- 旅行広東語会話 – 広東語辞書JCanExpress – bit.ly/9QOVkQ #
- がり勉とは – はてなキーワード "がり勉にいそしむ児童を白眼視するキャンペーンが張られた。" bit.ly/cZO8kb #
- "You can bet Michael Jordan practices…because he loves shooting hoops, not because he wanted…a championship ring. " bit.ly/8jLUCo #
- Language proficiency as a metaphor for video game proficiency
bit.ly/d4zNEF # - 買一送一Photoshoot. bit.ly/dwhUn3 #
- "repetition…is not [s]imply repetition. Because each time I repeat, I…have…[a]…new [u]nderstanding" bit.ly/9PwPbh #
- YouTube – 成龍大哥教戒煙 bit.ly/9HRd32 #
- YouTube – 戒煙經歷分享(蘇施黃) bit.ly/dvJsRf #
- Do more than nothing and less than perfect. #immersion #
- You can't start bonfires if you think matches are a waste of time. Value your small steps. Take the small steps. #immersion #
- 科學人雜誌網站 "打造雲端上 另一個台灣奇蹟" bit.ly/9Hpbxs #
- 甲骨文公司 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 "甲骨文股份有限公司(NASDAQ:ORCL,Oracle)是全球大型資料庫軟體公司" bit.ly/bNPEdo #
- Chill. The only language-learning method that's bound to fail is the one where one makes no contact with the language. #
- If you open more books, you'll read more. Focus on opening more books more times. #immersion #reading #
- If you truly love Japanese, then you will #delete the boring cards that threaten to drive you and Japanese apart. #SRS #
- [The absurdity of] accepting limits bit.ly/bkrFtL #
- what makes it hard isn't the language itself, it's
the mindset of people trying to learn it. | アメド # - "If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking." bit.ly/anPjxW #immersion #
- The one sure-fire way to never become literate in the L2 is to keep avoiding L2 text. #
- ハイディ・モンタグ、整形後の顔をTVで初披露:ハリウッド・セレブ・ニュース
bit.ly/9YITiS | You people thought I was kidding about #trash I am not joking. # - "ネイティブを凌駕する表現能力をつけることも夢ではありません。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- In my experience, if you touch Japanese right on waking up in the marnin', the rest of the day +/- handles itself. #
- YouTube – 開卷八分鐘20100610 — 《真的不用讀完一本書》 bit.ly/bHDGEZ | #Chinese book show | Thx WB! #
- NHKオンライン bit.ly/bSoj61 #
- "小川 直也(おがわ なおや、男性、1968年3月31日 – )は、日本のプロレスラー、総合格闘家。元柔道選手(五段)でバルセロナオリンピック銀メダリスト。" bit.ly/aTpnKz #
- YouTube – Very Funny Korean commercial ! bit.ly/dzaPbN #
- Hunch: if we can basically get a "Skinner Box" effect going with Japanese, then we'll learn it whether we want to or not! #
- "ソ連解体後の現在でもロシア語は方言差が殆どない大言語としても知られ、移民で成立した国に方言に差がない代表例である。" bit.ly/a7cMro #
- @zhongruige Oooh! Nice one! Saves you a few $ as well 😀 in reply to zhongruige #
- Human beings will naturally learn any language given the appropriate conditions. Your only "work" is to prepare these conditions. #
- You don't have to "learn" a language. All you have to do is set up conditions whereby the language can't not be learned. #
- 牛海綿状脳症対策特別措置法
bit.ly/a56Dtu # - "stop *trying* to learn and *let* your brain do the work" bit.ly/d9vP2F #
- YouTube – 人を怒らせる方法 「もらい捨て」 bit.ly/9vRpm6 | via #ajattplus #
- Amazon.co.jp: 人の怒らせ方: DVD amzn.to/9PNb8J #
- YouTube – 人を怒らせる方法 「放棄」 bit.ly/aqgNae #
- You're always learning a language. The only question is which one. #
- "人口減少時代の日本は、移民一千万人計画に基づく移民の受け入れや、留学生三十万人計画に基づく留学生の受け入れなど正門から入れる道を広げる一方で、裏門から潜り込もうとする外国人を徹底的に取り締まらなければならない。" bit.ly/cXgcPl #
- SAKANAKA CHANNEL:移民国家の理念 11 "正しく入ろうとする外国人には門戸を大きく開き、不正にすり抜けようとする外国人には水も漏らさぬ態勢で臨む。"
bit.ly/cXgcPl # - "産業界は低賃金で外国人労働者を雇用したいと望んでいるようであるが、それは絶対にダメだ。" | SAKANAKA CHANNEL:移民国家の理念 11
bit.ly/cXgcPl # - "出入国管理が十分に機能しなければ、移民政策に対する国民の理解も得られない。もし、日本人の外国人像が犯罪やテロといった負の要素と結びつけば、移民の受け入れは頓挫してしまう。" | 移民国家の理念
bit.ly/cXgcPl # - "また、移民にアパートを貸さないというようなことはあってはならない。" bit.ly/dkroHT #
- YouTube – 吳雨霏 Kary X Hardpack 耳王十四一心 [MV] bit.ly/cVYFtg #
- 吳雨霏.Hardpack – 耳王十四一心 | 小奧堅詞
bit.ly/9vVP3A # - 再推Google Chrome有趣擴展程序 – [ 科技區 ] →★電腦腦中心★← – 下一站…紅磡 – Powered by Discuz! "不過當然也有一個bug,那就是這個程序是可以被直接關閉或者卸載的" bit.ly/9FH1Yc #
- "StayFocusd是一個限制、管理你上網時間的Chrome拓展" bit.ly/bvPAkS #
- 日本の伝統色 和色大辞典 – Japanese Color Names and hex values 😀 bit.ly/caeilw | via #ajattplus #
- 緒形拳 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cZaqmC #
- It doesn't matter how small the action is. As long as you repeat it enough times, you'll get big results. Frequency is quantity. #
- "「ネイティブに誉められたら自殺しろ」" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- モスト オブ ユア・・・ローションズ? bit.ly/90pLea #
- "Success is how you collect your minutes." bit.ly/bqEOqU
bit.ly/d4iILu # - WIRED VISION – “明るい”未来を考えるニュースサイト bit.ly/8tyUu9 #
- モホロビチッチ不連続面 – Wikipedia bit.ly/dAy85R #
- "まずは2ちゃんを「嗤う」リテラシーを身につけなくてはならない。" bit.ly/a21Mrk #
- You're only awake for about 960 irreplaceable minutes per day. Why insist on spending these 60 at a time? Why not 1, 2 or 3? #timeboxing #
- @e_dub_kendo 最後の「イッチ」抜けてるぞ(^^)「Mohorovičić」だから。確認しといて ハハ むずいっしょ、東欧の名前?(笑)まあ、結局「不慣れ」の問題に過ぎないんだけど・・・
bit.ly/dAy85R in reply to e_dub_kendo # - Whenever you think of doing something righteous and complex…cut your expectations in half, and then start on 0.001% of that… #
- "大腦暗能量
在我們發呆恍神時,大腦中有一些區域 卻依然活躍,那裡可能藏著了解神經疾病、甚至 意識本質的關鍵線索。
撰文╱賴可(Marcus E. Raichle)
翻譯/涂可欣" | 科學人雜誌網站 bit.ly/bskefA # - 科學人雜誌網站 "腦部在休息時仍有持續的背景活動" bit.ly/bskefA #
- A lot of our problems are caused by our desire to FINISH quickly. Screw finishing. Don't finish now — *start* now. #
- La Pacifica bit.ly/9wZpc0 | The most amazing 英会話 on Earth (they practice "AEATT") | via #ajattplus #
- ウォーターシップ・ダウンのうさぎたち – Wikipedia "この物語のウサギたちは典型的な架空の動物物語に比べると、面白いことにあまり擬人化されておらず、習性や身体的能力は現実のうさぎに近い。" bit.ly/caNFij #
- Never force yourself to do Japanese. Just make it impossible to not do it. Don't change your behavior, change your environment. #
- MHK魔王放送協会:「ダーリンは外国人」を読んだ外国人の感想 – livedoor Blog(ブログ) bit.ly/dal8xY #
- At every turn, simply choose the easiest, funnest [:D] Japanese thing you can do. #immersion #
- If people did their cigarette-smoking like they do their study and work, they wouldn't get much smoking done #timeboxing #
- カシの木も初めはみなドングリ | "Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow"
bit.ly/98Q4mr # - If people conducted their TV-watching like they conduct their study and work, they wouldn't get much TV-watching done #justDoOne #
- 利息制限法施行令 bit.ly/aGZxE8 #
- Adults go into the game trying to not lose face. Kids go into the game trying to have fun. Guess who wins both victory and face? #
- PLの塔 – Google 検索 bit.ly/9djuZR #
- Amazon.co.jp: ルールズ: 本 amzn.to/cpR4mB #
- 「フェッセンデンの宇宙」 amzn.to/bpFGMO #
- フェッセンデンの宇宙 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9riyfY #
- ヘンリー・カットナー – Wikipedia bit.ly/bY4UMO #
- C・L・ムーア – Wikipedia bit.ly/9ZleWe #
- Wow. Talk about mindset. | "one-legged golfer Manuel de los Santos finds the perfect balance to his game." bit.ly/acGtSg #
- 岡田斗司夫のひとり夜話【GyaOジョッキー】|無料動画 GyaO![ギャオ]|バラエティ・スポーツ bit.ly/aqq2h7 #
- If people ate ice-cream the way they try to study and work, ice-cream consumption would be down like watership (wth?) #
- Gene Kranz 地上管制官 – Google 検索 bit.ly/c1iSYW #
- Where do you start?
Wherever you can.
On whatever's easiest for you.
As long as you're making progress, you're winning. # - ブログ – Wikipedia bit.ly/cTWaUs #
- @ 倪小明香腸國日記 :: 痞客邦 :: "They all say Chinese is difficult, I think European langauges are more difficult." bit.ly/93QhrL #
- Don't be a hero. Don't do the right thing. Don't become better. Don't change yourself. Change your environment. #
- "香港に住んでいる必要はありません。とにかく聞いて聞いて聞きまくり、しっかりと頭に染み込ませることです。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- 蝗持ち込むなっつのw #feline #shenanigans #
- アップル – Apple TV bit.ly/8ZuH32 #
- Politeness ruining your L2LE [L2 Language Environment]? « A Place in Your Life bit.ly/aNAuR2 #
- Perhaps there is no such thing as true delayed gratification — only "instant gratification by other means". #
- Grammar is to a language as beta carotene is to carrots. It *seems* like a good idea to isolate it. Until the cancer… #
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