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St. AJATT Plus Day: Join AJATT Plus Before The Great Price Hike…

People of the AJATT, hear me! As you may have guessed from my many inspirational posts, I am a deeply pious man. And right now is a time of year of great religious significance. A time to celebrate. A time to reflect. A time to gather with loved ones and break bread. The most wonderful time of the year. I refer, of course, to Saturnalia.

Yes, AJATTeers, Saturnalia, the winter solstice festival of my Roman ancestors, is upon us. And what better way to start celebrating Saturnalia, than to give back to you, my public, you who have loved me so much and so unconditionally. 1

“What is it, Uncle Khatzumoto?!
What is it you want to give to us,
we who have loved you so much and so unconditionally?!”, you inquire inquisitively…

Do you really want to know, or are you just being nice?
‘Coz…we don’t have to do this if you don’t have time…Right now I’m just playing self-indulgent games with words. Maybe you have other stuff to take care of.

…No? OK then. Here it is…

Drum roll…

AJATT Plus Last Chance Saturnalia Sale

The AJATT Plus
Last Chance
Saturnalia Sale

As all of you are no doubt already aware, there’s this thing called AJATT Plus. It started in April of this year, and has rapidly grown into the hottest thing since being a hot thing was invented. You can’t go to any hate site without hearing excited talk of AJATT Plus and how it’s healing the sick.

For those of you not yet in the know, AJATT Plus is:

  • followed by the word “Plus”

It’s AJATT for the serious AJATTeer. AJATT for the AJATTeer who wants to grow thick, lush, Sean Connery-level linguistic hairs on her chest. Where the regular AJATT site you see here is more high-level and strategic, AJATT Plus is more grounded and tactical, typically focusing on the latest information and techniques. Not only that but you get a sweet forum full of intelligent, helpful people AND awesome, natural Japanese translations of your beloved AJATT articles. AJATT Plus also includes all kinds of premium information on how to do all kinds of grown-up stuff, like using Japanese for business purposes.

Current hot topics on AJATT Plus include:

  • MCDs (Massive-Context Cloze Deletion Cards) – a powerful SRS technique that has supplanted “10,000 sentences”, and
  • “How To Get Into the Japanese Translation Industry” – a self-explanatory guide to, essentially, getting paid for your AJATT awesomeness no matter where you live.

Hundreds of people are already getting thinner, prettier and smarter all because they clicked on a couple of links and joined AJATT Plus. It’s like magic. No…that’s false advertising. It is magic. Actual supernatural powers combine like in Captain Planet…AJATT Plus is like a Saturnalia miracle that happens every day you’re a member of it.

Which is why, ladies and germs, to commemorate the start of the actual Saturnalia season, this Last Chance Sale offers you a chance, a last chance, to join AJATT Plus at the insultingly, hatefully, criminally low price of $9.95 a month (that’s about 33 cents per day — less than a pack of Skittles).

The sale is good through December 12. I chose this date because it’s exactly two months and one day after my little big sister’s birthday. Do the math[s]. Yes, September 11 is my little big sister’s birthday. And, no, I don’t think it’s my fault that I made her cry by pointing that out 9 years straight; if she would just exercise some basic self-control over her tear ducts, everything would be fine.

Anyway, yeah…the price is going up to like $13.13 or $18.12 or $19.95 or something…whatever seems most ludicrous and offensive, allowing AJATT Plus to expand its horizons for you to infinity and beyond, including more multimedia content.

Oh, don’t look at me like that. Don’t come here with your self-righteous “I can’t believe you made your own sister cry; I don’t make unnecessary references to ancient pagan festivals or make my sister cry” BS. You know what? You’re nothing but a…valued customer.

So, kids, ye few, ye wretched few, ye who have not yet tasted the sweet, sweet privilege of AJATT Plusology…come get your AJATT Plus right now — at a lower price — while you still can. Take advantage of the AJATT Plus Last Chance Saturnalia Sale, because, as fellow Roman Charles Barkley once said: “there will be no rebound”.

Seriously though, the price is going up so hurry on up and join in; if you’ve been thinking about it, now’s your chance. This is it. Your last chance at happiness. And in less than a week, it’ll all be gone: never again will AJATT Plus cost less than a tenspot. Those days are numbered. Come, then. Choose happiness.

Ye few. Ye happy few. Ye band of brothers and/or she-brothers. For he today that joins AJATT Plus with me shall be my brother and/or she-brother. And wusspots sitting on the fence, shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here, and hold their (wo)manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that joined with us upon the AJATT Plus Last Chance Saturnalia Sale. Day.

December 12 is when it ends. It starts today. Take a stand. Act early. Make it happen.

Catch you on the plus side 😉 ,


Monthly subscription
(33¢ per day)
Click here to find out more about AJATT Plus before you subscribe.
Read the first impressions of a recent new member (Mikotoneko) here.

Six-month subscription
(28¢ per day)
Click here to find out more about AJATT Plus before you subscribe.
Read the first impressions of a recent new member (Mikotoneko) here.

Annual subscription
(24¢ per day)
Click here to find out more about AJATT Plus before you subscribe.
Read the first impressions of a recent new member (Mikotoneko) here.

PS: If you’re not sure about whether or not to join AJATT Plus…join anyway. Try it out. You can always get a refund (check out The Amazing AJATT Fo’ Shizzle 100% Refund Guarantee).

PPS: If you’re still not sure enough to even try…don’t. I mean, it’s good, but not “spend time worrying about it” good 😀 . All us hundreds of of AJATT Plusers will just have to enjoy ourselves without you.

PPPS: Seriously, if you’re not sure, don’t join. My aim is not to try to get you to do something you don’t want to do; that’s not what this is about; that’s not how I roll.

P4S: OK, that’s a lie — that is how I roll, but only around women and elderly people, because it makes them buy me candy. So if you’re a woman, or elderly…or an elderly woman…than please please please please please pretty please join AJATT Plus.


  1. You figure I would have stopped talking like this around the end of the first paragraph, but it’s never quite that simple here at AJATT, is it?

  13 comments for “St. AJATT Plus Day: Join AJATT Plus Before The Great Price Hike…

  1. Doerai
    December 6, 2010 at 00:41

    So, I can’t wish for it as a christmas/saturnalia gift 🙁
    Maybe I can convince Santa Claus/(does saturnalia have an equivalent?) to come a little earlier…

    I think the “Just right” pack would be just right

  2. あんど
    December 6, 2010 at 00:50

    I like how if you so much as blink while reading this you totally miss the reason why the price is going up.

    Sounds pretty exciting for us thin, handsome people who are already a part of AJATT Plus!

  3. December 6, 2010 at 02:38


    After reading 読んでいるあんどのコメントだけ、(ハ、レダンデンシー)、「Anyway, yeah…the price is going up to like $13.13 or $18.12 or $19.95 or something…whatever you seems most ludicrous and offensive, allowing AJATT Plus to expand its horizons for you to infinity and beyond, including more multimedia content.」って見せた。


  4. Mattholomew III, Esquire
    December 6, 2010 at 10:57

    I think you meant “on how to DO all kinds of grown-up stuff…” In the spirit of the Saturnalia, I would happily accept an AJATT Plus membership for my charitable editing deeds. I also accept vestal virgins and wax tablets. Thanks!

  5. December 6, 2010 at 11:41

    How much Cantonese content does AJATT have? I’m perfectly fine with my Japanese now, but that Canto…

    • December 6, 2010 at 11:42

      *AJATT Plus, I mean.

    • khatzumoto
      December 6, 2010 at 13:48

      Not yet…but that can change.

      Even if you choose to wait a bit before joining, do let me know what kinds of things would interest you. For example, do you like those mini-transcripts?

      • December 6, 2010 at 23:55

        I love the mini-transcripts. And just general, active discussion with people who are working their way up the Cantonese ladder but haven’t gotten very far. There’s a ton of Mandarin material out there, not so much Cantonese.

        Let me know when that happens, I’ll sign up right away (after I get paid in January).

    • あんど
      December 7, 2010 at 00:04

      There are actually quite a few people who are starting / have started to learn Cantonese over on the AJATT+, so you certainly wouldn’t be alone. 😉

  6. December 7, 2010 at 18:06

    Not like my opinion matters, or anything. lol But… I really liked the Cantonese mini-scripts as well, and I would agree that there wont be few learning Cantonese…

  7. December 8, 2010 at 14:14

    Oh jeeze, should I get The Moe Sentence Pack or AJATT Plus? When does the Moe Sentence Pack come out?

    • khatzumoto
      December 8, 2010 at 16:54

      AJATT+ members get stuff like the MoeSP (release date still TBD) at deep discounts or even completely free.

      Example: the Starter pack and the LARD audiobook were all (at one point) available to all AJATT+ members for free.

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