[【格闘・ボクシング】「メイウェザー対マクレガー」夢対決が正式決定 8月26日にラスベガスで激突 [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26 June 15, Japan Time. Two months before the fight: MMAオタクって何でそんなにボクシング嫌いなん?? Why do all you MMA nerds/basementfags hate boxing so much? 嫌い=きらい なん→なの→なのか 何で=なんで 試合よりも、會見の時のトラッシュトークが楽しみだわ I’m actually looking forward to all the press conference trash-talking more than…
[JSS] [Japanese Sports Sentence Pack] [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] [Pre-Fight Chatter and Analysis] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26
by khatzumoto
[【格闘・ボクシング】「メイウェザー対マクレガー」夢対決が正式決定 8月26日にラスベガスで激突 [MMA/Boxing] [Mayweather vs. McGregor] The Dream Match of the Century is Officially Happening in Las Vegas on August 26 June 15, Japan Time. Two months before the fight: ボクシングやるのか 勝ち目ないだろw They’re boxing? McGregor doesn’t stand a chance, mate! 勝ち目=かちめ 無い=ない 遣る=やる だろ→だろう 総合の選手って打撃オンリーでもいけるって勘違いしてる人多すぎ Too many of you jokers/Too many chuckleheads around here think that an MMA…
What’s Wrong And Right With Vocabulary Lists — How To Use Them Without Being Used By Them
by khatzumoto
So I met a German girl at a cafe today…actually, she was Austrian but, same difference. Anyway, we got to talking about books and I gave her a book recommendation, and it came out that I’ve only ever read the book in Japanese, so I had to find out what the English title was. She…
ESL Materials: The Bilingual Secret Weapon
by khatzumoto
In my personal experience, by far the best bilingual material for someone approaching an L2, is L1 learning materials for L2 speakers. So, in your case, that’ll be ESL (English as a Second Language) materials for Japanese and Chinese speakers. Why? Well, because, Grasshopper; There’s always way too much L2 material. ESL books for Japanese…
お巫山戯、日本語で: Halloween Spectacular–Zombie VS 3 Chibi-chans!
by momoko
This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series お巫山戯、日本語でWe here at AJATT usually like to focus on the lighter side of things. But especially around Halloween, there are potential dangers that everyone should be aware of. Trick-or-treating brings young people out on the streets after dark, leaving them vulnerable to attacks when they…
SRS: No Typing In Sentences
by khatzumoto
Great comments get left here on AJATT.com. But, lost in the fog of posts, they tend to get ignored and thus effectively die. All-Star Comments is the section where we bring them back to life. Today’s all-star comment is from きのこ, an active contributor of back in the recent day. The original post was about…