
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-02-20

南非總統訪中國 促貿易砍逆差 – Yahoo! 新聞 # "do stuff that you enjoy to the point that you don't even realize you're learning." #fun #immersion # YouTube – 20110212觀眾叩應質疑TVBS為何不監督疫苗安全與否 卻在監督其他的媒體名嘴 董智森疑似作手勢要求趕緊切掉叩應電話2100週末開講 # YouTube – 運命共同体 [RIP SLYME] # Yay! YouTube now stays maximized unless explicitly directed otherwise. Immersion just got more immersive 😀…

Stop Being Creative

Passive listening doesn’t help, you say? Well, how are you supposed to play a song you’ve never heard? How are you supposed to do a Lady Gaga impression when you’ve never even heard her speak or sing? I’ll tell you how…you make it up. You get creative. You invent something new. And therein lies the…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-02-13

十二人の怒れる男 – Wikipedia # 12人の怒れる男特集 # You'll have plenty of time to give up when you're dead. Until then, just leave your iPod running. #immersion # "クリス・クロス(英: Kris Kross)は1990年代前半に活躍したアメリカ合衆国のティーンエイジ・ラップデュオで" # 上海網絡電視臺 – BBTV首頁 # @llamaren Quit altogether. Or do MUCH less. Like only 1~2 at the time. Never even touch your…


This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Patience

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series PatiencePatience is not passive waiting. Patience is not static. Patience isn’t sitting down and shutting up — that’s being cooperative and docile to help driving parents. Patience is dynamic. Patience is active preparation. Patience is doing. If you’re not too preoccupied and too physically tired…