I’m generally not one to buy into rules of thumb (at least I like to think so), but I’ll make an exception here. I’ve found that one big secret to making immersion work is to make sure that it happens: Last thing at night, and First thing in the morning What you do at these…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-03-13
by khatzumoto
わらしべ長者 bit.ly/i5jL5g #japanese #fairytale # New at AJATT Plus: Weird Games: Copying Out A Book By Hand plus.ajatt.com/weird-games-copying-out-a-book-by-hand # "続けるかぎり「負け」はない。 " amzn.to/dLf94l # "Spud Webb stood 5'7" tall, yet he excelled in a game where the average player was 6'5". Genes mean nothing" bit.ly/bv55DG # "Spud Webb…played in the NBA from 1985-1998, and even won…
Cantonese Mini-Transcript: Kung-Fu Panda Opening Narration
by khatzumoto
Audio: kungfupanda 傳說中有一個傳說中嘅戰士, 佢嘅功夫勁到好似傳說中嘅傳說一樣。 佢到處流浪,去搵武藝高強嘅對手。 Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung-fu skills were the stuff of legend. He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. chyun syut jung yau yat go chyun syut jung ge jin si, keui ge gung fu ging dou hou chi chyun syut jung ge chyun syut yat…
Totally Fine
by khatzumoto
It was sort of like a free circus ride. 😀 So we were hanging out at the park with all the hot women and their kids, and there’s this one kid who’s telling the story of what happened at school to his Mum, “the computers were all gatagatagata” but she keeps correcting his grammar so…
Success Story: How I Pwned German Using Dubs and Translations
by khatzumoto
By Doviende of LanguageFixation: The thing that did the most for my German, was watching all 7 seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 dubbed in German. People told me it was trash, and it wasn’t a real German TV show so it wouldn’t help, and all sorts of other bunk. It was dubbed in…
Boredom Is Pain
by khatzumoto
Boredom means “stop doing this and start doing something else”. Boredom is pain. You don’t keep your hand on the hot stove because it “builds character”, you take it away before you really hurt yourself. Boredom is pain. Next time it starts to hurt, take your hand off the stove.