There are several cloze deletion modes (=clozemodes) in Surusu; they can be grouped into (currently) three categories.
- Selective
- Selective modes stochastically select a subset of words or snippets (of various lengths), ensuring that only some (i.e. a subset of) of what gets entered into the “clozetexts” box actually gets used. This guarantees an interesting and challenging mix of cards while also preventing there being too many cards made.
- Standard (WYSIWYG)
- Standard modes create clozes (one clozetext per card) exactly as specified — and separated — in the “clozetexts” box; that’s why these are called WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) or WYSIWY-cloze modes (what you see/set is what you cloze).
- Technically, “European grammar (Eurogram) mode” handles prepositions, articles and such (i.e. short and therefore syntactical rather than lexical words) in a way that you don’t need to specify, but since it is otherwise identical to “manual mode”, it gets grouped here.
- Standard modes create clozes (one clozetext per card) exactly as specified — and separated — in the “clozetexts” box; that’s why these are called WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) or WYSIWY-cloze modes (what you see/set is what you cloze).
- Exhaustive
- Exhaustive modes go further then standard modes, creating not only clozes as specified in the “clozetexts” box, but also multiple permutations thereof.
Clozemodes bearing the mark “[AZN]”, “[CJK]” or “[Asian]” are best suited for the text of Sinoxenic languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean, i.e. that use no spaces between words in writing.
All other clozemodes (i.e. those not bearing the “[AZN]”, “[CJK]” or “[Asian]” mark) are best suited for text in languages that do use spaces.
Tip: The more potential clozetexts, the more a selective clozemode makes sense; it saves time, effort and inundation. Conversely, short clozetext situations benefit from an exhaustive clozemode. If you want full, absolute, unquestioned control to specify exactly what (and how many) the clozetexts will be, then a standard mode is for you.
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