最近「マンガ 金正日入門」(http://tinyurl.com/6hrmpd)を読破しやした・・・内容的には凄く興味深かった。事実かどうかはまた別の話だけどね。何せ匿名情報源が多いからサァ、その分だけ不正確な記述(捏造?)の可能性はヤッパリ否めない。
Consulting? How Much?
by khatzumoto
Hey! I really love getting your emails! And answering your questions and sharing advice, experiences, et cetera. Unfortunately…I’ve found myself trying to minimize time spent answering questions in order to maximize time spent doing things that, well, pay financially. And stuff. But I’d actually really love to be working with you guys. As it happens,…
Reader Story: Three Months of Sentences
by khatzumoto
Everyone loves a success story. I know I do. When I was learning Japanese hardcore, I looked high and low for stories of other people’s journeys. Anyway, here’s one from a reader who goes by the handle Awkward Map on this site. He’s finished RTK (Remembering the Kanji) and is now three months into sentences.…
Japanese Learner Success Stories
by khatzumoto
Yo. There’s a lot of misconception out there about the supposed difficulty of Japanese. There’s a lot of misconception about Japan itself. And here I am preaching to you about misconception, but I grew up with kung-fu movies, too, just like you. I thought all East Asians knew martial arts, ate rice (wait, this one’s…
AJATT: The Book!
by khatzumoto
…Not really. Not yet, anyway. But, see, the thing is, this site was written as a blog. Which was nice in terms of allowing it to be written incrementally, but sucky for reading once it got really big. It definitely needed some logical linearization (rather than the chronological kind that comes by default). So here…
Saying Yes to YesAsia: Free Worldwide Shipping + PayPal + Wide Selection = Smiles
by khatzumoto
Hey…how’s it going? Looking forward to any blockbusters this summer? Me too. But back on topic. So, there’s this store called YesAsia, and they’ve been around for a while, but I never really took them seriously back then. Maybe it was because, unlike Amazon, product reviews by users were so few and far between, and…