- @JSand4325 Which post was that again? Hit me with a link! 😀 in reply to JSand4325 #
- About to start digitizing my books here. I think this svc. is especially promising for all you overseas AJATTeers 😀 bit.ly/9c6ZWs #
- Would you deny yourself food *because* you were hungry? Then why would you give up on something *because* you currently suck? #
- [iPhone][無料] IP Messenger for iPhone | iPhone/iPod touch/iPadアプリ検索するなら BuzzApp! bit.ly/cGDdqV #
- エドワード・サイード – Wikipedia bit.ly/912hIa #
- 薩伊德 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/d2pnDr #
- "広東語を覚えるときでも全く同様です。何回も聞いて頭に染み込んでいれば、その頭の中の音に引っ張られて口が自然に動きますから、とても楽なのです。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- Valve Corporation – Wikipedia "Valve Software(バルブ・ソフトウェア)は、アメリカ合衆国のコンピュータゲーム製作及び他社多数のゲームを配信している会社。" bit.ly/cA5DBf #
- Don't be jealous of children. No one gets to inherit a language. We all earn it by exposure. Go expose yourself…Crap…wait. #
- CiNii – 罰なき社会 bit.ly/az9aN1 #
- Close Tabs to Left – Google Chrome 拡張機能ギャラリー Extensions
bit.ly/bZKPnU # - 電子本普及へルール作り…総務・経産・文科省 : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/9E1wcG #
- @sonsofloki Me neither >:| lol in reply to sonsofloki #
- "電子書籍では、アマゾンが1月、米国で販売価格の7割を著者に報酬として支払う事業モデルを発表し、印税が約1割にとどまる紙の書籍などのビジネスを脅かしつつある。" bit.ly/9E1wcG #
- "No product of human thought is inherently complex or incomprehensible." bit.ly/ax1t1K #
- "The difference between easy subjects & difficult ones can always be explained by representation & volume" bit.ly/ax1t1K #
- Woz is telling us that there are no easy/difficult subjects, only good/bad representations (e.g. too much info, too few steps) #
- 2 teachers. 1 subject. Radically different experiences. Why? B/c of how the info is being presented: granularity, sequence, quantity #
- アスペルガー症候群 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bDTbAb #
- ChromeRIL – A Read It Later Extension for Google Chrome « Read It Later Blog bit.ly/cmLwcL #
- Adobe信者「appleは敵対的で卑劣である。故にappleを不買運動を推進する」 by うるさい黙れ☆(ゝω・)つ bit.ly/cGvBHH #
- Apple社とAdobe社が喧嘩しているそうですが。| "MacではAdobe社にお世話になってると思うのですがどうなんでしょう?" bit.ly/cxjBfC #
- ジョブズ、iPhoneアプリの開発制限について直メールで回答
bit.ly/awIhVC # - 國語日報 ㄅㄆㄇ 發音練習 bit.ly/dj2nxt #
- YouTube – 大陸政協委員提案:恢復繁體字! bit.ly/9a9L5u #
- YouTube – 繁體字教育該不該恢復_1/5 bit.ly/cHT63L #
- @TheoOliveira It's not…that's…some direct Khatzumoto randomness right there 😛 in reply to TheoOliveira #
- YouTube – 繁體字教育該不該恢復_2/5 bit.ly/cXPSf4 #
- YouTube – 繁體字教育該不該恢復_4/5 bit.ly/a3VBMJ #
- Japanese Children's Books
"Science Comics / NHK Special: LIFE – A Long Journey over 4 billion years" bit.ly/aa3iyZ # - KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS – HIDEOBLOG bit.ly/bJGPrl #
- TBS RADIO podcasting 954 bit.ly/cgTu1b #
- 道産子女子高生のしゃべり場!まりもえお! bit.ly/drQSIk #
- 科學人電子雜誌給您完全不同的閱讀體驗! bit.ly/aKngug | Digital editions of Chinese-language "Scientific American" #
- 科學人電子雜誌給您完全不同的閱讀體驗! bit.ly/98SBtW | Looks like you can get individual issues as well… #
- @popeofdiscordia What episode was that? Or is it every episode? (I haven't started listening to it yet 😀 …) in reply to popeofdiscordia #
- YouTube – Japanese Get A Mac CM 9 Subtitled "Microsoft Office" bit.ly/agOOLv #
- NirCmd – Windows command line tool bit.ly/byJCAt #
- YouTube – Japanese Get A Mac CM 8 Subtitled "Steps" bit.ly/aH8DDl #
- Paper-based Japanese-Japanese dictionaries for children and "children" 😀 amzn.to/9vaLMC amzn.to/aNV3iP #
- "くたくたにくたびれて、ごろんと横になっていることしかできないような状態でも、テープを聞くことならできます。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- YouTube – 繁體字教育該不該恢復_5/5 bit.ly/9vGGBX #
- "How could I, a college graduate, fail to learn as much Spanish as…" bit.ly/aYftHA #
- "moving to a new country absolutely does not guarantee success in learning the language. " bit.ly/aYftHA #
- "how much exposure you receive is still up to you. " bit.ly/aYftHA #
- 世界をすくえ!リサイクラー! | Cartoon Network bit.ly/aFSXl4 #
- If you're getting distracted, it's not because something is wrong with you, it's because something is right with the distraction. #
- Figure out what's right about the structure of your distraction, copy it, and "serious" things can become as fun as distractions for you. #
- "brainstorming for new psychological locks and keys" | bit.ly/coBkQW | I love this man…:P #
- "Experience points" and leveling up instead of grades for class…my gosh. bit.ly/coBkQW #
- One thing the talk hasn't taken into account is random reward scheduling
bit.ly/coBkQW | bit.ly/aztLXt | bit.ly/akf1vj # - "IH-IHクッキングヒーターの電磁波は大丈夫!?" | ま~た瓦斯(ガス)側のデマかよw
bit.ly/9nkw52 # - @IvanMeredith I…don't…watch…PowerPuff Girls either. Nor have I ever been reduced to fits of ROFL by Mojo Jojo's verbosity… in reply to IvanMeredith #
- Don't wait for your good equipment to arrive before you start practicing. Start practicing now on the crappy gear. Habit > gear. #
- Practicing on crappy gear is infinitely more valuable than owning or awaiting good gear and doing 0 practice. #
- "しかし、もうすぐカラーが得意なiPadが発売される(Kindleは白黒のみ)。はたしてKindleとiPadは併存するのか、それともどちらかが他方を駆逐するのか。" bit.ly/bQpMnz #
- "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." bit.ly/9UM92E | Translation: if ya wanna learn anything, don't do boring crap #
- Never try to listen to Japanese 24hrs/day. Instead, listen to Japanese for 60 seconds at a time, 1440 times/day. Frequency > quantity. #
- Assuming 3m30s length, 1 day = 411 Japanese songs. #immersion #
- Each SRS card must have max only 1 new thing. 1 new word/idea. 1 tiny step outside where you are right now. 1. No more. #
- This goes for cloze deletions, too. Blot out max 1 word. I often blot out less than that (0.5~0.75 words). #
- The Movie Method bit.ly/cBLjoQ #
- If you can make time for "Farmville", you can make time to SRS. Treat SRS like "Farmville", not schoolwork. #
- SRS is a lot like "Farmville" in that if you don't go…the cards die. Plus there are weeds — crappy cards — to pull out. #
- @e_dub_kendo Don't add it. Just keep having fun. Keep getting exposed. Something will come along. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo I mean, that's why when you first start, you start with 1-word sentences…. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo 1 -word phrase. 何?then 何これ? then 何だ、これ? in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo xactly in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- Never do nothing now just because you can only do a fraction now. Do the fraction now, and save the rest for later. #
- 1 new thing at a time. Eat too much at once –> choke/vomit. Learn too much at once –> procrastinate/forget. #
- "Starting small is not a waste of time." Mark Victor Hansen #
- @e_dub_kendo For shizzle. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- Take tiny steps. Shuffle your way there. No leaps and bounds (they'll take themselves via compounding effects). #
- There is no "hard". There is only "needs smaller steps". #
- "…consider the metaphor of the stonecutter. How does he break open a giant boulder? He whacks it as hard as he (cont) tl.gd/22q136 #
- One way to view your Japanese is as a series of domain-local fluency journeys, instead of one journey toward overall fluency. #
- YouTube – Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening – Cruel Angel Thesis ( Multilanguage) bit.ly/duIu4t #
- YouTube – Evangelion OP Cantonese bit.ly/bSW1Mr #
- Never refuse to take a step just because you can't make an instant jump. We do this a lot, and it's dumb. #
- @tokidokinihongo How do you combat the boredom of boring TV shows? in reply to tokidokinihongo #
- Don't worry. You probably won't make it out of life alive. And probably you won't read every book you wanted to read. #
- Since your lifespan places a hard time limit on the number of books you can read, read the books you REALLY want to read. #
- Even with preloaded decks, you'll never SRS every sentence that exists in Japanese. So you might as well stick to the fun ones. #
- 劉德華電影全集【魔幻廚房】 – 56網視頻 bit.ly/9SLST3 #
- YESASIA : 魔幻廚房
bit.ly/beuD61 # - 「老鼠愛上貓」數碼修復版 – 56網視頻
bit.ly/9y05kl #Chinese #movie # - YouTube – 劉德華-包青天(老鼠愛上貓) bit.ly/bwqxow #
- 「特定のスキルを早く身に付ける効率的勉強法→当面はその分野の勉強だけをする 」http://amzn.to/b5kU8G #
- Nothing is "hard" to finish. It just needs a lot of starts. So, start. Then start again. And again… #
- 蘋果日報 bit.ly/c9jXCV #
- You don't need a plan. You just need to do something small. How many times have we planned something and then done *jack*? #
- Don't worry about how long or how much Japanese you do. Focus on how *often* you do it. Frequency = repetition = habit = destiny #
- How to disable QuickTime in Chrome | "Open chrome
go to …" bit.ly/b4UtPC | Useful for #Surusu audio # - 火星文 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/9uFCFi #
- Tools will not save you. Doing something small now, will. That media collection means 0 if we don't push "play" frequently. #
- I find it useful to learn names of L2 actors [helps you find more stuff you like]. I do it with this hack: bit.ly/cgX6x0 #
- YouTube – ICAC I Corrupt All Cops (金錢帝國) – Trailer bit.ly/abbin3 #
- YouTube – "I Corrupt All Cops" Trailer 金錢帝國 bit.ly/bIGs6d (WAY better quality…also bilingual subs, which is fun) #
- YouTube – Chandni Chowk To China (2009) Movie Trailer bit.ly/9pQHfq lol #
- There will never be a shortage of disabling excuses. We need to start finding enabling excuses instead. #
- "J-keyword Kanji" + Decremental Timeboxing bit.ly/ckY7N1 😀 nice #
- The Power of Passive Listening « 我輩はブリートである。http://bit.ly/dc0QVy #
- KANJIDAMAGE bit.ly/cb3XtT via @burritolingus #
- 「言ってはいけない!!危ないにほんご 」 via @burritolingus
amzn.to/cg32dm # - Beating yourself up and feeling like a chump won't learn you a language. Turning on your iPod will. Get up and walk on #immersion #
- YouTube – 你有冇搞錯呀 宜家算點呀 | わしょく 言葉 bit.ly/cQiiXB #
- J-STAGE [科学技術情報発信・流通総合システム] 電子ジャーナル 論文 bit.ly/dnUVHz #
- Don't try to do big things. Instead, repeat small things. #
- Repetition is the new speed. Do small things many times over. #immersion #SRS #
- Thoughts & notes "Introduction to Deliberate Practice" bit.ly/9ThThJ #
- Microsoft、タブレット型コンピュータ『Courier』の開発を中止 – japan.internet.com Webビジネス bit.ly/bP0XQn #
- faq-slashmeta – Slashdot Japan Wiki – SourceForge.JP "スラッシュドットについて" bit.ly/bPOm1G #
- Thoughts & notes "Points are the new money" bit.ly/cidMxA #
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