make 😛
bit.ly/a1h68c # - 今夜ひとりのベッドで bit.ly/c6bgZZ #
- 今夜ひとりのベッドで – Wikipedia bit.ly/91eqKN #
- YouTube – 惠普CEO性騷擾小電影女星 bit.ly/aIFwMi #
- YouTube – 空中少爺鬧爆惡乘客 跳機劈炮 bit.ly/awsN15 #
- ダスティ・スプリングフィールド – Wikipedia bit.ly/c85WcZ #
- YouTube – 暗黑大將軍part_3(粵語配音) bit.ly/aDcIU3 #
- YouTube – [懷舊卡通] 飛天少女豬事丁 香港版OP「愛心一百次」 (戴恩玲) bit.ly/9SEHkd #
- YouTube – [懷舊卡通] 櫻桃小丸子 民國85年台視版OP (范曉萱 – 最最親愛) bit.ly/buO8gR #
- [CD] 「今夜ひとりのベッドで」オリジナル・サウンドトラック / TVサントラ – Neowing bit.ly/dqmmdc #
- "listen to your target language while you’re doing something else completely…0 minutes of effort" bit.ly/a1h68c #
- "[Time] Excusitis: The disease of failure" amzn.to/9nmgdS #
- {"Everybody has exactly the same amount of time: 24 hours/day. The difference is in how you use it"} amzn.to/a50USh #
- YouTube – Japanese Transformers 2010 commercials. bit.ly/cYA2vq #
- 国立天文台 天文情報センター 暦計算室 bit.ly/9KkiMM #
- Oh. My. Gosh. It helps SO much being able to read Japanese and speak keigo. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. #
- YouTube – My Feelings for Cantonese 我對粵語的憧憬與嚮往 bit.ly/9mB5iu #
- HQ SHINee 샤이니 – Ring Ding Dong 링딩동 [MV] – StumbleUpon bit.ly/d6B2b8 #
- YouTube – 소녀시대(Girls' Generation)_Oh!(오)_MusicVideo(뮤직비디오) bit.ly/b5P9aG #
- YouTube – Drunken Tiger – Monster (Korean Version) bit.ly/bXMt8H #
- YouTube – Drunken Tiger – 편의점 Convenience Store (feat. Gemini) bit.ly/aG1cQ4 #
- "To get me through this
Semi-charmed kind of life (Baby, baby)
半ば魔法にかけられた 人生と呼べるようなものに" bit.ly/9LQ5Gr # - YouTube – 鳳凰駭客趙少康 20100813 (1/3) ~ 民進黨十年新政綱 bit.ly/d5lyv5 #
- 華裔美女政治家只手撼動日本政壇 bit.ly/ayLFGF #
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