
Entropy: Fight the Power

This entry is part 9 of 17 in the series The Art of War of Learning

This entry is part 9 of 17 in the series The Art of War of LearningYou are always moving. You never stand still. You’re always either getting better or worse. Even “staying the same” requires input. You’re always either going uphill or downhill. Forward or backward. Progressing or regressing. Entropy wants to take your Japanese…

The Problem With “But Also”

The phrase “but also” is the enemy of all achievement. Anybody who tells you: “Do X but also do Y” has literally told you nothing. Because he hasn’t helped you make a decision (remember, in terms of its Latin etymology, to decide is to cut (decision/incision) and to kill (decide/homicide) — so decision always involves negation, subtraction);…

(Super Easy Barely An In)Convenience Is Destiny

Next time someone tells you that X “isn’t a real innovation” and “only made Y more convenient” or “only popularized Y”, I want you to punch them — and their small children — in the throat. Don’t punch their older children — they may be strong enough to fight back and then you’ve got a…

The A$$y Hole Equation

So last night I literally had a dream (whoa, slow down dere, Khatz, yer blowin’ my mind!). In this dream, I was sketching in a hallway, because I’m always an artistic genius in my dreams, when two people from Southern China walked past me and were very rude, and I was mildly pissed off. Later,…