It has been a long time. And it was ill-advised of me to leave you devoid of a dope beat to which to step. To which to step.
Doing this to hip hop songs is funny to me…
Anyway, KhatzuMemo has been updated! Including:
- Faster question/answer transition — less data and images displayed on the question and answer screens
- New “View Stats” function — view your item statistics consolidated on their own page
- “Extra Reps” reduced to sets of 5 rather than 50. The idea is that smaller steps are less intimidating and often lead to getting more done
- New “Extra Reps” greeting image
- Streamlined font processing
There are more significant updates on the way, so…yeah. Stay excited.
ooh it looks really nice now. 😀
DO NOT WANT! The background color doesn’t go so well with the text, and the print is now tiny and squashed up in the top middle of the screen somewhere. I had to increase the font size just to read it. Can you at least align the text to the left instead of the middle and make it a little bigger?
Sorry to complain but I feel like my favorite toy’s been taken away.
I know what you mean. By the way, nobody is as dope as I because I’m fresh and clean.
Hey Khatzu,
I hate to complain, because I love your stuff. And you rock. But after the second update today, I now have the reverse problem as きのこ. It`s massive. I had to change the view text to smallest and it was still too much. Anyways, I use a PC, so I hope that helps. I actually liked the new look yesterday, though.
Sozzers, I have bad eyesight so the huge size is good for me. Maybe Khatz can find a middle ground? Here’s hoping.