Reader Question: What if You Studied in School But Failed? | Spanish Only # バットボーイ・アワードに、ビートたけし、所ジョージ両氏がノミネート! | ウィークリーワールドニュース・ジャパン | weeklyworldnews japan # "actual competence may weaken self-confidence" # YouTube – 買一送一 Official MV (MC Jin 歐陽靖 + Hanjin 陳奐仁) # デイリーモーション – 【PV】アンダーグラフ ツバサ – ミュージック ビデオ # 何故ロボットアニメのタイトルには、「漢字数文字 + カタカナ」というものが多いのか。:…
Bigger, Better Google Search Bookmarklets
by khatzumoto
These bookmarklets give you pages with 100 search results instead of 10. Getting more search results on one page is useful if you’re going to, say, have all the links on a page automatically added to something like the Surusu URL Shuffler. Google JP (Japanese) javascript:(function(){var w=window,d=w.document,s=”;;if(d.selection){s=d.selection.createRange().text}else if (d.getSelection){s=d.getSelection()}else if(w.getSelection){s=window.getSelection()} (‘’+encodeURIComponent(s) +’&num=100&hl=ja&prmd=ivns&source=lnt&tbs=lr:lang_1ja&lr=lang_ja’,’_blank’)})() Google HK (Chinese)…
Don’t Be Snobbish, Do Be Picky: Trash Is Good For You
by khatzumoto
“Everything in Japanese is good for you” does not mean you should do any old crap in Japanese whether or not you’re having fun just because it’s in Japanese. It means that everything in Japanese is good for you — as long as you’re having fun. First Law of Language Acquisition, remember? If you actually like…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-02-27
by khatzumoto
Japanese Listening (Advanced) # RT @mark95427: @ajatt | OMG, yes! This site rules. Real, natural, manly (lol) Japanese audio w/transcripts. # 学費でみる江戸時代の教育事情 発掘!お金の話 – gooマネー # やっぱAKBって、秋元に限るよね(^^) #akb48 # エルロンドの御前会議 #LOTR # ニコラ・テスラ – Wikipedia # 発明超人ニコラ・テスラ # ラリー・ペイジ – Wikipedia # YouTube – (Сергей Михайлович Брин) #google…
If You Have Time To Worry About When You’ll Get Good…
by khatzumoto
…then you have time to focus on getting better. Worrying about whether or not you’re getting good is simply a sign that you still suck. So go suck less. No, shut up. And go suck less. You’re not especially dumb or smart. You’re just wasting your time and mine. Things tend to start going well…
Don’t Plan Your Day, Plan Your Environment
by khatzumoto
Why was I such cranky jerk on the “day in the life” question? Because I don’t even think in days. That’s right. I said it. I don’t think in days. I’m like a 5-year-old. I’m impulsive. I cannot sit still. I like sweet things. I…what, drink breastmilk? And…10 minutes is an eternity to me. That’s…