- The Prime Directive: Have fun.
- The Promise: I will not suck any more today than I did yesterday. I will not suck any more tomorrow than I do today. Every day, I will suck less. I will do this in a way that does not conflict with law # 1.
- The Path: Little and often. Start more times than you stop. Start more often than you stop. All while keeping the other laws.
If you take nothing else from this website, and I mean it this time, if you take nothing else…take these.
A patch already? Hopefully this’ll do something about that awful loading times.
This is BS, I didn’t buy the version with extra hard drive space so I can’t download the patch!
And the only deal is the Khatzu9000Drive which is 60 dollars! And they say this stuff is unnecessary?!
It’s a Khatzopoly!
As a loyal cult follower, may I suggest a renaming to ‘The Three Commandments of Language-Learning.’ I feel this will go over much better with the flock.
I think this will fit into with #1. Have an incentive to learn 🙂
I have a new way of starting more times than I stop: I get my watch to tell me when to start.
My watch beeps every hour. Everytime I hear the beep I do something in Swedish.
It’s great, I don’t even have to decide when to start, my watch does it for me. Sometimes I’ll just do SRS for a few minutes. Sometimes I’ll read websites. Sometimes I’ll watch TV. It may last a minute or an hour, so long as it’s fun.