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You Deserve A Kwanzaa Miracle: The Golden Kwanzaa Key of Uncommercialized Righteousness
by khatzumoto
You know what? Saturnalia sucks. Screw Saturnalia. Saturnalia can go suck a big, fat, menthol and eucalyptus-flavored lozenge while it cools down the sore throat it got from making out with a tipsy coworker. I don’t even know what being tipsy has to do with the symptoms. I’ve had it with Saturnalia. I don’t even…
Unclean! Why Would AJATT Do A Tie-in With Other People’s Stuff?
by khatzumoto
Unclean! Why would AJATT do a tie-in with other people’s stuff? Isn’t AJATT the Supreme Truth? Well, of course it is. That’s beyond question. Of course no truth can ever compare to the sublime beauty of AJATT. Wait, is that throw-up in your mouth? Are you OK? At the same time, John, Benny and I have…
Cantonese Mini-Transcript / The Incredibles / I Said I’d Be Late
by khatzumoto
This clip is from The Incredibles/超人特工隊. Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible) returns home late after some illicit heroics with his buddy Frozone. An angry Helen (Elastigirl) sits in wait, steaming and ready to chew him out for being a naughty dad… 超能先生(帕波):咪話咗遲啲返嚟囉?! chiu nang sin saang(paak bo):mai wa jo chi di faan lei lo?! Bob: I…
Is It Supposed To Be This Much Fun?: A Beginner’s Success Story
by khatzumoto
Koffegirl, a new AJATTeer, shares her success story in this email: So I am in the beginning of my journey towards learning Japanese…and I’m getting so much pure enjoyment out of it that I almost feel guilty. I am at the kanji learning stage and I’m finding it fun and relaxing. Am I crazy? I…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-12-19
by khatzumoto
"That's how you build consistency, not punishing yourself for failing to have it." #ajattplus # Looking for a Japanese monodic for your iDevice? Try this guy. デジタル大辞泉 # ua woman(ユーエーウーマン)/UNDER ARMOUR(アンダーアーマー) # Adding Bookmarklets on iPad and iPhone # 映画『キック・アス』壁紙・15秒スポット 完成!! | EnterJam – エンタジャム – 映画・アニメ・ゲームの総合エンタメサイト # 2010年10月11日のブログ|MIDICRONICAブログ「米粒みたいな人格と宇宙の考察」by Ameba…