
More Online Japanese Dictionaries

Hey everyone! Now, I believe in being thorough, and checking things, and all that good stuff. But you really can do too much of that — it’s called OCD. And the bigger the task, the more important it is to start with what’s at hand. It’s not one of those things where starting off on…

Sentence Starter Pack 4

Japan, as you might guess, is a bit of a hotbed of the Japanese language. The natural environment is ripe for sentence-mining. With that in mind, I’ve been taking pictures and collecting random everyday objects (advertisements, cereal boxes), with Japanese in them, to use for sentence-learning. You can do this outside of Japan, too, if…

Sentence Starter Pack 3

Sorry for the 1-day delay! Here’s another list of sentences based on the second word in the Yale Anime Society List: 愛 (あい, love). Let me know whether or not you like this arrangement. If you do, I’ll just go through and make sentences for all 100 words in the list, that way you’ll get…

Sentence Pack 2

This second sentence pack is even closer to the way I learn sentences than the previous one, in that it focuses on one word, and contains several sentences using that word, plus some sentences that are tangentially related. So, the word for this sentence pack is 危ない(あぶない), which is the first word on the Yale…

Sentence Starter Pack 1

So I was sitting there, thinking…”it’s pretty mean to tell people to go find sentences and not even throw them a freaking bone”. So here it is, a few sentences to get you started, or, if you are started, to help you along the way. They’re based on Yale Anime Society’s list of the 100…

10,000 Sentences: Music Lyrics

Almost forgot! For you music lovers out there, there are several sites out there where you can get the lyrics to your favorite Japanese music that you no doubt are playing to the exclusion of English and other languages :). Here is an inexhaustive list: Lyricz.Info Uta-Map Uta-Net Google your way to glory for the…