It’s been a long ride. When I started this site back in late 2006, I didn’t know I would get so much love and support from all of you. Thank you all so much for reading and sharing. Things change; people change; I know I have. It’s been a wonderful growth experience for me. And…
KhatzuMemo Update: Back to Basic UI, More Stats, Extra Reps Fix
by khatzumoto
And the update shall be upon its shoulders! And its name, shall be call-ed, wonderful! Update! The migh… OK, never mind. KhatzuMemo has again been updated. Important new features: UI: The UI has returned to its very basic roots. However, the default font size has been increased, and there’s also the addition of ample margin…
KhatzuMemo Update: Reset Password, View Stats, Inter-Rep 遷ransition
by khatzumoto
And its name shall be call-ed: update! KhatzuMemo has been updated! Here are the main changes/new features: A reset password function was added. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can use your username and email to reset it from the login page. Changed stats page display to be easier to read, and contain more information…
KhatzuMemo Back In Action
by khatzumoto
Let live forever in the people’s memory the Great Database Upgrade of January! The server update is complete and KhatzuMemo is now back in action. Enjoy. Let me know if you have any issues…
Khatzumoto Server Update/Temporary Downtime Announcement
by khatzumoto
Users of KhatzuMemo, unite! From each according to his item collection, to each according to his interval! …Well, that was awkward. Anyway, AJATT’s webhost is upgrading its servers to a newer version of MySQL, so the KhatzuMemo database is going to be down for a short while. It should be back up again well within…
軽病で執筆休止中なんだよゴルァ!/Khatzumoto = Sick
by khatzumoto
テメエら!というよりは、愛する読者の皆様。勝元で御座います。本人(=俺)は、病名不明な病気の為、現在休養中なので暫くは新しい記事をアップしますん(どっちだよ?!)。 兎に角じっと待っててね、そのうち直ぐ復帰するから^^。やっぱ膵臓ってイイね。もう絶対に馬鹿にしない(笑)。 Hey everyone. Young Khatzumoto (= me) is sick — too sick to even work at a computer long enough to get some proper writing done — with an as-yet-undiagnosed minor illness. Let’s just say he appreciates his pancreas more now than when it was second on his list of “organs I like to…