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KhatzuMemo Update: Quicker, Leaner

So, over at LearnJapaneseToday, KhatzuMemo, the world’s favorite SRS, won the dubious honor of a less-than-stellar review. The shame! Frankly, though, what they said was true. Load times were slow and the ad was annoying…I mean, there really shouldn’t be an ad there until you’re getting more value from it.

So, I’ve made some quick updates to KhatzuMemo, namely:

  • Removing Ads
  • Removing unsupported or only partially supported features. This way, everything option you get is actually supposed to work fully

You should see faster loading times and what not. I’ll reeeeeeally slowly and gradually keep adding features, but, yeah, it’ll be a while.

Anyway, laters 😀 .

  8 comments for “KhatzuMemo Update: Quicker, Leaner

  1. July 11, 2008 at 23:06

    Ouch! I wouldn’t say it was ‘awful’, but the removal of the ads and unsupported features is a welcome improvement. An overall stats counter would be nice, though.

  2. July 12, 2008 at 02:00

    Hey Khatzumoto, I’m really sorry my review came off as harsh as it did. Looking back I didn’t mean it to sound that angry, I wrote it after a 15-hour, really stressful workday.

    That being said, I still think the ads needed to go, the load times needed to be faster, and you need a link to view stats whenever you want.

    I’m really impressed that you responded to criticism so quickly though, and that speaks a lot for Khatzumemo that it will be improved thanks to criticisms of lowly bloggers like me. Thanks for taking the time.

    I plan on writing an updated review of Khatzumemo in the next week or two, so show me what you got.


  3. Akira117
    July 12, 2008 at 11:40

    There should be a way to do more reps even though you don’t have any items scheduled to do. I just get this screen when I click “[1]Review (do reps)”

  4. E
    July 16, 2008 at 17:49


    I’ve been using Khatzumemo on my cellphone for a while since I didn’t have access to a computer. I recently got access to one and was able to download Mnemosyne. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a way to transfer files from Khatzumemo to Memosyne…is there a way to do this? I would like to be able to use both programs (one for online, one for desktop). Just being able to download my Khatzumemo vocab list as a text file would already make things a lot simpler.


  5. Dareru
    September 27, 2008 at 08:00

    I agree with Akira117. I wanted to practice, but it automatically shoots me to the final image. It’s very frustrating, and I’ve just gone back to my flash cards for now. >O<

  6. khatzumoto
    September 27, 2008 at 13:09

    Depending on the amount of reps that are due for you the next day (i.e. if there are items due the next day), KhatzuMemo *does* allow you to do more.
    However, at the stage you’re at now, it may well be the case that all your items have intervals longer than 2 days, in which case KhatzuMemo does not allow you to do more
    if only because you don’t *need* to do more. Remember, the idea is *spaced* repetition, not forced drilling by rote — that was the old way.

    So, from the main screen, and also from the “add item” screen KhatzuMemo (if certain conditions are fulfilled) should allow you to do more reps.
    However, if not, just keep adding…

  7. Myles1260
    November 10, 2008 at 13:42

    Hello Khatzumoto!
    First of all, I want to say that I find your website very inspiring and funny at the same time. You seem like a great person dedicated to helping others succeed like the way you did, which I appreciate more than you can imagine.

    Just a suggestion for Khatzumemo- Maybe something that tells you when the next repetitions are due, because I don’t like getting the final screen either =)
    If I knew when my next reps were, I’d just come back and do them then. THANK YOU (even if you decide my suggestion is useless, hehe)

  8. Myles1260
    December 31, 2008 at 16:43

    ^Sorry I haven’t said anything for a long time, but I’ve noticed that after the update, I could see this. Thanks.

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