Forcing yourself to read a boring book is just irresponsible. If you're not in charge of keeping yourself entertained, who is? # RT @RIOs_carnival: RT @meigennavi_bot: 他人の妄想に振り回されるぐらいなら、自分の夢に振り回された方がいい。(流音弥) 【名言ナビ】 #meigen # It's not discipline if someone else is forcing you to do it. It's just coercion. # "自分の気持ちを押し殺してまで、周りの意見に従う必要はありません。" # "どうせ失敗するなら、自分の「夢」「妄想」を信じて失敗する方がずっとましです。 なんと言っても、自分の人生なのですから。 一回きりの人生なのですから。" # There…
Kwanzaa Miracle Ends in A Matter of Hours
by khatzumoto
Verily, children of the ‘JATT. Let it be known unto thee that the AJATT Golden Kwanzaa Key of Uncommercialized Righteousness offer…or whatever the heck it’s freaking called…ends today. You’ve had time to think. Now it’s time to act. Not for me. For you. For your own good. As you no doubt recall, the Kwanzaa Key…
Who Can Tell You What
by khatzumoto
The only people who have the right to even think of beginning to attempt to tell you that you can’t do it, are people who’ve done it themselves. Not people who’ve “tried” it. People who’ve done it. “But they ‘tried’ it”, you say. “They have ‘experience’”, you say. Yeah, they have experience being a whiny…
Surusu Bookmarklet Update
by khatzumoto
The Surusu “add card” bookmarklet has been tweaked to fix a problem whereby the “+” sign in any highlighted text was getting dropped. If you’re still using the old version, please update now: Link: 素+ Source code: javascript:var d=document;var tx=encodeURIComponent(d.selection?d.selection.createRange().text:d.getSelection());var url=encodeURIComponent(d.location.href);var title=encodeURIComponent(d.title);var‘’+escape(tx)+’&back=’+title+’&source=’+url).document;
YouTube and NicoNico Video Search Bookmarklets
by khatzumoto
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-12-26
by khatzumoto
Back in the day, when you were dialing manually, you knew your best friends’ phone numbers by heart #lazykanji # "it is better to make the Heisig(=kanji) cards easier than to drop them" #lazykanji # "There are some people that just like to torture themselves" For everybody else, there's lazy kanji. #…