- Books that are unread are just furniture. And not very good furniture, at that. Read them or get rid of them. Thus spake Khatzumoto… #
- RT @danielpwright
Japanese versions of Julie Andrews キタァァァァァー!!!
bit.ly/5nxF7r # - 「そ れ が私の好きな物おおお!」
bit.ly/5nxF7r # - As far as you’re concerned, a language isn’t for knowing at some idyllic point in the future. It’s a toy. It’s for playing with right NOW. #
- 複雑な社会現象に関する無根拠な意見の羅列 #
- Six. Magic. Words.
“If in doubt, throw it out”.
I’m thinking that where death or physical injury aren’t impending…this is great advice. # - Attempting to apply only the outer elements of AJATT without the inner psychology of “fun at all costs” tends to lead to pain…even for me. #
- In many ways it’s not so much that you apply a method as it is that you apply…yourself. Maybe all techniques come down to identity change. #
- Try taking pride in learning more than in knowing. Keep learning, and you’ll end up knowing anyway, quite by default. #
- Don’t be ashamed at the gaping holes in your knowledge. Just keep plugging them up instead. Shame often only displaces the will to plug. #
- 今からでも間に合う! #
- Learning the many uses of high-mileage words (akin to “get”) can be fun and uber useful.
Use timeboxing for traction.
bit.ly/7e3DhY # - You are a book processing centre. You turn ink into knowledge into action 😀
bit.ly/7SYE7q # - YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – ファンキーグラマラス Part2 feat KREVA bit.ly/7AD4oq #
- YouTube – Maximum the Hormone – [F] bit.ly/4YOWLx #
- YouTube – マキシマム ザ ホルモン 爪爪爪 bit.ly/7M1dF7 #
- YouTube – RHYMESTER – ブラザーズ bit.ly/5n4E4Q #
- Don’t let dog-breeders circumscribe your life for you: forever trying to appeal to “innate abilities”. Innate abilities to shut the heck up! #
- Japanese begins in the home.
Your Japanese will get good in direct proportion to how much it is a part of your private life. # - The amount of Japanese you do when no one’s watching will determine how much Japanese you can do when everyone’s watching. #
- “naturally gifted”, “talent”, “Chinese IQs are…higher”(sigh)…racialist excuses hurt the excuse-maker the most.
bit.ly/8zHqPS # - If in doubt, blame Japanese people’s proteins for the state of your Japanese. Then you won’t have to change your behavior. Airtight, baby. #
- If in doubt, use the age excuse. Now you have a problem that nothing short of a time machine can solve. Airtight, baby! #
- When you’re in Japan, blame it on being in Japan. When you’re in the US, blame it on being outside of Japan. Air-tizz-ight, baby! #
- Close every mental door and every mental window, and you will always win at excuse-making. Why change, when you can just be dismissive? 😀 #
- Excuses: Quick-acting. Long-lasting. #
- How’s this one? “Excuses: it’s what for dinner!” #
- “Got 言い訳?” #
- Fast, multi-pass reading is better than slow, single-pass reading.
You need to stay alert:
Only your attention can give the book meaning. # - 俺’m telling you, 犬awg, 此his 字haracterizer thing. It’s got the minerals.
bit.ly/58CnJl # - Learning a language is a lot like learning to use a computer. Just keep screwing around and you’ll get it eventually… #
- Read a dumb novel. No problem. Watch a dumb movie. No problem. But read a personal development book and suddenly it’s like: WHAT THE FWOAR?! #
- Learning a language is a lot like learning to use a computer. When you get good at it, everyone acts as if you were born knowing it. #
- 焼き芋キター! #
- 石や~きいも~ #
- Any sufficiently advanced ownage is indistinguishable from magic. #
- Computer geeks of all people should be above making excuses when it comes to learning meaningful skills. We have a powerful reference point. #
- A few AJATT psychology concepts: pygmalion effect, self-efficacy, self-fulfilling prophecy, placebo effect… #
- Personal development books don’t lend themselves to being read like textbooks — one book can’t do it all. The more variety, the better. #
- 「時間の制約が有る方が、有利に成る」
Amazon.co.jp: 一点集中力: 伊藤 真: 本 bit.ly/8aeLh7 # - Any Japanese person who is a jerk to you is almost certainly a jerk to other Japanese people as well. It’s not prejudice; it’s jerkery. #
- One of the most powerful books I’ve ever read.
Amazon.co.jp: 続ける力―仕事・勉強で成功する王道 (幻冬舎新書): 伊藤 真: 本 bit.ly/63CS6E # - Nothing conclusive yet, but there may be something to the listening-while-you-sleep thing. Thanks to the link-senders!
bit.ly/6GHEzF # - RT @necroichthus Surely assuming that jerkery is down to racism is a form 之f projected racism?
> Definitely. Methinks you’re onto something # - Nothing conclusive yet, but there may be something to the listening-while-you-sleep thing. Thanks to the link-senders!
bit.ly/74O4ph # - “SRS Addict”, Prince of SRSing, has his very own blog up now 😀
Supermemo Adventures bit.ly/7JFq0V # - Nothing conclusive yet, but there may be something to the listening-while-you-sleep thing. Thanks to the link-senders!
bit.ly/4BVLDt # - Surusu: backup in progress #
- Again: *not* conclusive.
“Strengthening 個ndividual Memories by Reactivating Them During 眠leep” Podcast 遇nterview
bit.ly/5AO7hf # - You’re SUPPOSED to suck a the beginning. Embrace the suckage. It won’t last forever. Maybe you’ll even miss it one day 😀 #
- “山藥 當歸 枸杞go!
山藥 當歸 枸杞go!”
YouTube – 周杰倫 Jay 本草綱目 Beng Cao Gang Mu KTV bit.ly/6KvNet
bit.ly/50fKJX # - YouTube – Smooth Opertaor-L-VOKAL Feat. Jamosa Prod by MAROK bit.ly/7kk3pa #
- It’s not like 日本人 are all: “let me assist you, my dear Yamato brother” to each other, and then you come along and 突然 it’s like: “テメー殺すぞ!” #
- Nothing conclusive yet, but there may be something to the listening-while-you-sleep thing. Thanks to the link-senders!
bit.ly/4BVLD # - YouTube – HotCha 小野蠻 bit.ly/4KBdbv #
- Whichever AJATT commenter put me onto L-Vokal is the dawg!
YouTube – L-VOKAL – 踏TEP UP feat.KREVA bit.ly/53IMcG # - [Kanji story] SHOAL: a place where WATER starts to have a DIFFICULT time…
灘 😀 # - The problem with grammar explanations is that they tend to impart more fear and confusion, than actual actionable information. #
- “”民eople who regard themselves as highly efficacious…produce their own future, 寧ather than simply foretell it.” — Albert Bandura #
- “吾’m 勿ot Asian, 吾 只nly try to be. ”
bit.ly/76kxCB # - 外國人講流利廣東話/普通話 bit.ly/4vopiC #
- ブラウザー的にはやっぱりクロームかな・・・ 最近の「火の狐」って凄んごい當てに成らないしね #
- 「 基本を大事にして繰り返し勉強する」
bit.ly/6Niv7H # - Hunch: if you just focus on absolutely nailing the simple, easy, toddler-level parts of a language, the rest takes care of itself. #
- Hunch: if you were to focus on learning all kinds of uses of super-high-mileage words like 掛ける, 当てる and 張る, you’d produce Japanese ownage. #
- You don’t actually have to go strain and learn complex vocabulary per se: playing in the “100-word kiddie pool” will give you what you need. #
- Look at this chap’s Cantonese: He doesn’t use complex vocabulary; he just uses simple vocabulary extremely well. bit.ly/4vopiC #
- So maybe what you want to be learning is a TON of combinations of the same relatively few words. From there, you can take on anything… #
- One thing that frequently shocks language learners is not how hard it is to express some idea in their L2, but how easy it is. #
- 「遣らなければ出来ない。だから毎日確り遣れよ」
bit.ly/6Niv7H # - 「学ぶ[=]真似る」 bit.ly/6Niv7H #
- 《『夢の大きさに比べて、日々の努力はきわめて「小さな事」の積み重ねです』
bit.ly/4WLBf8 # - I’ve always thought of using the SRS as a privilege, not a chore. #
- If there’s one ethnic group in the world that didn’t need Botox….
bit.ly/xKKvi # - Monolingual dictionaries actually PREVENT you from overstretching, forcing you into constant contact with the basics of a language. #
- Bilingual dictionaries actually hurt you in that they create a false sense of proficiency without a foundation. #
- With a monolingual dictionary, you kind of have to “earn” the big words: You have to understand the little words that explain/define them. #
- Sure, with a bilingual dictionary, you instantly learn big word X. But you have acquired no tools for circumlocuting it if need be. #
- Native-level speakers do not use more or bigger words than “foreigners”. They use small words elegantly. They have the basics down. #
- I can understand why some people dislike the SRS: because when it’s doing its job, it’s primarily reminding you of where you still suck. #
- SRS is a great form of traction. Fill it with boring stuff and it does turn into friction, though 😀 .
bit.ly/uBaZl # - [KANJI STORY]
put a BOW to someone’s EAR and that’ll soon *quell* his kafuffin!
弭 # - 日本をこよなく愛してるからこそ言うわよ。
好い加減 避妊薬使えよ、避妊薬を。
まあ少子化だけあって無責任な性生活も一種の社会貢献っか・・・ # - 少子化って言われても未だにサラリーマンの通勤電車が缶詰状態なんじゃないの?逆に少子化の儘で暫くの間続けて欲しいけど・・・ #
- Eat a hamburger? No problem. Drink soda pop? No problem. Eat a turkey? Tradition! Eat fruits and veggies? IT’S ORTHOREXIA! YOU NEED HELP! #
- With the time and energy you have right now, what is the smallest, tiniest possible thing you could do to help your Japanese?
Do it. # - Sometimes, I only have the energy to wash one cup. Hey, progress is progress; it’s no use getting picky 🙂
bit.ly/wXJdG # - No moment given to Japanese ever goes unrewarded. Not one second. It all adds up.
bit.ly/8MglFm # - No time spent on Japanese is ever wasted. It all gets added to the score, with or without your immediate awareness.
bit.ly/8MglFm # - The SRS schedules for you, but it cannot think for you. It is your responsibility as the user to delete bad cards. Garbage in, garbage out. #
- SRS: delete bad cards or they will delete you. As it were. #
- 夢の共演!
– DJ Hasebe feat Verbal and Bonnie Pink “Get out”
bit.ly/2Qzee # - ポアダ!ポアダ!ポアダ!
– Maximum The Hormone – [F] bit.ly/5zlmGt # - YouTube
– スガ シカオ / はじまりの日 feat.Mummy-D
bit.ly/6wGI4G # - SICKEST. Flow. Ever…
– [HD]KREVA – 中盤戦 feat. Mummy-D
bit.ly/wWDeK # - Don’t regret, just repair. #
- YouTube
– 【WoWa】 安室奈美恵
bit.ly/qHBMN # - While all the recursive lookups you have to do with a monodic take time, it is these foundation-building lookups that take you to ownage. #
- That monolingual dictionary’s initial slowness is not hurting you; it’s building your language muscles. #
- SRS: Having fun is often as simple as getting rid of boring things. #
- SRS: Either the bad cards go, or *Japanese* goes. You pick. #
- One of these days we’ll outgrow the whole “literate” = “reads boring novels by dead people” stereotype. #
- RT @TheoOliveira bit.ly/6YYRol #
- Hunch: there’s a correlation between the number of music videos you watch, and your level of Japanese ownage. Music vids are addictive, son! #
- YouTube
– 多和田えみ FLOWERS
bit.ly/vHeqr # - 「一流の人ほど基本を大事にしている」
bit.ly/7lF941 # - [Linkage]日本語 News Sites
bit.ly/6sOWlz # - 『夢の大きさに比べて、日々の努力はきわめて「小さな事」の積み重ねです』
bit.ly/7lF941 # - You’re not a foreigner. You’re a native speaker who was just out of the loop for a little while. Welcome home. #
- You’re not a foreigner. You’re a native speaker who was just out of the loop for a little while. Welcome home. #
- オライ(オライ)、OK(OK)、この調子で行って見ようぜい!
– 【フル】KREVA – 中盤戦 feat.Mummy-D
bit.ly/4ckz3L # - Quick fix for the personal development world: cut down on the seminars. Stick to books. Seminars produce more fans than thinkers and doers. #
- That feeling of relief at the thought of deleting that SRS card…is a sure sign that it needs to *go*. 😀 #
- The problem, of course, isn’t that people hold opposing views, but that they spend far more time defending them than examining them… #
- One of these days we’ll outgrow the whole “intellectually active” = “reads thick, boring novels by dead people” stereotype. #
- The truth doesn’t come out in the heat of argument, but in the light of silence — once at least one person has calmed the heck down. #
- I don’t think discourse really brings out truth as much as we think. I think it’s the detachment from discourse that brings out truth. #
- Maybe it’s that discourse feeds the insight…but, generally, not a lot of insight happens during the discourse itself… #
- YouTube
– Mellow Yellow “TOP ROCK”
bit.ly/5aNbj7 # - YouTube
bit.ly/5H75yq # - YouTube
bit.ly/6idki0 # - Lyrics: 中盤戦 feat.Mummy-D KREVA 歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/5hZj6y #
- “There is a 山ountain 之f 証vidence suggesting that spacing 学tudy 時ime leads to better memory 之f the material”
bit.ly/6rNMMZ # - Don’t try to be good. First just be. Then try to be better. Good will take care of itself. #
- YouTube
– 【フル】KREVA – 中盤戦 feat.Mummy-D
From the ablum [sic] 心臓
bit.ly/4QP4CU # - YouTube
– マキシマムザホルモン 恋のメガラバ PV
bit.ly/69L1UG # - SRS: If you would even consider deleting it then…it’s a goner. #
- Trick to reviving neglected SRS decks — start putting cooler stuff in there. Like, REALLY cool stuff. Like, “omigosh let’s SRS this!” cool. #
- You don’t make yourself watch a movie ten times. The movie makes you watch it ten times. The movie entertains *you*. That’s its job #
- If ever you find people who don’t believe in you, it’s just that they’re waiting for you to lead by example and believe in yourself first. #
- At some level, to get to native-level, Japanese has to stop being an interpersonal thing and become entirely selfish…entirely solipsistic. #
- As you begin to realize that Japanese rightfully belongs to you, you will naturally start doing whatever it takes to get it back. #
- That guilty, pleasant feeling you’re getting at the idea of deleting that SRS card, is the sign that it needs to go. #
- Regret and whining about age are both examples of “time-machine thinking”. Here’s a game — solve problems using existing machinery. #
- Regret sucks becuase it implies you were supposed to have had information you had no way of having until now. You did your best. Move on. #
- Great R&B sound
– 王力宏 – 心中的日月
bit.ly/6q9dO7 # - Regret sucks because it hurts the only person capable of turning the situation around: you 🙂 #
- Brian (aka B-star), an AJATTeer responsible for many of the best links I’ve shared, now has his very own blog: bit.ly/6iiTSa
チェケラチョー # - Some people may come tell you you suck. Relax. They’re not trying to get you to quit, they’re just testing your resolve. #
- When someone puts you down, laugh and assume that they’re some kind of Zen master testing you. It’s just a friendly challenge 😀 #
- Kreva does Prison Break
– [HD]KREVA – 中盤戦 feat. Mummy-D
bit.ly/8BjMLx # - Some people will refuse to speak their language to you until your ownage is overwhelming. 無問題. Consider it a friendly challenge. #
- That feeling of relief you’re getting at the mere thought of deleting that SRS card, is a sure sign that it needs to go! #
- There is only one way to get better: shut up and get better :)~ #
- ヤッバっ。英語が母語じゃないって言われちゃった。
tl.gd/156ju # - 「多麼想幻化成為妳腳下的泥」”How I wish I could turn into the mud beneath your feet…”
That is some whippage right there 😀
bit.ly/6q9dO7 # - Perfectionists: NEVER try to do it right the first time. The first time’s not for doing it right; the first time’s for doing, period. #
- There is no shame in ignorance. Only in increasing ignorance. #
- There is no shame in ignorance. Only in permanent ignorance. #
- Japanese belongs to you. Are a couple of punks with runny mouths going to get between you and your birthright? 😀 #
- To be a language all-star, you don’t have to have mad skillz. All you need do is stay on the court. #
- In learning a language, to stay in the game is to win the game. #
- Every language has features that would seem to make it humanly impossible to learn. But every language gets learned. #
- There is no magic. Keep dripping away. Keep improving my ridiculous tiny increments, and you will win. Math is on your side. #
- This waterproof household mp3 player is rocking my world a bit 😀 Let no kitchen or bathroom go unAJATTed!
bit.ly/6RONCW # - Just because anything can be SRSed, that doesn’t mean everything should be SRSed. Relax. Have fun. #
- Regret and whining about age are both examples of “time-machine thinking”. Either shut up, or get started making that time machine already! #
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