“Cantonese is a difficult language to learn — not because of its sounds or syntax, but because it’s hard to find good learning resources”
— Eldon
Well, let’s remedy that one mini-transcript at a time, as has been the custom established by Edwin and CanteHK!
The situation this time around is a high-ranking clone soldier (Rex?) speaking to Anakin and Ahsoka after the first battle of the movie.
jou dak hou a,Skywalker jeung gwan!nei dou hai a,siu mui mui
[To Anakin] Well done, General Skywalker! [To Asoka] And you too, little Miss Thang — you weren’t so bad either 😛 .
Note: I’ve never seen Star Wars: Clone Wars in English, so…I don’t know what the original lines were. These are my re-translation back into English from Cantonese.
Just wondering – why Cantonese?
Sorry for being thick, but did you learn Mandarin already or something?
for “you too”, 你都係係呀 doesn’t make sense. we only say 你都係呀
by the way, i’m a native Cantonese speaker learning French. Your blog has been a long-term motivation to me.
I think he set out to learn Mandarin first but preferred Cantonese over Mandarin, so decided to learn it instead.
I think this post may clear up that question a little for you, zach.
弊啦! 打錯添!多謝你提醒我(^^)
(↑ is this right 😀 ?)
wow.. you mentioned my site 🙂
God… I think I need to put more content on my site now. 我聽講而家呢你啲廣東話好犀利喎
你同埋Milan既廣東話都講得好正. 見到有外國人肯學廣東話,我真系好開心. 因為就算響中國廣東,都好少外地人想學廣東話. 你地好犀利! 繼續努力喔!