About a month ago, I got an email from a very handsome man that went a little something like this. Very handsome man: Hi Khatz, just wondering what you think of the JLPT. Is it worth taking to measure your Japanese fluency, even if by some chance it’s not required when applying for a job…
http://tinyurl.com/48l7af I’m …
by khatzumoto
tinyurl.com/48l7af I’m in love with this song…
「夜空雪風 Tokyo Metro�…
by khatzumoto
「夜空雪風 Tokyo Metro」「考楽火月星 Zatoichi Square」dude…マジかよ?
Learning a language is like downloading a file
by khatzumoto
Learning a language is like downloading a file. You *can* do more than one at a time, but doing one’s quicker, and you get to play sooner…
by khatzumoto
by khatzumoto
再投稿!(今回は大丈夫かなぁ・・・) 「マンガ 金正日入門」。凄い面白かった!歴史の勉強にも成った。然し、匿名情報源が勿論多くて、その分だけ信憑性を問わざるを得ない。 tinyurl.com/6hrmpd