
Dick and Jane, Episode 3

Episode 3 of Dick and Jane is now up! (The excitement is killer). In this episode, Spot and Muffin inexplicably go missing, and we also meet a man named Mr. Brown. Coincidence? Probably. As always, please feel free to send your questions, suggestions and corrections by way of email or a comment at the bottom…

Dick and Jane, Episode 2

Another exciting episode of Dick and Jane begin! Tempers start flaring when people forget who the cat is and what her name is: Muffin doesn’t like being ignored. So really only one temper flares. As always, please feel free to send your questions, suggestions and corrections by way of email or a comment at the…

Dick and Jane, Episode 1

In this first episode of the incremental reader to rule all incremental readers, we meet the cast. Khatzumoto (that’s me!) plays Dick, Momoko (as in 桃子) plays Jane, while the vicious, bloodthirsty and bred-to-kill guarddog Spot and his trusty feline scarlet-colored sidekick Muffin star as themselves. Wow. That was verbose. Anyway, enjoy! [Previous Episode]  [Episode Guide…

How should Dick and Jane work?

Hey everyone! Sorry for the silence! I’ve been busily looking for better ways to put up “Dick and Jane” and other readers/comics. No results so far. The way Dick and Jane works right now, is that you have one large image file (made up of like 40 smaller image files) per episode. The problem is…

10,000 Sentences: Music Lyrics

Almost forgot! For you music lovers out there, there are several sites out there where you can get the lyrics to your favorite Japanese music that you no doubt are playing to the exclusion of English and other languages :). Here is an inexhaustive list: Lyricz.Info Uta-Map Uta-Net Google your way to glory for the…

10,000 Sentences: Answers To Questions

@Update: 10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin! | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time How do you decide which sentences from your input to copy over to your SRS? This is a tough one! If you’re like me, you’re a greedy little hobbit who wants to know everything. So here…