- Better something than nothing. Better more than less. Better fun than "good for you". Better now than later. #immersion #
- Playing is fundamental. Play is *the* fundamental. Only people with a solid foundation in play can actually do the serious stuff. #
- With persistence, almost any method will get you "there". Without it…nothing will. #
- Beginning to think that the single biggest obstacle preventing most people learning languages is fear of shame/uncoolness. #
- You don't even have to *remove* fear of shame (#FoS), if you just have/build a desire that supersedes FoS, you will win. #
- When you get over #FoS you become unstoppable. You're willing to anything — which is precisely what you need to do. #immersion #
- Pretending to be Japanese is just a tool for discarding #FoS since: how can a Japanese person be ashamed of acting Japanese? 😀 #
- @veritech Know exactly what you mean. It must be that many people have learned to enjoy *not* being seen as outcasts. in reply to veritech #
- Embarrassed about your language habit? Well, you're ugly and no one likes you anyway. Might as well do some #immersion #MajorPayneStyle 😛 #
- YouTube – NMA 2010.05.22 動新聞 4人肉毒桿菌中毒 又傳豆乾惹禍 bit.ly/d3dXWo #
- YouTube – HALCALI/芝生 feat.谷川俊太郎 bit.ly/bTVOFg #
- YouTube – リップスライムとくるり – ラヴぃ bit.ly/bYykkI | This song (whole album actually) blew me away… Rip Slyme FTW. #
- YouTube – リップスライムとくるり – ラヴぃ bit.ly/bYykkI –> ablum of the song: amzn.to/a727JY #
- You can get a lot more done in 1 minute than you may think. #timeboxing #birthline #justdone #justgetstarted #
- @ivanmeredith another SurusuEnhancements idea: enabling accesskeys on the "add card" page, just like on the Q/A pages? 😀 #
- 「脳は大きな目標を一度に達成するよりも、目標を細切れにして、段階を一段ずつ上がって行く事で成長して行きます」 amzn.to/aNxwzN #timeboxing #
- 守り人シリーズ – Wikipedia " 精霊の守り人" bit.ly/cEAL2K #
- YouTube – BlogTV #48 伊藤穰一 ゲイツ&ジョブズを語る Bill Gates Steve Jobs 2of2 bit.ly/cqzBIb #
- YouTube – Joey Yung (容祖兒) – 心花怒放(KTV) bit.ly/90fbSH #
- "Your newborn should be nursing 8~12x/day" | Interesting to think of this in terms of language contact frequency bit.ly/bl2eaJ #
- while ( breathing ) {
anything = rand(1, INF);
if ( possible(anything) )
} # - while ( breathing ) { anything = getAnyThing(rand()); if ( possible(anything) ) doJapanese(anything); } #
- Never sit down to work with the intention of doing a lot of work. #timeboxing #SRS #
- Wikipedia "二・二六事件(ににろくじけん)" bit.ly/ceaZgC #
- 「大きな薬缶は沸くのに時間がかかるから」"Big kettles take a long time to boil" amzn.to/clXXFS #
- 「《結果を見ないと結果が見えて来る》
amzn.to/9iWS3C # - Native speech is so, you know…what have you… circuitous and, like, redundant and repetitive…and staccato and…and…vague #
- 「特に文章が得意な方や文筆を本表とされている方ほど、ブログを書くのに戸惑い、書くのに時間が掛かり、書けば長文になりガチなのは皮肉な事です。」昔の@mineralkを思い出させる言葉だな。今じゃ確りと良質なブログ=コンテンツを量産してるけどね(^^)。 #
- 「特に文章が得意な方や文筆を本業とされている方ほど、ブログを書くのに戸惑い、書くのに時間が掛かり、書けば長文になりガチなのは皮肉な事です。」昔の@mineralkを思い出させる言葉だな。今じゃ確りとブログ書いてるけどね(^^)。http://amzn.to/c3BcPP #
- 会社での正しい言葉遣い・敬語 bit.ly/9jpckk | via @Tkyosam #
- 「まだ見えぬ成功に向け、目的意識を強く持ち、
amzn.to/9bKzjM # - Anyone can give attention to a project after it's obviously succeeding. The trick is to be giving attention to projects before that stage. #
- Any fool can give attention to a project after it's obviously succeeding. The trick is to be giving attention to projects before that stage. #
- You want to be lovingly watering those seeds long before you ever see any shoots. #immersion #
- Just because your Japanese skills are invisible, that doesn't mean they don't exist. They'll surface in their own time. #immersion #
- Occasionally your belief in yourself needs to exceed the immediately available evidence. This is where people start to think you're crazy 😛 #
- Sometimes your level of action needs to exceed the immediately visible returns. This is where people start telling you to stop wasting time. #
- In a way, "AJATT" is basically this book — amzn.to/azkULc — repeated several times for broader/full fluency. #
- YouTube – 175R SAKURA bit.ly/bsezSV #Japanese #punk #ska F T W #
- 自然発生説 – Wikipedia bit.ly/afGWQE #
- Generally, no reasonable person will ask you to believe beyond "the" facts, but you do often have to believe beyond *your* facts. #
- A language is software, and it runs on any human hardware as long as it gets installed all the way. #
- How to Turn Rikaichan into a J-J tool. bit.ly/cUCqwl | via #ajattplus #
- 人工多能性幹細胞 – Wikipedia bit.ly/ax0DTO #
- 現代用語の基礎知識 " iPS細胞" bit.ly/bJhZxy #
- ヒートアイランド – Wikipedia bit.ly/a5KBe6 #
- @bri_tyan 【「人間が人間のために作ったから、あなたは人間の脳を持ってるなら使えるはず。」】→実はうちの母ちゃんもお兄様と一字一句全く同じこと言ってますよ。二人とも本でも共著で書けばいいと思う(笑)。まさに金言です。 in reply to bri_tyan #
- Playground : 戰傷版未來戰士, 敢死隊錢箱, 大富翁提款機 – MSN 流行國度 bit.ly/b6ZpCm #
- You'll often find that it's more important to get things started than to get them right. #
- Where is your ownage? Still below the surface, where it's supposed to be. Now shut up get back to watching cartoons! 😛 #
- "don’t understand enough of the language yet[?] WELL YA! you haven’t done any reading[!]" bit.ly/dlvQz1 #
- マーガレット・チョー – Wikipedia bit.ly/bp6pMA #
- "京都大学教授 カール・ベッカー氏" bit.ly/8ZwfEU #
- 京都大学こころの未来研究センター "教授 カール ベッカー (Carl Becker)" bit.ly/bJG2Pi #
- サイロン・レイダー – Wikipedia "宇宙空母ギャラクティカ" bit.ly/dlvXAy #
- "漢字復活とは、もともとは漢字文化圏にあったが漢字廃止論により漢字をいったん破棄した国の漢字を見直す機運を指す" bit.ly/cG9Rak #
- "西暦1491年―先コロンブス期アメリカ大陸をめぐる新発見" amzn.to/bZp2zx #
- 文匯網 – 文以載道,匯則興邦 bit.ly/bGlVcL #
- “It always seems impossible until it's done." | Nelson Mandela
bit.ly/dd61iV # - 陳慧琳/Kelly Chan — 知我莫問 #Cantonese cover of Natasha Bedingfield's "Unwritten" bit.ly/9t4Z3G #
- 梁家輝"黑金"精彩演出(上) Tony Leung Ka Fai in "Island of Greed" bit.ly/aVJ7Ft | My fave scene from this movie, starts at 2:11 #
- YouTube – 梁家輝-舊歡如夢 "梁家輝" bit.ly/aPLcG0 | More Leung Ka Fai hilarity starts at 1:27 😀 #
- YouTube – Time Erases Everything 「Steady&Co. 」 bit.ly/d74XA7 #
- YouTube – Steady & Co – Stay Gold bit.ly/djrYk9 #
- YouTube – Steady & Co. — 春夏秋冬 bit.ly/byY7aY #
- One way to view your Japanese is as a series of short, domain-specific journeys, instead of one journey toward overall fluency. #
- YouTube – 椎名林檎 闇に降る雨 bit.ly/aoHyRi #
- チュクチ – Wikipedia bit.ly/bbwRid #
- トナカイ – Wikipedia bit.ly/aPTAdl #
- イヌぞり – Wikipedia "犬橇" bit.ly/aW6M50 #
- YouTube – 齊來支持2012政制方案 bit.ly/9oN1tS #
- (爆笑)RT @NEWS_0: 日本語が難しいんじゃなくて、お前がバカなだけ bit.ly/agQM1X #
- MangaHelpers
bit.ly/9CcnXf | For those of you living outside Japan, beyond the reach of our pub/distribution networks? # - MangaHelpers – Manga Scanlations, Translations, Downloads, Forums and Community Website bit.ly/9CcnXf #
- YouTube – m-flo 『Quantum Leap』 bit.ly/aFXXRB #
- YouTube – m-flo loves Crystal Kay / REEEWIND! bit.ly/boIs07 #
- YouTube – ORELSAN – Soirée Ratée – LE CLIP! bit.ly/aC1jaT #
- YouTube – [PV]マキシマムザホルモン-ぶっ生き返す!! bit.ly/9dtCbg #
- YouTube – [PV]マキシマムザホルモン-恋のメガラバ bit.ly/bzxRYS #
- 「量が質を連れて来る」|野崎美夫| amzn.to/9Vlqn2 #
- 量をこなす、質を上げる(2)【サムスル 渡邉裕晃:社長ブログ 【時の運と人の縁を極める日々の記録】】 "「量をこなすことで質をあげることができる」" bit.ly/cyJTGy #
- 薄井伸一 – Wikipedia "『一番大切な人の怒らせ方』に架空の東京東海大学言語学教授・碑文谷潤(ひもんや じゅん)として出演" bit.ly/8Xy3uH #
- ジネディーヌ・ジダン
bit.ly/9zxsQH # - The only wrong way to learn Japanese is to give up. #
- Learning Japanese through pain and boredom is only "wrong" in that it makes you want to give up. If you like pain, go for it 😀 #
- WOWtv bit.ly/cKnlrR #
- I guess learning Japanese through pain and boredom is also "wrong" in that there'll be a lot of brain function impaired… 😛 #
- YouTube – NMA 2010.05.26 動新聞 蜜月運毒 7台客紐西蘭被捕 bit.ly/cXfY9P #
- LAUGHING GOR 之變節 Part1 bit.ly/9rFDPP | This movie is actually really boss. Great job making triad/undercover fresh… #
- LAUGHING GOR 之變節 bit.ly/9rFDPP | This film really shows that it's not subject matter that counts; it's the storytelling… #
- LAUGHING GOR 之變節 bit.ly/9rFDPP | Before seeing this, I was really getting on HK movies' case, like: "ENOUGH COP MOVIES ALREADY!" 😀 #
- 知我莫問——陳慧琳_在線視頻觀看_土豆網視頻 影視 bit.ly/aQLZ9e Yay! The music video! #
- I thought that "無間道" would remain the unequaled, unthreatened peak of undercover cop movies. 「Laughing Gor之變節」and 「門徒」proved me wrong 😀 … #
- Take the highway, the bus, backroads, the train, whatever. In the end, it doesn't matter what methods you use to learn Japanese. #
- 『「何かいい方法を知っても、なぜ実行できないのか?」
amzn.to/dbPCc4 # - @e_dub_kendo Hehehe. Definitely. Speaking of which, you should blog about the kendo mod so I can link to it! 😀 in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- "Perfectionism doesn't make anything perfect. " bit.ly/dvORO9 #
- "Perfectionism doesn't make anything perfect". Very true. In fact, perfectionism doesn't make anything…period. Except stress 😛 #
- "Embrace what is less than perfect, and make it work for you by having fun." bit.ly/dvORO9 #
- "Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute." #timeboxing bit.ly/aGRMQm #
- "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." bit.ly/cy4MM8 #
- 実証主義 – Wikipedia
bit.ly/c6Uytw # - フランシス・フクヤマ – Wikipedia bit.ly/bcMBpR #
- 法蘭西斯·福山 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/d0asFc #
- YouTube – 宮崎哲弥「読めない名前、社会的に不便な名前には改名権を」 bit.ly/cx9vAM | だから~、こういった「読みの多様性」こそ、日本語の醍醐味であり、日本語ならではのチャームポイントだっつーの!(^^)。 #
- "Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
#timeboxing #JustDoOne
bit.ly/aIt0Nf # - あいぱっど : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/c6MyQR #
- The only wrong way to learn Japanese is to give up. The only way to give up is to not start or re-start. #
- Lazy Kanji + Mod (or what I’ve been up to) – Three Pounds Flax bit.ly/bkO5zb #
- 比例代表制 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cx4L7d #
- The only way to give up is to not start or re-start. So every start is a victory. #
- "Just remember that the SRS is a tool for growth, not a means of proving how good you are." | Darmawan of #ajattplus #
- 福娘童話集 -世界と日本の童話・昔話集- bit.ly/agBz0D | Japanese children's stories (with audio) | Thx J-star! #
- 三匹の子ブタ イギリスの昔話 <福娘童話集 きょうの世界昔話> bit.ly/aCjmIa | "Three Little Pigs" in #Japanese with audio #
- "getting stuff wrong is a good thing: it means that you've identified a gap in your knowledge" | Darmawan on #SRS (via #ajattplus #
- Yahoo!辞書 – 国語・類語・英和・和英の無料辞書サービス bit.ly/c9cfOD #
- 三省堂 Web Dictionary 辞書検索 bit.ly/cEDD7A #
- 漢字文化圏 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aNhoyv #
- YouTube – 酒井法子 唱 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你 bit.ly/cJPcjk #
- 酒井法子 – Wikipedia "東アジア(台湾、香港、中華人民共和国など)では日本での活躍以上の絶大な人気を誇り、中国語歌唱による楽曲も発表している。" bit.ly/beVbZk #
- Nemoは行くよ! "日本語学習者に学ぶ外国語を学ぶ楽しさ" bit.ly/dtMRxI #
- "Nothing human is foreign to us." | Edward G. Robinson
bit.ly/byHhVl # - "“Word Ownage” meter."
bit.ly/7SYE7q # - "the brain requires far more exposure to a word to recall than it does to recognize." | Peeled Cucumber bit.ly/7SYE7q #
- No one in all of human history has been born comprehending the text of any language. Why were you supposed to be the first? #
- 「プライマー」 amzn.to/aU6j7B #
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